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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... the Publia is rexpeutfuilly idlfrtiid th4t M* ' ?? - -fr s lS'kU9U SpA>' -FEB>RU'R'Y 7 ?? latInI the Ne w o eP e of ยข :! ^ i ^ T ?? Theiirj de Li zon, M Browne Don Catrqi de6 * .'Eepagis; M~ir'3H0i 0 ; sN onfi w arure f Goidi, x Shu t i Baery; Eloise de Espai,; ik Kplton,;on,1 , Comlor; Celeste do ffq.tminproyn Mrc WelIett a ine ,~erasI (ea fEsajisive). .aiitne~rit i whitcl abe will sing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [a the matter ol \4jsev 9Ti JCraditoraof the Bank. James Vaughan, 01 j L pta, Wk? haive proved debts Thomas Vaughai, Ctld5rsh Commission in this M4ter; i~ankrupte. R (re requssted tlmeet tjir bisieea J atd the Of ie of Jostpii Bofe, 1aq No. O, St. Andrew-sireet, ou I'UESDAY, the i ty of IFbruniry, instant at One ?? in the Aftrnoau t9 take into consideration the prop isty of, and ?? t^ jr dis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A r a P.biio meetin?, held on Monday, the I1th instgnt, A'at thc Royal I-Hte, Coll ge-green. to consider the Most effectual meth, i of expresjii. puhiic sympathy for the sufflr- ings of our t;,l nrt I countryman., Mr. I homs Bruwne, NICHOLAS MA31lER, Eeeq., in the, It as uniinimokosll Rea lved Tiat Mr. Thomas Brona. H r w pri in N gnt th~e A. hor of!' P.ette Session ketcbvr,' e xpoing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH-A-TREIROYAL. First Appearance of MR. COLLINS, of the Theatre Royal, _Vaymarket, who is engaged for a few Nightaaonly'.AYr25 hi jHIS PRESENT1' MONDAY, FEBR Y 25, their Majesties' Servanoe will perform. iu Two Aets, THE BEGGAR'S. OPERI. Captain Macheatb, Mr Collins (of the ?? Royal, iy-. market, his Firqt Appearace here); Peachum, .Mr-Rsa- Lockit, Mr ;'huter. Fich,. Mr, Joharsan; Mat ?? Ir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MPICE OP9IRISH STOCKS YESTERDAY. G;I e aCkeen Con16ia, 3 Pa Cenlt .. . 87 7js? Stool, S31 .Pe- ( .o. 94 44 _ _ fbtc(., 5S ft eDn C . . 941;1 -- Debenture. Si Pp.t Ceit . Hank Slwei . 20.. . Royal ('an;. Stock ..-.-------.- 384 GrInd Caimd Deb. 4percent.. ted.to2i.lSa.4d.peran. 57 Goorge's Church D)ebentures 9el G E.N E RAL POSI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE RQYALv i ?? Night of the ?? Drama 4f NELL GWYNNE, and of the Grandt Speotacle of ALADDIN, and rmost posi.{ tivrdy The Last Appearance tbjs seasor of MRS. WAYLETT. 1HISSPRESENT SA1 URDAY, FEBRUARY:2S, tbeir - Majesties' Servanrie will perforcs, for the last. time, a eaw Draitna, now performing ighltly at the Theatre Royal Covent garden, with mas bpreaedenred btrBO'ion, called - EILL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -C---- THEATRE-ROYAL. Last Appearance but Two of MRS. WAYLETT,/ rj tHIS PRESENT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY t5,18o3 , T their Majeaties' Servants will perform the Romantic Drams of THE ORPHAN OF THE CASTLE, OR THE SECRET AVENGERS! Prince Palatine, Mr King - Baron Ravensberg, Mr Shutter; Ravensberg, Mr H. Cooke; Zastrow, Mr Currer - the Abbot of Corbey, Mir Calcraft; Christopher. Mr John- son; Walbourg, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. Moat ypnitivsey the- Lpbt Appearicne ha. Oil sf T HIS Pl:SEN.T IiRIDAIY, '4TBRUARY -l th/r [ hI ?? w~ill jsrfoc (aecund ?? Now A6miudo Dradis ealled ; ' 'HE DIJ NIB l1RiaA N ]Q.-s 1Vbitl wasreceived on it!s jroduc ion voith isitiiguished 4,Plauus.- Alp' th4 Pumb Brigand, Mademrisele %eleate; Henrito Roti, a Genoese Goodclie, Mademaoiselle Celeaste; Ms4Uel Stanisfuij, en6 Istrian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTS. WANTED, N a Retal Grocery FatbliAshffeft, a Lad of go I manners, w~hibss charanter will bear the atri eat - qnirvi. Leters mentioning real name, and by whom mpl d ad ressed X. X., at the Office of this Paper, ill at- telnded tn. WANTS A. SITUATION, Sl'FADY, active Man. that perfectly unlerstands tbe AGrocery. Wine, and Spirit Business, and alsn tbs To- bacco and SLnuff. He will ba ...

Advertisements & Notices

... en I - TEA~ Tbe* wa i~st~t * Plftt# i W HIS !cRESfTAitUElMDAY, JLFE; RUAY 5 Whiop otle ?? tbeixr Xt tiis' Stafr~rtta'gwJU per. T o- qh 3 Irj~' Xos.T4Ae . ?? i crW`;1 sh 'Ge6rg'-i ' T4- H. Cati>.siliF.Mr'ljn* ;:d oarblall .Mrd,atnb~t ;. 1*rdy, Mr Uqes I Fintotsfrir brWae; Villars, Mr Barry ; Dick, Moiiigb;G'6stib'>r 4zr Ltiiia 1srdy 'MrWay. lent, in *thaite wi i My.' m 'o ' e right ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A -A. Z- ,. ; 5 ' ,, - I -,f I THEATREt-ROYAL. ?? l e stpeotfotly informed that AIRS. WAYLU'1 f* etfor Iafe N~igirs ortly, and will make pd +j~P~I~SENT WEDNESDAY ; YEBRUARY 6 v\ ~tj ?? b io wiond their 51*jestius' Sarvau S will U per. ~ N~h~ew (Thiia Piee of .. ?? A-.sE AAND CONSTANT, t;: ?? 5Qit~ M ir rtee;, U -ajor Fitzosunno, AIr B arry. ; Sir 91 par ge~t~i~erell, Mri t Browne , Harry S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS RUDDART; On which occasion Mrs. WAYLEI'T will appear in two of her nist celebrated character.A T HIS PRESENT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 183i; their PMa!jesties' Servants will perform a Rom tntie Drama, not acted here thesae seven years, calledd THE ORPHAN OF THE CASTLE; 7 en TiHE SICRET AVINGERS. f Pripee Palatinfe, Mr'King; Baron Raveasberg, Mr Shbiter; ...