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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births. At 9, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, on the 30th nit. Mrs Greig of Ecdes, of a son, At Murrayfielu, on the 2d inst. Mrs James Law, of a daughter. At Roseville Cottage, Gatehouse, on the 22d ult. the Lady of William Campbell, Esq. of a son. At Trinity, near Edinburgh, on Christmas Day, the Lady of Captain Robert A. Wauch, of a son. 1VM arria-es. On the 181th ult. at Cameion, near Falkirk, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... P- At 2, Hl edersort 11,, Edahriebuil, on the 4th inst. Myrs Henry In glis, ofa nhe O h cr O thc 5th inst. nt t3iriin house, li jarovs-shirc, Mrs Lambe. of a son. he At Leven House, Renfoewshire, on t:-c; 7rh inst. the Lady of Lieutenant- It Colonel Williamin Fraser, of a San. o- On the 24tt1h lthino, tha wife orf th celebrated AfMian Traveller, Richard of Landers, of a son. At Govarll5Manee, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3iFrths- ly ve At Chathare, on tile 30th March, the Lady of J. M. HIamilton, Esq. R.N., ilM.S. Buffalo, of a daughter. At Leith, on Ithe 8th hlstant, the Lady of the Rev. James Grant, of a son. es At Ksrraul, on the 27th of October, the Lady of Captain 11. L. MI'Glee, . th of his Majesty's 31st regiment, of a daughter. y At Newbergh, Fife, on the 11th iastant, the wife of Q. Baumrbach, Esq. e, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t1 Births. 1. At Iferchistonle 1lou5se, on thle 14th ult. the lady Elizabeth Thackeray, of sc a SoI. iR At Wynberg, Cape of Good llope, Osl the 2d October, the I-ton. Mlrs C( Stlcuart of Dalguise, of a daughter. p At 10, Brandon Strect, Edinburgh, on the 2Gth ult. Mrs Brodie, of a son. f At Xilemure, onl the 21st tilt. the laly of Charles Stirling, Esq. of a seto. It At Povwfoulis, on the 21st ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . At atl Births. n At Coatii Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 26th Ult.. MSr Graham Splen,, of y a daughter. I- At the Manse of Newtyle, on the 23d ult. Mrs Moon, of a son. k 1 On the 24th ult., at Clapharn Common, the Lady of Mark S. Stewart, a Esq. of a daughter. o On Monday the 21st January, at Southend, Darlington, the wife of Joseph Pease, Esq. MAP. of a daughter. 0 At the Manse of Walls, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births. On the 16th inst. at 41, Wilton Crescent, London, the Lady Georgiana Mitford, of twin sons. At Possil, on the 13th instant, Mrs Colin Campbell, of a daughter. At Glen-Sannox, Arran, on the 11th inst. Mrs Archibald Fullarton, of Glas- gow, of a son. At Chitilan Church, oli the 15th illst, the Rev. George Rose, B.A., miniis- ter of St. Peter's Episcopal Chapel, ERdilbeurglh, to Ellen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDIESDAY, Becembor 25, 1833. 13InTH.-On the 2S3 December, the Lady of PATnicics BANnMAN, Esqj. Of a sol. BJRTIT.-At 11ogat tManse, on tb 11th current, NITS MACICENZ IF., Of a son. i BITUI.-at Inverury, on the 15th ult., the Wife of Lieut, SNOWNY, Royal Navy, of adaughter. MTarriee, at Caslzees Castle, oil rile loth inst. by tlse iev. Stair hiQssme, RIsCHsARno OSVA sD, Rusq. yososger of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... me 2S. At Down, Kent, ols tile 1,9th of September, the llon. Mrs Drummond, of a seel. At 411, Great King Street, Edinburgli, onl tol 21st Scptember, Mrs Thomas Wood, of a dausghter. At Irvine Marsc, oel the 13th ult., Mrs Wilson, of a dlatghter. I At totIsay, onl the 101 tilt., the vvife of the 1ev. Thoemas Neilson, of a daegihter. Onl the tlth September, at 19, Lynedocht P'lace, Edinburgh, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAYT, ?? 13, 1633. Bfr Tv.-At Castle Fraser, on the 11th iast. MIrs FRAdCIi a, of a aItgitter, Co Mtarried herce, on tie 7t1h1 iest. by tile lta, . Ir Cordilner of St. Paul's, Mr iP hII i.NIt, Teacher of Langruees, to C. iA LOTTE:, eldest laughter of Roderick hi Baird, Isq. Planter, Dominiqlue, Jamaica. il Married, at OlrlAberdaen, otl the 11th list. by the lRev. Alex. IrvLce, cr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births. Otl the 19th January, at la, Abercrombie Place, Mrs Anderson, of a son. . At 50, Great King Street, Edinburgh, ott the 10th inst, Mrs. John Spetnce, i of a son. I At 2, Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, on the 16th inst., Mrs Macdolwall, of a .daugihter. At the Manse of Jedburgli, on the 23d lest. Mrs Purves, of adaughter. e ~Marriages. At 3, Blair Street, Edinburghs, on the 18th itstant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... osl tile 17th tilt. at 1, Darnaway Strect, Edilntthrgh, tile lady of Thomas Duncall, Esq. portrait paititet, of a stil. At tniaurirgh, oil the 22(M tilt. the Lady of Josephl Mulrray, Esq. of Aytoa, of a soel Ott Saturday the 2d tilt, at 9, Coates Crscsent, tite l.ady of the Rlv. JohM patoti, aitnistertof Anctruet, of a i(titgrtri- Otl the 21st lilt,, at West Sea;1 IRit, Ileleisbarghl, tite ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sil~rths. At Edinburgh, onl the 171t, last, Mrs Shaw Stewart, of a daughter. At the Manse of Satton, orl the loth cart. Mrs Bachanian, of a daughter. At the Manse of Elie, en the 8th iest. MIrs MAilligac, of a son. On the llth inst. in Stanhope Street, London, the Lady Lilford, of a son and heir. 1O the ]7th inst. in Upper Grosvenor Street, London, the Lady of John Cuneingleame, Esq. of ...