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... VIGE-C I4ANCT'J.LL Oi'S COURT.-TVESDAY. EARL POrsT.SOUTH v. LORD Gl1ANTLEY.-Sir ED- WARD SUGDnIN sLated that this Case came before the Court upon a bill filed in consrquence of the lunacy of the Earl of Portsmouth, and also in consequence of what had taken place in the Ecclesiastical Court, declaring the marriage of that Noble Lord void, prayinr for the delivering up of the deed entered intO ...


... 'COURT OF KING'S BBNCH.-WEDNESDAYV (Sittings before Mr. Justice PARKE, and Common Juries.J FALSE IMPRISONMENT. BRENNAN V. VENABLEB.-Mr. POLLOoK stated that this was an action for false imprisonment. The plaiitiff bad been taken by the defendant, without a warrant, before a Magistrate, and accused of felony, and was committed and tried at the Old Bailey, and acquitted-the Counsel for the ...


... LMAYORS COURT-MONDAY. Tnz CORPOnATION OY LONDON V. JOHNNON AND OTHERB.- This was a case of Compensation under the City ,,f London New Street Act, for tbe value of the houses Nos 21 and 23, Nicholas- lane; and Nos. 1, 19, and 20, Clesnent's-lane, comprehending warehouse and chambers, held by lease under the trustees of the Earl of Strathmore, for 16f years up to last Christmas, at 4051. rent. ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-SATURDdY, JUXE 29. [iBefore the LORD CettiEJtJT-TCE and a London Coimor Jury.] EASLEY V. CROCKFORD.-Thhis was an action brought by the plalu iff, a retirtd stockbroker, against Mr. Crockfurd, of St. Jsimess'astreet, to recover 2s0l, the value of a Bank of Bugland note, which had been stolen from the plalntiff, and traced to the posselsson of Mr Crockford. Mr. Seljeaut ...


... MANSION.HOUSE.-ITINEaANT COAL MEEtC11AXNT$,-Yedtter- day twoyoung men, named WoaPLaYan (lSMITH,were cuargedwiih fraud. The detcoidants are in the habit of golug about with a cart containing cuo:le, wbici they vend at tbe rate of twopence a hundred welght cheaper tihan the retular coal-dealets. The number of huudredsawhieb the cart appeared to carey surprised many; but the secret war discovered ...


... THE MURDER OF MISS ELMS, AT CHELSEA. FURTHER EXAMINATION OF JOHN SHARP. QUEEN-SQUARE -Yesierday being the day appointed for the re-examination of JOHN SHARP, the self accused murderer of the unfortunate Miss Elms, of No. 17, Wellesley-street, Chelsea, whose voluntary confession of the horrid deed *ppeared iu the ChArnicle of last week, considerable excitement prevailed in the neighbourhood, ...


... HORRID MURDER AT CRELSBZA A barbarous murder was discovered on saturday last to haRv been committed on an aged female, named Catherine Elmo, re- siding at 17, Wellesley-street, near the new church, at Chelsea. The occurrence Is, in many respect, similar to the murder of Mrs. Donatty, which took place some years ago. Tae deceased, who Is abo4WJO years of age, formerly kept a school In Smith ...


... POhICE. MANSION HOUSE -JoiuN MINTER HIART, wVh1 Was In the motrnitg acquitted at the Old B oil on thie Charge of feloniously stelilng a bill efeXhatnge, on account ofa flA In tbe inrietaient, was brought before the Lord NMnyor by Daniel ForreLter, the offi- cer, uniter the following clycurestancea :- Mr. CLAnRKSON, thc Ba, la ter, sta-ed thAt the position of the priauner wns rather ...


... C(UJI'V 01 CfL4AFCLR}-& SATUD4Y, NoV; 16, D&ILsoNGTsOv V, PARtL~I~NGT -,rhis was a mnotiont by appealI from the Von -Chtsnr~iclr to re-open the biddings for a farm ID I le pariah of Acton, neerN&ntwIch, on the ground that it hadheen sald under its value, to the manifest Injury of the infant plaintiffs.I Sir E. Svr;naN, lo support of the snotion, said he appeared for Abraham parliittgtOO, one ...


... Whilst many ol-ject to that force on constitutional grounds, I1jBr\;y more objeCt to it on account of the expence that has been tI )wfnl upon them by the asses8ments for its support. 011c cer- tIy thirik that the same number of persons under one well noiited sytirem, better adapted to maintain the police of this g:r:It mriropolis, than when bhoken inks as many parts as there arc parisdws But ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.---The Lurd Mtayor has of Wae received ma- ny Lti-tori, ricommeuitolg lo hit chArit able conslneration the cacea At pour per3ous, Beveral of thest, c'ommunicalidori were from iten- tiemien who are- tall able to relieve their disttressed fellow-crea- tuoes by jiset dipping their hands in their own pochleto ; hut in- stead ot asccornplir~dg dile oi ks of cha'lty in that waty, thuy ...


... OMNIBUS RACING-MANSLAUGHTER, Yesterday an Inquest was held at St. George's Hospital, on the body of William Hancock, aged 76, who lost his life by an om- nibus running over him near Kensluiton. The Jury having viewed the body, the following evidence was adduced: Mr. Robert Barley, residing In King-street, Kensington, was the first witness called. He stated, that on Monday week, be- tween ...