... BXONDAY, APRIL 22. The Crown business commenced at these Sessions yes- terday, before John Curry, Esq. Assistant Barrister, and the following Bench of Magistrates :-Major Rowan; Henderson Black, Wm. Clarke, C. M. Skinner, Fortescue Gregg, and John M Cance, Esqrs.-The following Gen- tlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury:- JoHN CuNNiNGCHAm, Esq. Foreman; Edwd. J. Smith, Chas. Thomson, John Hodgson ...


... ?? PeuRrsl. The follmoing cases wore tried on Friday anl Satur- dav, ubish finished the criminal business before thi coult. Jiles Seri onledur and Daulvi lill, stealing from a I graniarv in MsIlros.-Four nionths in jail. Jowe(Jh Matt, theft in i'loutrnosc-ix months impri- soellment. Willis soHeron, from Dundee, assault, robbery and ?? for life. Margeraret M1'Doeoyri, four months imprisonment, ...


... POLICS. MANSION-HOUSE..A journeyman baker, named EDWARD FRARNLRY, who Is occasionally enmployed by a buhther who resides In Leadenhall market, was yesterday brought up for final examination, charged with hbaviDg violated the persoi of Mary Smith.-The LOaD MAYOR postponed the case twice for several days each tine, to the expectation that tho come wtould be settled without being handed over to a ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH-YESToIDAy. Ttiels at ANisi Prius, before the ChieJ Justice.) tRTEiE AND GREER V. JOHiNSON. Ills was au action of aissunpsit for gnods sold and deliv ered. hedsidaat pieaded the general issue. alid addled three rial ple ias, n of whitb chawgod plaintiffs with spoliation tf ereiflg tbeir namien from a deed-pole, which they had cn senting to accept a ?? of 5i. id the ble' ...


... BOWSTREET.-FINAL EXAMIINATION OF S. A, BAYNTIUN, Esq. M.P.-Yesterday being the day appointed for the further hearing of the charge preferred against Mr. BAYNTUN, M.P. for York, by Mr. Mullett, an upholsterer, In the Strand, for Illegally pawning a lookinRg-glas, at two o'clock, the time fixed, the partles were In attendance. when the former evidence having been read, Mr. Callow, the Solicitor ...


... HJUJLL POLICE. SATURDIAY'.-A chimney~k-SWeep,`, named flirt. dRamoon, (whto was; frequently the ringleader of Mr. Acitunt's nhohq,) and a respectable looking mat whuo gave his nameci fo I h lin tosod, and said icc was muster Of at ressel, were broutght u tp in custody of a wiattlhman, charged with being drunk anti n1 aitorittrly in Waterhonuse-lane, btwetivll two and three, . O'Clck inthe ...

Published: Friday 26 April 1833
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1444 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ?? a - -I !1!nn r~ooxi L.&W. In the observations we last week made upon the demoral- tL Izing effects of the Poor Laws, as at present administered, ( founded on the extracts from the evidence furnished to the r, Commissioners, wve stated it as our opinion, that among the - many evils of the existing system, not the least important p was the natural tendency of these laws to prevent industry s ...


... E>L'TR A PIRDT h ?? ;i R Y IN N';EST'IG AT OQN 0)1 ; T'l ii~l ?? > 'ti al /l- ?? ?? _. -II-- ~ _, , . . ,. ., ,DI LSAS I IUIN.Ii l )I 'esialy ;vi:Orielniow mijo iyed illiquest was I' hell at tie cl;risclira worirlidliise, ildolinaly-ro, h) 'l;,chfvuios ur he r-id r. It. Carcer,oin the body E izaza Ii di, r ;tl ;7, wshi was fouldlI drowned . at tim? Ste ps Ft 1:fi ott a r's nilt, I oii ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS-WRDNESDJY. (Sittings at Nisi Prius In the Duchy Court of Lancaster, before Mr. Justice BOSANQUXT and a Middlesex Jury.] BABI V. TAYLOR AWD STRANGC.-This was an action of assault. Mr. Serjeant TAUDY said tbat the plaintiff had for the last 20 years beect assistaut to Mr. Morris, surgeon, in Henrietta-street, Covent-garo'en. In October last he took 'ludgloga iu the house of ...


... BOW STREBT.-POST OPFicY ROBBEaY.-JOn COX, a letter. carrier In the General Post-Office, was yesterday charged with stealing a letter contsialDt a ILt. Bank of England note, Whic was entrusted to him to deliver to Mr. Henry Foreman, in Queea. street, Clerkenweil. Mr. Wm., mercer, of No. 101, Grafton-street, Dublin proved that on Monday, the 18th of March, he dispatched a letter, ...


... TUrSDAY, APRIL 23. Janezs Mlllhattenl, for stealing a watch, the property of James Hunter, at Belfast, on 8th Feb. ; and on a second count for assaulting James Hunter.-Tbe prosecutor ad- mitted in his examination that he bad drunk four glasses of whiskey at the time that he charged the prisoner with steal- ing his watch ; and it appeared in evidence that he had previously accused another ...


... lECOUD)EIt'S COURT- 1YEsIm.AY,. donCn~ r Jobu 00imu were itudicted fur acnsi rav injure John Walshi end Joseph WValsh in tbairi~rad4 i.;laste workers, aoel by threats,, menaces, and intiesada. h(A1 cImII lF ea to leave their empynet Mr.11 p0,aisaed the case for the prosecution.'10the ?? Were tin-pleto orkers, anid in the moat of Pi ~ ,they were employed by Mr. Daniel . of Mary- irsto work as ...