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... COURT OF KING'S BEBNCH-THURSDAY. [Sitiligs at Westminster before Lord Chief Justice DRNmAW and a Special Jury.) LIVERPOOL PORT DUTIES. MAYOR AND CORPORATION OP LIVERPOOL V. BOLTON.-Mr. FoLcST, Junior Counsel for the plaintiffs, opened the pleadings, by stating that this was an action brought by the Mayor, Blailiffs, and Burgesses oftbe town of Liverpool, against the defendant, to recover ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. SiR-In your Paper this morning, you inform your readers that the Duke of'Sus~a presented, yesterday, to the House of Lords, a Petition from the Inhabitants of London & its vici- nity, agreed to at Exeter Hall, the purport of the prayer of which was, for their Lordships to take the Criminal Law into their consideration. The Titmes of this morning says- ...


... COURT OF CHINOBER.-UDIVDESDAY; Sl1tRauy v. FxaRtm4 -The defendant (Earl Ferrero) having some time ago committed waste on an estate in which he has only a life Interest, by cutting down some young and ornamental -tim- ber, the matter was referred to the Master, for the purpose of de- termintig the question of the nature and extent of the waste, as weil as of the amount of compensation to be ...


... OLD BdILEY (OLD COURI).-MoNDAY. [Before the REcoRDER and a Middlesex Jury.] THE LATE EXTENSIVE ROBSERY IN BARTLETT'S- BUILDINGS. GEORGE CONEY, aged twenty-two, and RICHARD SMITH, aged sixteen, were placed at the bar on an Indictment charging them with having burglarlously entered the dwelling-house of Mr. Wheeler, In Bardlett's-bualdings, Holborn, on the night of the 20th of January last, and ...


... COURT OF KIfNG'S BENCH-SAURIAY. CORN FACTORS.-CUSTOM. HareCH V. CARRINQTON.-TDis was au action for goods sold and delivered. It waes et down as a Special Jury, but was tlied by a C'inunimi Jury. The SOLICIT(oa-GuNERAL, for Ihe plaintiff: The Jury were met to try a most extraordinary custom to be set up by the brokers In the Corn Market. He said brokers, because they were merely brokers, ...


... 7HE= -V.flA'I - a: -XG C UL YHE' MORNIN \ \G CHRSONICl LE'. LONDON: THURMD,]V, MA4Y 16, 1S33. Wile give a report of the proceedings at the Inquest held yes- terday, on the body of the policeman, ROBERT CULLY. 'I he inquiry is adjourned to five o'clock this atternoon. The evidence hitherto does not seem to point with anything like certainty to the individual who deprived the policeman of his ...


... .;LASITTINGS THIS DA Y--I,,r W6. MEETINGS OF THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, BASINGHALL-S'REit'. Before Mr. Commissioner EVANS-l11 Barnard's bankruptcy, private meetlig at 10. Before Mr. Commissioner FANs-Calmlpbell, Collings, and Maingy, of Bishopsgate-street, merrehiats, at 1l; adjourned audit. Before Mr. Commistioner WILLIAMs-Sainuel Drucker, of Old City Chambers, wine-merchait, at 11; audit of ...


... INSOLVBNT DEBTURs' 'OURT.-M4y 31. ARTHUR WILLIAM MORRIS, High Bailiff of the City of Westminster, Bailiff of the Sanctuary of Westminster, Lesiee of the Manorial Rights under the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, &c. &c. &c., appeared before the Court on his petition to be dis- charged from his debts, amounting to 17,0001., and was opposed by Mr. Nicholls, on behalf of Mr. Robert Mason and wife ...


... OLD BAILEY.-SATvRPiJV, APRIL 15 MURDER OF THE BOY PAVIOUR. FREDERICK MARSHALL, GEORGE EVANS, and WILLIAM TAYLODR, werst placed at the bsr charged upon ani indictment, Bud upon the-Coroner's Ioquisltiol), with the wilful murder it Robert Paviour. Mr. ADoLrgvBs applied, on behalf of the pros, culion, that the trial of the prisoners be postptrned till text Se.sitons. He made the applicatiion on ...


... [SATURDAY. MARLBOROUGH STREET.--ASMELIA SAUNDEaS, - YOUt3X prostitute, well-known to the police, SARAn TIolIPSON, and WILLIAM OXLEY, the latter n journeyman butcher, were hbrugbt up. charged with having robbed a gentleman, aiamed Brewstaer, of 401. In bank notes, a chectlue for 101, And four saverelgns,-Wr . Noble Brewster, Esq. of Titchfield-street, 3tated, that on Friday night, being rather ...


... _ [SATURDAY. GUILDHALL.-A FEMALE MWINDLER-A young wonian, aamed ANNE ESCIIsE, WAS charged under the following circum- stances:-Mr. Gardner, the landlord of the Bull Ion, Hulborn, said, that on F~iday evening the defendant came in and asked for a sitting room, a sleeping roomn, and some tea. At bed time she was, according to tile custom of the house, presented with the bill, which Nmounted to ...


... COURT OF KIN('S BENCH.-THVRSDIY. (Sittings In Banco : Upon Dr. Free addressing the Court this morning from a seat behind the bar, The CaIaF JItSTIcE said it was not proper for any Gentleman to address the Court trom those seats who was nota barrister. Dr. Free: My Lord, as I am compelled to be my own Counsel, I thought I mnight sit here, but more particularly, my Lord, as 1 concelve divin'4y ...