... LONDON, POLICE REPORTERSS. nf WLlnD.I..\n morni n. jilis LONDON, 110LIU1, 15 n rkla ' I . TAl1YvLF.RolE-(a` WednegN' Riormning 1jest os tbe .bus il commenced, a case of trivial importalnc :was called on, when at the moment the reporter of tlhe Times came into the justice roon, nand aas approaching the deisk uinally appropriated for reporters, which hlad becn previously occupied by two ...


... . e. I. , Im N (Fromi/it ork ker qj Of ,Iuraaiiy.)j At tweive thsdythree ;noruOte cdits suffered the ezttenle penalty ofthla, befiiuad York Castle, pu~rsuant to, tersentences at ~the latif asisg,' ?? Writ bt, aged 19, Of, Rotlerusim, for, settiing fllteity w~tcs~',lw aged 2n of, 9n OJtingley,, 1lahur~r, for, t lsv~g orpll~ilestoll Thbiim~i 'Atlihs, Of, that 'plice, on the I 2th of, 'anuary, ...


... COURT OF HANCBERV.S4- RDlY, MACH 30. LzITi V. IRVINB AND O HRs.-The LOaD CHANCRLLOrI, at the rising of the Court, gave judgment In this Jong-pendlug and much- contested cause. it will doubtless be recollected, that the argu- ments, on a recent occasion, occupied the Court for five-and- twenty days. The case came before his Lordship on an Qppeal from a decree of the Master of the Bolls, and on ...


... SOMBRSTSHIIRS XSSIZ=S.-TRVNTONy. Mr. Justice Park opened the Commission here on Thursday afiernoon, and Mr. Justice Littledale arrived in the evening. On Friday morning their Lordships attended Divine Service at St. Mary's Church; after which Mr. Justice Park took his seat in the Crown, and Mr. Justice Litiledale in the Nisi Prius Court. There were 208 prisoners in the Calendar, and thirty- ...


... LAV S$17 rINgS 2 HIS be, MONDAY, APRIL 1; COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittlngs at 10 o'clock. In re French, lunatic petition by order. RXMAINiNG CAUSE PSrTTIONS.-In re Parish of Upton War.; reu, part heard-Greenhill v Greenbill-In re Commissloners of BarIkrupt Court-Smith v Cook-Trevor v Dalby-In re Arundel Sewers-Seweli v Forster-Trevor v Black-Amphlett V Parke- Sherratt v Sherratt ...


... be NOTTINGi7IAX.-IMANSL1UGEIT7R.-Monday, John en Smuithi, aged 63, was indicted for feloniously killing -it Maria Smith, on tile 14th of February last, in the lie parish of St. Mar,, Nottinghaim.-'The prisoner, it f appeared, was uncle of the deceased, a child only ?? three and a half years old, aud had always been ig kindl to her and the, other children of his brother, rts in v, hose house he ...


... CORP0RA-'rlTt INQUID-DI1EETING OF TTEE E INHAI ITAN Is OF DUBLMN Iesit!rday, anumeroua meeling of hei m:rcban's, treiltre, and miechanics, of hlc city 01'Dublin, was hleld inl the R'tyij * Exchange, for the purpose of into conaid. ratio0, the 'be a esures ttt bat eu a ~opted~by 'the citta' no of Dublin, during the proeetot Parliamentary ina)`Y'iry tnt, crorpoarte OWuES. ROBE.R'l AlCLA' ...


... POLIGE. - [SATURDAY. MANSION-HOUSE.-THE EXTENSIVE BURGLARY AND RoB- BIRY IN BAILTLBTT'S-BU;ILDINGS.-HENry COOK, A young man, wbh has been frequently charged with robberies, was brought be- fore the Lord Mayor, on suspicion of being concerned in the bur- glary and robbery of Mr.Wbeeler's premises, Ianlartlett's-buildlngs. Wiggins, a Bow-street officer, stated, that having received In-. ...


... GALALVY AS 71 S-,tI>DAI, 9TIX MARC, 1 Charles.A, hite, aud .Thon~a9. White.wee ~put to thebhsr, oharged with atea j~g, ?? Oprstfbag of Liallinamore to ~~haT~~gb,,5Iett~fi t~tiinig 61. O.,o the 4thofJ qait~y I .. IT1s p. aqi seeeJ tbeo the ba.t~er orier 4&f sraii49ens anti ?? 'aCttd doing, the progreso h trid'al.U w~aam h VIM tt~ciaeI tq~ eo~no enmixed by Mr.. Fzeoaqb -Wt ne~j transjacts ...


... rOLftJE. MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-SINGULAR CASE OF. Br- GAMY.-JOHN FARROW, a journeyman tailor, was brought before Mr. Conant yesterday, charged with having intermar- ried with Ann Cooke, his former wife, Sarah Farrow, being still in exiitence.The prosecutor, Ann Cooke, produced the certificate of her marriage with the prisoner; from which it appeared that the ceremony took plice in St. Matthew's ...


... hsSU31EUSETSIIIRE Asstzas.-Threse Assizes commnenced, I to on the 29th alt., at Taunton. Mr. Justice Park took his -seat in the crowni cour1t ; and Mr. Justice Littledale pre- piln sided at .Nisi IPritis. The following prisoners, in the crown reconrt, were tried up to Thursday nighrt.~- DiiC DT'r R1cohtPED.-lThotilas Clarke' rind Robert Davis, for i sburglar ; John Wolfe Levy, for' ?? young, ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... I turador *Prinz addilvd. NISI PRIUS. ALLEED-PER3JURY. hex v. Brethergon.-..This was an indictment for perjury. Mr. BLACKBVUXI and Mfr. ARCHBOLD appeared for the ObSrcutiOn, and Mr. WILLIAMS vwith Mr. CROMPTON or the defendant.' The following was the case for the tiseeution. 'The plaintiff was Mr. John Formby, of ngbtll near Liverpool, and the defendant Mr. Frawris Bteherton, coach propyistor, ...