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... MANSION.HOUSE.-AA Spaniard, named GREGORIO GURNEE, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having stabbed a Spanish refugee, named Levega, who has been held in high estimation by those appointed by Govern- ment to superintend the distribution of the funds for the relief of the distressed refugees, who, some years ago, came to this country for protection. It has been the practice, we ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-TUESDAY, SEPr. 17. [Before Mr. Commissioner HARsBI.] Several Insolvents whose petitions were unopposed were forth- with discharged. WM. INGLESANT was brought up on his petition to be d's- charged. Ttrla v as an adjourned opposed case, having been on a former occaslon before Mr. Commissioner Botten. Mr. CooKE, who supported the Insolvent, stated that on the former ...


... POLI f. llt~es -ousi,.-Two geiolcmen applied to dtie Lord M v, j 5 r atS-tanc~ :n a reserch aficr it young mari, agtd 15, nit' :i, i of who: 'we nimi ee' theV said, .1 E., who had lit hir 'a -nion ~S.tuidJy ttighi, to go to the Post Office, and tv' io a u; ~ tiimi, a, ttt' timi, liwee three anid four po una J'! 1tw1i:~1t flait, tlIlt the bov's miother wes in the g-rea-test ;J41ion~ un hi.e ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-MOANDAY. [8Sttings in Balnco, at Westmitnter.] CORMYN V. LEADEr.-Mir. Serijeant TADDY applied for a iule to show cause why a new trial should not be had on this case, which was one brought against the defendant, an officer in the East India Company's service, for an alleged breach of contract, in refusing to put in at the Cape of Good Hope. It would appear, that ...


... I THI MctDDm o0 AfrsS PURS, Ar cnPL9A. I The Inquiry into the circumstances connected with the murder of Miss Catherine Blmes, was resumed yesterday, The Jury met on this occasion, at theWorkhouseo instead of the WellesleyArms. Mr. Teague, the solicitor, said tbathe had received a letter from Mr. Phillips, of the Home Offlice, stating that a reward of 1001., would be offered by Government, for ...


... COURT OF CHANCRRY.-2nvnsi,~1. Ie JiANrN4RS V. BRYAN.-The question In this ca-e wa b exception, could be argued, tbe time limited for fihrltn thehta h expired before they were filed, and an order having been o hQig to confirm thme report against which these evcepe!00g w obta!vnic Counsel having been heard to-day at some eix , th. te pot argued also on a forn er day, his Lordship intimtated an ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-ADAYV. I[L'ndon Sittings at Nsli Prius before Mr. Justice GASHMRS 3 A great number of undefcnded causes were disposed of to-day. KNIGHT v. BlRoWN.-This was an action brought to re- cover the sum of 161. 16s. for the' use and hire of the plaintiff's gig for 16 weeks. The declaration contained several special counts, imputing negl;gence and want of skilfulness to the de ...


... LAWV S ITTINOS-TIJIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. S1ttings at 11. i* re Chaynbers, luiatic petition, by order-hi re Maberly brsrkrupt petition, by order-Blagrave v Blagrave, appeal---Da- venpurt v Humphreys, bankrupt petition, by order-Koight v G~uld-Kalght v Keirp-Heauett v CulcIy, appeal. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at 11. Church v Cbr iCh, pCtitioO, by order ...


... tOLLS' CO UIY.1YIDNNESDdY. HANLURY * . Il'rCHlFIELD.-.Mr. BIIcERSTETH and Mr. KOE appeared in this case for the plaintiffs, Messrs. Truman, Hanbury, Buxton and Co., and the bill was filed for the pur- pose of having an account taken of the sums of money which they had expended in buildings on the prtmises in question, and that they might be sold to pay what should appear due to them on that ...


... _ [(SA'URBDY. BOW.STREET.-Triz TABLrS TURNEDt-Mr. hots, a grocer reSiding in Lmug Acre, attended to answar to a summons cbarg- Ing him with naglectiug and refusing to psy to John L llle the sum of 6d, being the remainder of the hire of the hackney coach, No. 595. Tae coachman stated that the defendantentered his coach at the end of Warren-street, Tottenhsm-court-road, when he was conveyed to ...


... HIGH COURT OF DBLEBATMS.-SiruWAr, Fzo.2. [Betore Mr. Justice JAMze ALAN PAaK, Mr. Justice LITTLUDALN, Mr. Baron VAuGHAN, and several Civilians.] ANDROMEDA. The KING'S ADVOCATE (aith Whom were Dr. PDiLLIMLORS and Mr. BTrHEBL), on the part of the appellants, stated that this was an appeal of vital Impoltauce, not only tj the highly meritorlous class of individuals who were the eppellaS, hot alo ...


... PUL1VE. BOW-STREET.-A SHtVL-visn ADVENTURSRR..AA yonul of preprasearsiltig ppearatice, oUt of seedy exterior, ric I his rame to be ANDREWS, and who was evidently from tie td o' Cakes, was yesterday brought to this Office, ch L'4d forgetfulness ot 4e laws of meunt et tutim, and with asrpged 1th to himself a file female lobsttr, which wat expolsed tor gal, i the open window of Mr. Goodwitt, a ...