... Tuesday afternoon an adjourned inquest was held at Christ-church Workhouse, Boundary Row, Blackiriars Road, before Mr R. Carter, on the body of Eliza Baker, aged 17, found drowned at the steps of Blackfiiars Bridge on Saturday morn- ing, by a police constable. Mr P. Wood, eating-house keeper, Bermondsey New Road, having seen a paragraph in one of the newspapers, that the body of a female had ...


... L1MnC5 QUARTER SESSIONS-SATUfDAY I I .1,, th. N -4, ?? (J-bruied ge 'lro1W -ll c a.iari. ?? . .. DICKIOiN V. PAIRS Ng. This arset, Which exoited 60 muehS inerest among all classsi Of toe public on asoount of the nt1loriety of the plaintiff for his ?? transatotions, caime on for hearing at the *y court hmose tiSU day. c At ue oclock, the chairman, Mr. Cruise, Addressing Mr. Sbau ?? sthe ...


... E>L'TR A PIRDT h ?? ;i R Y IN N';EST'IG AT OQN 0)1 ; T'l ii~l ?? > 'ti al /l- ?? ?? _. -II-- ~ _, , . . ,. ., ,DI LSAS I IUIN.Ii l )I 'esialy ;vi:Orielniow mijo iyed illiquest was I' hell at tie cl;risclira worirlidliise, ildolinaly-ro, h) 'l;,chfvuios ur he r-id r. It. Carcer,oin the body E izaza Ii di, r ;tl ;7, wshi was fouldlI drowned . at tim? Ste ps Ft 1:fi ott a r's nilt, I oii ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-SATURDAY, APRIL 27. THE KING V. THE CHELSEA WATERWORKS COMPANY.-ThiS was an action for toe recovery of a rate levied by the parith ot St. George, Hanover-square, upon the bason and canal In the Green Park, opposite Devonshire House, used and enjoyed by the Chelsea Waterworks Company as a reservoir, for purposes bene- ficial to them, in consequence of a grant from the ...


... Every man between the ages of 20 aud 60 in comntiesI except is hereinafter is excepted, shall be liable to serve on Juries in Courts of Assize, Oyer and Ternminer, and Gaol Delivery, provided he shall have in his own nane, or in, trust for him, within the county, £10 a-year above re- prizes, (rent, charges, annuities, or oth-r deductions) in lands, tenements, or rents in tee simple, fee-tail, ...


... --- a - -I !1!nn r~ooxi L.&W. In the observations we last week made upon the demoral- tL Izing effects of the Poor Laws, as at present administered, ( founded on the extracts from the evidence furnished to the r, Commissioners, wve stated it as our opinion, that among the - many evils of the existing system, not the least important p was the natural tendency of these laws to prevent industry s ...


... - f \VA--ASSIZES.-1,VF.h~rS9A, APRnIL 3. I ?? E$RE. sUSi-ICRE IURON ANi) A IPECIAL JIRYr ReX v che Ihn. FrederichC Lavendish. Iinedit4ly i aftor tbh' s&ti'in of the aun't. the 11on. F. Cajendiob was arr.ign-tJ, upon tbree' dtstivct btil of indict maeoti forso1s6any libsis pritted and ptublithed by hitn, in tb6I Caisfesr 'Pehlgrp, lof the 3;zh fiJanuary, i35J,. The &r~t W for 'a-libei ou ths ...


... ._ :; ;. SLT^GO ASS IZES. Q~ui ateition. baa been drawn t o the following trial which tktjduce at tbe Slige sriz -s. .We advert to it principalyt. ?fo ii~e jutrpose.;of -ee!ling tbhe attbn ir . of .our r.ead~e& .to thet pf-tiv bicb etmeuoelor Ell~is aasiatsnt barrisbter, we believe, tt tjr.~of the Corirnsef,7}t ceuntiett), is reportedtto have be. s'toscd- upon a atrana Catholmic lergyeaea. ...


... CHARGE AGAINST AN M. P.-BOW-S'REET.-Lead beater, the officer, to whom a warrant was entrusted for the apprehension of Capt. S. A. Bayntun, the representative of the city of York, upon a charge of illegally pawning a looking-glass which had been lent to him, together with other things on hire, by Mr. Mullett, of the Strand, on Monday received a letter from the Hon. Member, appris. ing him of ...


... LONDON POLICE-AN IRISH TERMA-GANT I Mary Wood, alittle Irishwooman of most violent temper, was charged with abusing Mr. Joseph R-obey. The prison- 'er has been repeatedly convicted of acts of violence. On one occasion she cut her mother's head open, and nearly killed her, for which she wassent-to prison for two months. Her husband, not able to bear the temper of his gentle creature, has gone ...


... BOWSTREET.-FINAL EXAMIINATION OF S. A, BAYNTIUN, Esq. M.P.-Yesterday being the day appointed for the further hearing of the charge preferred against Mr. BAYNTUN, M.P. for York, by Mr. Mullett, an upholsterer, In the Strand, for Illegally pawning a lookinRg-glas, at two o'clock, the time fixed, the partles were In attendance. when the former evidence having been read, Mr. Callow, the Solicitor ...


... HANETS E1ASTER SESSIONS. ''l'he T'Estt r 'Sestiss lot this-et.ounty commnensced on Tuesdryo sst therCirnnd; 'ury Clhmhnber, !Winndesrtef All nAG Esq.. Capt 'Neville, R, N.; A lexandter G Ctamptbell, Esq.. G'eo. Capibell Egq.'; 'James 'Winer Scott, Esq. John Fleming REq.; the Rev.Robert Wright, Dr. Quiat. der, Sansu3l Raymond Jarvis, adid Wiliamn Thresher, Esqrs. Tn it's Ri'esponT.-Tiia repott ...