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Advertisements & Notices

... Ibi OOIPC5ED BYOs THS 12 NZ31LANID SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND, IN 1833. HIGIHLANDI SOCIETY HALL, 1 Edinburgh, Feb. 8 1833. nu. ~IMfflLANJD SOCIETY of SCOTLAND dloes hereby ad- k.vetsC, h I Te ' naderm entionetd PREMIUMS are, to -be of given by -the Soclety In- the!yeat 1833, &c. hi1s * ESSAYS, PLANS' AND REPORTS. hb 1. R~aising aend Managing Hedges. di Twenty Sovereigns, or a Piece of Plate of that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W\EST INDIA COLONIES. TVr FCD A Y tbe 26thinst. in the AssE:UBL.Y Rooms, O0 F.0,E STaE?, ot one O'chrck precisely, B 0 R 'r H W I C K -Vwill deliver a ~~Tli0D LECTURE sin COLONIAL i i REPLY to tlhe STATEMENTS of iL NTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, and on the inm- t'e of adopting grndual and safe measures for its Alolitill , illbeopeneat half-past j o'clock. T ilr ?? Gentlemen arc iniformecd that the a, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUD3SCn3PTION SALV-B3OOntf, S&c. -rOIIN KILOH ?? solicits the atteltioin of his Frietnds o, and the I'IblUy, to the Iblollintg l1O(OX63, &r. whiich are alnowi thle l'rizes to be taw iiu Tlils E.\'ExiN0',, at l o'clock, inl 2itcliiay's Hialt - Scott's -ible, G vols. 4to. liinsia, extra, - - £.1 () 0. Waverlev NoVels, Ill vols. new edoitl . - . 9 l1 H1-ums & Sillollett's nlglalwl, 13 vols. - . 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 TnIRin NIGHT OS THnsE MrIGxEMMrgNT OF TIHE CEIEMARATEI) MIR ?? P. COOKE. s- This prosent.Evening, THURSDAY, Febrnar-v 28,. a 1833, aill bc performied the Celebrated Romance ol of PILESU M PTION, tt Oi THE FA*ITE OF FRANKENSTEIN. t. Agathada Lacey by Mliss BYFELD, In sohieli (AarautersheI sillsina * 0h Adverie Forru:r:. 'rankeostetin by :M1r ,'lRTCI.ARD. VICThe Mlonster ' Mi'rT. ?? COOKE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie m O T TZE, PIY Ia Authorisedl lv Fatlianient r;1 : _ . rjcss: is. The Scheme oF this Lottery contains TH TIREE PRIZES Or it ~ /e *t lo Other Ca))ilals, and '2051 51naller Pri.zes.¢, rt. s, All to be DrawVnin One Day, i 17th APlRIL. le The Value of the Primes may be received i1h -M-ONEY AS SOON *AS DUAW.J 5 Tickets anid Siares are selling ill great varieti' of numniber s 'caall I of the ...


... RGE STREEtT, FO VovRTH ASSEMBLY forthe Sea- ,rV 0ilIbe held on THURSDAY next, the 28th .ihruaronty Asee1blS will lie held- Thc othrT ASSEl1BLY on Thursday the 14th St The F1 at7 rll. SITH ASSEi'ILY on Tliurs(Lay the 28th latch To commence at Ten o'Clock. AdaniiSioOn Five Shilling9 earc, to he had le ld of Mr Anslerson, the Treasurer, No. .,3 (iPor~ trecsgoGt. -~~r 21St Feb. 16S3._ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEFTBXLIES. HP, last ASSEMBLY for the season W ill takle Place), il the I1'ablic Rooms, on Thbursday the 28t,' day of Febltrary c7frt. Dancing to commence at 8, Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards aud Bctresh ments, as usuial. Strangers introduced by Subscribers to pay 7s. Gdl. each. PFblic Rooms, 12th Feb. 1833. The Stewards are requested to meet in the Card Room of Puhlic Rooms, on the 21th curt. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T _ LAsSE [B ROOMS, GEORCE STRE3T. GIFU ASSEM 33LY for the Sea- v 1n wiR he held THIS EVENING, T[URS vil i the28ih elorary. willld o I IThe ethr AnIies wi on Thursday the l-th the Th, FIFTH ASSEMBLY O Tursly h krch.STH ASSEMIBLY on] Thursday the 28th TI W12Il SI TH ASSlian ?? To conmcnce at Ten ?? . char ArImi,,ion0 Five Shillings each, to be had D eICthefl0ts, and of Mr Anderson, the ...