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... ,cosri, rw- UrICT. .The Lord Maror ?? n received sorm cormmurfcations V witthi ihe last few days,: rebtive to Upeter, explanatory of ?? pursued by tateprtad ni. Aeqigt them was theffoU!witg:-A 'A gentleman, namedfrearaes,,tio possessed pearty, 'ad resided in a northerp. county, wa.undeta teop- .poraryj mhbrrasmenafeiv.ygrp ago, ,an4 inorder to avoid 'tbeexnessm'ity. of ...


... A brutal murder was committed at half-past nine o'clotk ron Sunday uraming ou the bo y of an aged and decrepit man, named Jamisr Adarms, who wes walking from.the Ha.row, at ?? green, to Luton, in BSedfordshire, sud bad proceeded as far as the liti leadlwug into the tow n, when he was stopped by Thomas Craw ley, alaboucing man ol desperate character, wibo struck him on the bhad *viih a bludgeon ...


... I QUARTIER SESbiu.NS-GREEN-STfIBET. Yesterday the Recorder, accuomnanisnd bv Aldermen ?? and Fleniztg, touk his seat upon the bearch at eleven ?? A woman named Sarabh M'Hugb was indicted for receiving a quentity of platp, knowingit to have been stolen. The otaly evidence adduced was that of vn'accomplice, who failed to identify the prisoner. bhe was, of a.ursrs, Do- quitted. 'TIhe husband of. ...


... . e. I. , Im N (Fromi/it ork ker qj Of ,Iuraaiiy.)j At tweive thsdythree ;noruOte cdits suffered the ezttenle penalty ofthla, befiiuad York Castle, pu~rsuant to, tersentences at ~the latif asisg,' ?? Writ bt, aged 19, Of, Rotlerusim, for, settiing fllteity w~tcs~',lw aged 2n of, 9n OJtingley,, 1lahur~r, for, t lsv~g orpll~ilestoll Thbiim~i 'Atlihs, Of, that 'plice, on the I 2th of, 'anuary, ...


... OXFOlD CIICUI''-G.LOUCESTERt, APRIL 8. Anne Wilkins, aged 24, who appeared with ain infant in her arms, was charged with ill-treating ?? Anne Keates, her servant. Henry Lines-I live near the prisoner's house. I know Mary Anne Keates. She has no mother, and her father is paralytic. She is eight years of age. Mary Anne Keates was a healthy child when she first went to live with the prisoner. She ...


... BXONDAY, APRIL 22. The Crown business commenced at these Sessions yes- terday, before John Curry, Esq. Assistant Barrister, and the following Bench of Magistrates :-Major Rowan; Henderson Black, Wm. Clarke, C. M. Skinner, Fortescue Gregg, and John M Cance, Esqrs.-The following Gen- tlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury:- JoHN CuNNiNGCHAm, Esq. Foreman; Edwd. J. Smith, Chas. Thomson, John Hodgson ...


... CORP0RA-'rlTt INQUID-DI1EETING OF TTEE E INHAI ITAN Is OF DUBLMN Iesit!rday, anumeroua meeling of hei m:rcban's, treiltre, and miechanics, of hlc city 01'Dublin, was hleld inl the R'tyij * Exchange, for the purpose of into conaid. ratio0, the 'be a esures ttt bat eu a ~opted~by 'the citta' no of Dublin, during the proeetot Parliamentary ina)`Y'iry tnt, crorpoarte OWuES. ROBE.R'l AlCLA' ...


... LA W IN'TELLGENCE. COURT OF EXCHEQUER-YESTEPDAYV at The Chief Baroo (Joy), Barons Pennefather. Sir1itb, axd tb Foster. tobk their seats upon the bench r t twelve o'clock. hMr. BENXETT, K.C. applied to tbo court upon the part of - Grady, Esq. to be admitted an attorney of tblir di lordship's court. Mr. Grady's father, it appeared, wvas all attorney of their lordabipa' ceourt and his s- the pre ...


... THE PLEASURES OF SCRnATCING.-On Monday, a de- cent looking man was charged before the Rev. Mr. Mat- thias, Lambeth-Street, with having wilfully extinguished one of the public gas-lamps on Sunday evening.-A wit- ness proved that she saw the prisoner put his back to the lamp-post and shake the light ?? defendant, in re- ply to the charge, said that the fact was, that he had put on a new flannel ...


... MAVOetN Houstaa-EXTRAORnDoNARoY Fiostr. -A traceller to a raercrantils houee uramed Simpson, tassrged the driver of a stage coash, on Thursday, with a violent assault. The com. plainatt'a ?? ttad on*-of hts eyes was, as it was desci.. d, coripletel ' bunged np. notwitlletauding which, the crowd in tbe.justiae zoom was, during the exalination, convlesed with laughter. The noaplainant ?? thtt ...


... ELECTIoNEERING RESPONSIBILITY-A PADDY, hI KEW CONVICF ED! KING'S COUN'TY QUARTER SESSIONS. (FROa OUR CORRESO'NDENT.) d BIRR APRIL Il.-rhe Quarter Sessiori( of this county L havejust terminated. In the cilil side of the court there a war civil bills tried for demands growinig out of elec- t 01ODePrilig transactions. Two of thea were at tbe suit of t persona named Byrne and Mulock against ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH-YESToIDAy. Ttiels at ANisi Prius, before the ChieJ Justice.) tRTEiE AND GREER V. JOHiNSON. Ills was au action of aissunpsit for gnods sold and deliv ered. hedsidaat pieaded the general issue. alid addled three rial ple ias, n of whitb chawgod plaintiffs with spoliation tf ereiflg tbeir namien from a deed-pole, which they had cn senting to accept a ?? of 5i. id the ble' ...