Derbyshire Easter Sessions,

... Derbyshjre Blaster Sesios - \'EDNESDAY eA, -i t4 -\rt s- - Ler sessions, IVLUNLESDAYIAii.1 ~: Held at tire Town HIAL, Asii 10 a. H at thePIJI P CEV ILn CIUESTFrpnrE D, before And the foll w: Magquircs Ctirates Sir Roqer Greisle~y, Owti Mgitrte Fracis Hurt, E. ; . James floivw1rh2 Req. Robert Arkwriyht, Esq. 'piyaliam aBndy,'Esq. E. S. Challdos'Pole, . rdneud G. Araytpard, Esq. f re w. A.Gilbet ...


... A brutal murder was committed at half-past nine o'clotk ron Sunday uraming ou the bo y of an aged and decrepit man, named Jamisr Adarms, who wes walking from.the Ha.row, at ?? green, to Luton, in BSedfordshire, sud bad proceeded as far as the liti leadlwug into the tow n, when he was stopped by Thomas Craw ley, alaboucing man ol desperate character, wibo struck him on the bhad *viih a bludgeon ...


... I QUARTIER SESbiu.NS-GREEN-STfIBET. Yesterday the Recorder, accuomnanisnd bv Aldermen ?? and Fleniztg, touk his seat upon the bearch at eleven ?? A woman named Sarabh M'Hugb was indicted for receiving a quentity of platp, knowingit to have been stolen. The otaly evidence adduced was that of vn'accomplice, who failed to identify the prisoner. bhe was, of a.ursrs, Do- quitted. 'TIhe husband of. ...


... OXFOlD CIICUI''-G.LOUCESTERt, APRIL 8. Anne Wilkins, aged 24, who appeared with ain infant in her arms, was charged with ill-treating ?? Anne Keates, her servant. Henry Lines-I live near the prisoner's house. I know Mary Anne Keates. She has no mother, and her father is paralytic. She is eight years of age. Mary Anne Keates was a healthy child when she first went to live with the prisoner. She ...


... - - - 1 - I Dumfries, April 15. r , Jon 'ounfg, 'jun. and Jvin flipe, ?? In Lang-'by It holm, aceused of destroying game and rabbits, and offer. Dun i ing violence to Walter Bell, and others, on the property the I Y of the Duke of Buccleuch, uear Langholu, on the Sth woko n or 6th of February last, wers sentenced to imprisonment Ann; 5, for nine months, and to be kept at hard labour. 'lown. r, ...


... OLD BATLEY-TuEsDAx. (Before Mir. B~aron Vaugohan and at London Jury.) Riochar-od Coster' and Eihnrournd Smith were indiicted ?? ut- tering and putting off as true a forged Bank ...


... INSOIVENT DEBTORS' COTURTf. Tile Rev henry hatch was opposed by Mlir. W'oodroiTs i'or Mr. Webb, the rope-malker; for Mr. Bishop, of Calsi- bridge, tailor ; for Mr. Taylor, a coal-merchant; and several othCrs. The insolvent had been formerlya Fellowof King's college, Cambridge; he had afterwards resided at Old Windsor, at . Seal, in Kent, at Exeter, at London, and lastly at Sutton, of which ...


... BOW.STREET.-DARING BURGLARY AND APPREESIasON~ 0, Tniii Roisasts. -CHARLES JONES, Gaoaoe RiceARDSON, and THsOsAS GuESw (the latter one of the family of the Gu-bts, whj have recently been convicted as notorious receivers), were yeste0. rIn day charged with burglariously entering the house of Mr. G~o,, c, Newport, a shoemaker, living at No. 84, Theobiald's-rorid, a. stealing therefrom two watches ...


... LA W IN'TELLGENCE. COURT OF EXCHEQUER-YESTEPDAYV at The Chief Baroo (Joy), Barons Pennefather. Sir1itb, axd tb Foster. tobk their seats upon the bench r t twelve o'clock. hMr. BENXETT, K.C. applied to tbo court upon the part of - Grady, Esq. to be admitted an attorney of tblir di lordship's court. Mr. Grady's father, it appeared, wvas all attorney of their lordabipa' ceourt and his s- the pre ...


... OLD BAILEY.-SATvRPiJV, APRIL 15 MURDER OF THE BOY PAVIOUR. FREDERICK MARSHALL, GEORGE EVANS, and WILLIAM TAYLODR, werst placed at the bsr charged upon ani indictment, Bud upon the-Coroner's Ioquisltiol), with the wilful murder it Robert Paviour. Mr. ADoLrgvBs applied, on behalf of the pros, culion, that the trial of the prisoners be postptrned till text Se.sitons. He made the applicatiion on ...


... THE PLEASURES OF SCRnATCING.-On Monday, a de- cent looking man was charged before the Rev. Mr. Mat- thias, Lambeth-Street, with having wilfully extinguished one of the public gas-lamps on Sunday evening.-A wit- ness proved that she saw the prisoner put his back to the lamp-post and shake the light ?? defendant, in re- ply to the charge, said that the fact was, that he had put on a new flannel ...


... COURT OF AXCHEQUBR.-APRIL 16. .[Sitlngs lu Banco.] THE GAME OF CRICKET. HODSON v. Tzit&LL.-Mr. Hustsrtusy, i this case, wbich was ote of coosiderable interest to Spuorting Societies, applied for a rsle to set aside a DOnU8it, and for leave to enter a verdict for 20g. for the pilantiff. The action arose, the Learned Gentleman ob- served, out of a. satsch botween the Blrminghliam Ution Qiiclcot. ...