Advertisements & Notices

... - ~ g Tt-b it. o be LE T. an excellent and . cushnee1 TpUBLIC-HKOUSE, on the north ?? to Walton ,.tbe Hsil, near Liverpool.-Apply to Printers. O be LET, with immedite pagasn noi T establlsbied FLOUR SHOP, wth a n ?? I It Is situated In a very public I-oughfarei Rent, icerate, and Fixtures ?? at the Printers,. irO be LET, an INN, near to tbe E dige, ad in one of tbe best situation8 int Mane ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SUBSCRIBER9. The type of the FaaEcMAN-S JOVIINA. ig only two years and a ?? ir x use-ret it iS ouly aan(lid( to btate that several of our fri'inda have 'oftplmined of it. Partof the aincornveriences compiained tf arikes irtm the burry with which the parers a-eobligA to be pressed, in contequence of the vast qttntity publiaed -tfiua, however. is a c o-aideratiou which ge rtleMnD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s~ ~ MOE ' XCE,,,SI, OLS o It COC M IIISSION F: RS OF EIDUCATION, * ' o3.' UPP FJU Mi~tRlRON e S-SRETRE T1iE rIOODEL tit2ilO(¢L, ?? lU.RMALE, CHILDREI will p on upon MONDAY NEXT, the 18th 1nsitY 1. at I'in O' (elovl, i.M . : ' ' - ' ?? , i Ald the MODEL SCli OpL. FOR FEMALE d; )Ri N uopea AIONIDAt, 'e o f Ait IL NEX'T - . ~B y desre'if~tbe ClitrisEiie 'ntele, TtlOS . F. KELLY,.Seoretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. GRANT ATD BOLT'ON'S CHEAPl CAIALOUUE FOR 1833. Dliie Day is Publistied, by (GRAN Is rlid BOLTI N Booksellers, 4, Dame-atreet, Dublin, G GENERAL CATALOGUE of CHEAP SECO D A HAND BOOKS, osmpriaiug an extensive, and Ex- 5REXELY LOW P5llnED- cllti, of valuable Works, iii DIVINIrY, ELCLESIASTlCAL HISI OHY, IRISH HISTORY and ANTIQUIIIES. end MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, in good condition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 This day are published, the Second Edition, price 1Os. 6d. s L7ERM1lONS preached in St. Jamnes's Chapel, Clap- e ; haim, by the Rev. C. BRADLEY, Vicar of Glasbury, . Brecknockshire. e Printed for Hamiltonr Adams, and Co. Paternoster-row. O1 BY THE e.011E, a PAROCHIIAL SERIMONS,preached at Glasbury. Oth e Edition, price 109. Gid. SERMONS, preached at High Wycombe. 9th Edition, 2 vols. price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GeInd.Jlary oftke Couanly of Down twill. Tbe Swo.n dt Ten o'clock in tie Forenoon of Monday, the 18th March instant. The Hiah Sheriff'requests that Gentlemen who may attendfor the pzurpose rf being calleel on t Panel, wvill leave their Cards at his Lodgin.,s itownpatrick, before Nine o'clock. ROBER1T GORDON, Sheriff. 7th Mlarch, 1833. (459 CAI11PEAiCHY LOGWOOD. A SlMf A ,r , CA RGO, Just ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLONIAL QUESTION. UO(TUISITION' signed by a number of & ~lmf~unronnected with the Colonies, ha- to MR BORTHWICK, soliciting 5 c'prlenefte' tLoCLECURE i ,tlceiv at least one more PU1L ECU , his deature from Edinhurgh,. Notice is here- Iaj~t%. MR BORTHWICK will, in compliance g;,ea, that .io deliver another LECTURE on 'j irc resti, subject of COLONIAL SLAVERY, ?? interoin'c the 11th instant, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i-a es A f. Persons lio aire indobtediit tthe late Firm s - of Mr. THOMAS LLOYD JIONES, lrewer, e' hi of :olrilesnl, are reqpested tin pay the samec imname- e diately, to Mr. II tou Ow-LN, TI'V lRan, Bolederi n ;ta aor Mr JOHnix 9.r1s, Picks' 10mess, Ilyllhcad. CI or B-liylyhicad, ltih M1larch, 183S3. ve a 8 WANTED, L Frt a.,srru allfenaily in ?? nreiylnibouriarhed of Corcrolarrm tl e- A ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORINTHIAN ESTABLISHMENT, Ad XWALL'S BUILDflW1NGS9 =AR ~-sTrEfRZE-, MAVCH2S0:2R. T' DWARD TUTON res ectfully announces to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Inhabitants of Manchester, its opulent and populousVighbourhood, and in particular to those numerous and respectable Friends who have 80 cari)allc uruiiseil him their valuable patronage, that he WILL OPEN the above elegant and extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,OR SALE, a FwISHIOa'BLE C LANDA ULE'I', on its first wheels, easily hung on Cee Springs, witb leather at the backs, fitted with Calling's Patent Axles, a Boot in front, and Rumble behind, a Spla~liing Frame, Boxes, &c. &c., being the property of i Gentleman wuo bas no further use for it. It will be sold remarkably cheap. To be seen, daring the Assize Week, at RorErts and Co Horse lBazaar, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE-IOYAL. Last Night of performing till Faster Monday./! MR. POWER B EGS reapectfully to announce that his BENEFIT, and B most positively his List Apoearance tbh sSeason, will take place 'I'HIS PRESEINT MONI)AY, March 25, 183, oa which occasion their Majesties' Servaustsawoill perform the new Hlisor cal Military Dratia, of '!'. PATRICK'S EVE; OR, THE ORDER OF THlE DAY. (Written lby Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF DElBEW3iBIRE. , E~lIAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF, THE PEACE. I 1OT1CE is hereby Given, tlat the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peacefor the County 1e,.bY, will be helaet CH(ESTERFIELD, on Tuesday L ,s/ (sty of April, 1833, at twelve o'clock at noon, for Iraasction of b6uiness relative to the accounts, oIs, and other private concerns of the County. Ie Court will then be adjourned to the ...