Advertisements & Notices

... WI1 LL siORT ?? CLOSE, EXHIBIT''ION OF N J A S N IV E S jS Xnf l PICTIUE OF lR EJEClTD BY THE JE-Sr. lian -\Ia agnffice ::t Picture of this highly i -rj- e ti ' Ild, painted on ,iunanss 22 feet. hv . Il ite BF\AatiS NVEST, Euq. President of tihe GI :c ltc a,(f Great Britain, ic now en view in the .,)A of ?? ROYAL INSTITUTION, LC ?? nine o'clnnck till five every dly, frie : t ilia~lit ]ewith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ie PES(OTT AND ?? 'a .LONDON FLY WVAGGONS 11emnoved to the George Inn, Alder 'a abury. TESCLO'TT and STAIN)URY beg respectfully to jlaccjuaint their Friends, and the Public in generali, ie othe REMlOVAL of their FLY WAGGON BUSI. f; SO from the White larr Inn, Borou h, to tle '9GEOR(3E INN, ALDERRIANBI3RY, LON. 19 D(ON. at which Inn their Waggons load every after. a ternoon, at five o'clock. Df ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -nd C ?? the Ilig Street, Titchiedaeit V ar cellent BAKE.-O USE, with Stores, commo. - x dietus faggot house, stable, &c. Enquire of G. F. I- ough, 'itchfeld. - rJ O0 be SOLD by l'RIVA'TI' CONTRACT,- ti D. The MASTS and BLOCKS of the Swalloj o1 dj Yacht, 125 Tons.-For particulars apply to Mr. Rey. nolds, at tha Wellington Tavern, l7igh.street, Ports. 1, h mouth on Air. W. Camper, Ship Builder, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JV INBUR H ST A PA(;KrsA,, from tiac New Jtty. West Indlia Docks, Hlackerall. The SOHO.C5P1f RAIN. Tiae .IA 3IYS WAV, CaPtaln JA.MtIXtnN. Trite CITY O F trNhlURiH. Captain RtAsian. A Ne. rverulantiStl-o~ Vrarlwill be reedy to jinw the above ~ inthe eaoo. On of hnn~i'acto IIl start for Rdinburgh, on aintar- ~y erntgO orilC. ed prl13 ha cot~ue every Saturday froro Edinburgh ~od~r~iaiV~d~ ~n~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FACrs AND FiLL4CIES CONCERXNIG AEL TIIS DAY IS PUBLISHED. TILE IRISH MVNTHILY MAGAZW1Nr, No. M11. FOR APRIL. Ptice is. Cd. CONTENTS: , A tCTS and Fsllacios con s ?? Arabioas-The Gbatilagb--Noori, a Rhapeedy.-.| So,tlaind andl Scotch Men.-The Modern Magician- 4 Jaokevns-'r'is sweet to roam by the silent atrsnd-oing or isleing Madame de Sevigne playing. at Blind-Man's B _ -| The Evening Star ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d ALVERSTORE SUNDAY SCUOOL BALL. TN consequence of the Suberton Race Ball having been fixei for Tuesday the 9th of April. the B..Ll. a or the ,Alverstoke Sunday School will take place on Monday the 8th, instead of Tuesday the 9Sh, as is betore advertised in this Paper.' k ARUNDEL EASTEIR BAL,, 1s833 il 'HIS BALL will take place at the Assembly e Rooms, Norfolk Arms Inn, on Thursday the 11th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOLUNTEERS OF IRELAND. T HE Memeting will take pluce on THI3S DAY (Tietsy), 1 at Tthre u'Ciock, in the Corn Exotnges Roema. , DEDWARD DWYER, Secretary. 2d April, 1835. NEgW CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ALL HALLOIYS, WESTLAND Row.0W N EASTER TUESDAY, APRIL qtb, a Sollemna g Q Mass of alkalgiving will be offeed up in th Catholic Cburch of AllPHailoss Tbe Vults will be blessed insetdiately after the High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE:W )ur'Fcu ELcX .EE) &C. W ILIAM SIMM.IS & SON have received, per W the Galliots Auguste and Seaforth, from ROT- T'ERDAM, Z60 Hhd~s New Dutch F1LAX2SEED Which,with the following GOODS in Store, theywill dispose of on moderate terms:- Archangel BASS MATS; VALONIA; Sicily BARILLA and SHUMAC; Cod, Pale Seal, and Linseed OILS; English, Dutch, and CORK TREE BARK, Butt and Kinp LEATHEA* CORDOVAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PRICE OF IRISLH- STOCKS YESTERDAY. Goventgaeoi Con9sojl@ S Psi Cent . ?? 861 Ditto .eS Cen1 (Oew) ?? Degbnturts. 4 -per C ent . 8 i ank Siock ?? U'rad Canrl Deb., 6 Ier cent., red, to 41. p. f' arn. 8; Kibernian Bank ?? , ,? Patriotic Insurance Company ?? . 2 IJntrul. Slearn ConpAnTIv ?? . ,GGNEXAL t~~bl-ot~~tit~h-A Hot! h1. M I1 ,> - ?? AIIN:!1ES I)eapatcll of. Irisb Carriers at ,, 8 10 A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GyOD FRIDAY, ?? ..f the BANGOR APRIL FAIR 1 XI 0|;ile Qn GOOD FRIDAY, d o otice is hereby ijCen, o ie antI FAIR WILL TAKE PLACE ON _ 5'lk; F0LLOWVING DAY, APRIr 6th. BY ORDER OF THE MIAGISTR1ATES. By A i-thoritV of Pqrllianvnt, i TE GLASGOW LOTTERY. TICKETS AND SHARES 1 Are ow oil Sale at the old esttiblisqhed Office of BISi1, o- 4, COANHZJLL-. -LONDOY, . ( Eb aving been duly autholise -to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N'EW FLAXSEED. ΒΆ HE' SUBSCRIBE1,R is this day lauding, ex S. T firth, from ROTTERDAIM, 191 HlAds. Newo DUTI F1.AXSEED, Of prime quality-for Sale, at s roRpE, North-street. JOSEPH GILLIS. 2d April, 1833. (S8 FLA.XfE ED, &6C O5 SALE, 164 Hogsheads New Dutch Sowing FLAXSEED, 50 Do. New New York Do. Do. 50 Bags New French Oo. Do. just arrived. 10 Do. Dutch CLOVEREED, last year's importation. Y. C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTjISLIVERY MEETING at EXETER HALL. A A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINO of the AN rl-SLAVERY SOCIETY. of the Frie idt of that Cause, will be held at Exeter Hall, Strand, THIS sidApril 2. to PETITION Parliament at the present eventfsl reilae, f05 the D, A5ll and entire Abolitlon or Slavery throughota the British Doomltrions.- Tbt wil abibe opei ied1 at OEleven a.'clock, and the Chair taken atTwelse pre ...