... GALALVY AS 71 S-,tI>DAI, 9TIX MARC, 1 Charles.A, hite, aud .Thon~a9. White.wee ~put to thebhsr, oharged with atea j~g, ?? Oprstfbag of Liallinamore to ~~haT~~gb,,5Iett~fi t~tiinig 61. O.,o the 4thofJ qait~y I .. IT1s p. aqi seeeJ tbeo the ba.t~er orier 4&f sraii49ens anti ?? 'aCttd doing, the progreso h trid'al.U w~aam h VIM tt~ciaeI tq~ eo~no enmixed by Mr.. Fzeoaqb -Wt ne~j transjacts ...


... rOLftJE. MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-SINGULAR CASE OF. Br- GAMY.-JOHN FARROW, a journeyman tailor, was brought before Mr. Conant yesterday, charged with having intermar- ried with Ann Cooke, his former wife, Sarah Farrow, being still in exiitence.The prosecutor, Ann Cooke, produced the certificate of her marriage with the prisoner; from which it appeared that the ceremony took plice in St. Matthew's ...


... hsSU31EUSETSIIIRE Asstzas.-Threse Assizes commnenced, I to on the 29th alt., at Taunton. Mr. Justice Park took his -seat in the crowni cour1t ; and Mr. Justice Littledale pre- piln sided at .Nisi IPritis. The following prisoners, in the crown reconrt, were tried up to Thursday nighrt.~- DiiC DT'r R1cohtPED.-lThotilas Clarke' rind Robert Davis, for i sburglar ; John Wolfe Levy, for' ?? young, ...


... . . :. I - - Oi * MOrDI? Apum lath, 10832 1'RESENT. cg ?? THOMASTENNANT, Ese., MAeOs. to .T~n CARLES MILNER, Eag., Reroewcee. er JonBrooke, Easq. Christopher Backett, Eeq. ldi [leery Hail, Esq. I Thomoas Backett, Esq. ad George Banhs, Esq. Thomas fliaysls, [isq. Beni. Sadler, Esq. Ralph Marklsosi, Esq, William I-ey, Esq. nel At lise opening of the Court, Chas. Mimner, Esq. tisok the oaths ...


... BOWSTREET.-FINAL EXAMIINATION OF S. A, BAYNTIUN, Esq. M.P.-Yesterday being the day appointed for the further hearing of the charge preferred against Mr. BAYNTUN, M.P. for York, by Mr. Mullett, an upholsterer, In the Strand, for Illegally pawning a lookinRg-glas, at two o'clock, the time fixed, the partles were In attendance. when the former evidence having been read, Mr. Callow, the Solicitor ...


... HJUJLL POLICE. SATURDIAY'.-A chimney~k-SWeep,`, named flirt. dRamoon, (whto was; frequently the ringleader of Mr. Acitunt's nhohq,) and a respectable looking mat whuo gave his nameci fo I h lin tosod, and said icc was muster Of at ressel, were broutght u tp in custody of a wiattlhman, charged with being drunk anti n1 aitorittrly in Waterhonuse-lane, btwetivll two and three, . O'Clck inthe ...

Published: Friday 26 April 1833
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1444 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I Dumfries, April 16. George Camipbell, 'weaver and labintirer, Gatehoiree- of-Fleet, was placed at the bsar, accused of robbery, ag- gravated by assault, in so far as onl the 2d (If February 1833, at a place called the Old Ford Road, near Gate- O house-of-Fleet, in the parish of Girthon, thre pannel did assault May Porter or Johnstone, did strike whih shpea te edly, knock her violently to the ...


... POLICE: BOARTtD An arliourned meeting of thle Comnmissioners of Prrlice& AIPP heas ld on Monuday, at which tbe Finance Commitfteee, agreeably to a former remit from the Board, presented a It retrrn hv the Clerk of all finos and fees ?? during ;vhricl the last three years, of which the following is a sum- cil Oll mary : sm 1830. 18131. 1n832. Fines L.433 10 0 L.673 16 6 L.632 0 0 ithe ca Fees ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... I turador *Prinz addilvd. NISI PRIUS. ALLEED-PER3JURY. hex v. Brethergon.-..This was an indictment for perjury. Mr. BLACKBVUXI and Mfr. ARCHBOLD appeared for the ObSrcutiOn, and Mr. WILLIAMS vwith Mr. CROMPTON or the defendant.' The following was the case for the tiseeution. 'The plaintiff was Mr. John Formby, of ngbtll near Liverpool, and the defendant Mr. Frawris Bteherton, coach propyistor, ...


... Tuesday afternoon an adjourned inquest was held at Christ-church Workhouse, Boundary Row, Blackiriars Road, before Mr R. Carter, on the body of Eliza Baker, aged 17, found drowned at the steps of Blackfiiars Bridge on Saturday morn- ing, by a police constable. Mr P. Wood, eating-house keeper, Bermondsey New Road, having seen a paragraph in one of the newspapers, that the body of a female had ...


... L1MnC5 QUARTER SESSIONS-SATUfDAY I I .1,, th. N -4, ?? (J-bruied ge 'lro1W -ll c a.iari. ?? . .. DICKIOiN V. PAIRS Ng. This arset, Which exoited 60 muehS inerest among all classsi Of toe public on asoount of the nt1loriety of the plaintiff for his ?? transatotions, caime on for hearing at the *y court hmose tiSU day. c At ue oclock, the chairman, Mr. Cruise, Addressing Mr. Sbau ?? sthe ...


... ?? a - -I !1!nn r~ooxi L.&W. In the observations we last week made upon the demoral- tL Izing effects of the Poor Laws, as at present administered, ( founded on the extracts from the evidence furnished to the r, Commissioners, wve stated it as our opinion, that among the - many evils of the existing system, not the least important p was the natural tendency of these laws to prevent industry s ...