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... THE MURDER OF MISS ELMS, AT CHELSEA. FURTHER EXAMINATION OF JOHN SHARP. QUEEN-SQUARE -Yesierday being the day appointed for the re-examination of JOHN SHARP, the self accused murderer of the unfortunate Miss Elms, of No. 17, Wellesley-street, Chelsea, whose voluntary confession of the horrid deed *ppeared iu the ChArnicle of last week, considerable excitement prevailed in the neighbourhood, ...


... HORRID MURDER AT CRELSBZA A barbarous murder was discovered on saturday last to haRv been committed on an aged female, named Catherine Elmo, re- siding at 17, Wellesley-street, near the new church, at Chelsea. The occurrence Is, in many respect, similar to the murder of Mrs. Donatty, which took place some years ago. Tae deceased, who Is abo4WJO years of age, formerly kept a school In Smith ...


... DENDYVCHITTY.-Mr.BLACKBURN this morning moved for arule to bhow cause why a mandamus should *ot issue directing the officer of the County Couit of Chichester, to return the proceed- Ings In this cause, which was on a writ ot' false judgment. Con- siderable inconvenience and expence was incurred by the suitors In this Court, from the cireonistance of the Court being held altejnately at ...


... I THI MctDDm o0 AfrsS PURS, Ar cnPL9A. I The Inquiry into the circumstances connected with the murder of Miss Catherine Blmes, was resumed yesterday, The Jury met on this occasion, at theWorkhouseo instead of the WellesleyArms. Mr. Teague, the solicitor, said tbathe had received a letter from Mr. Phillips, of the Home Offlice, stating that a reward of 1001., would be offered by Government, for ...


... MARTLEBONE OFFICE. John Brown was charged on suspicion of stealing a horse, which he had offered for sale to Mr. Hedges, a horse-dealer, Edgeware-road. William Lake deposed that the prisoner came to him in Lissou-street, and said he wished to sell his horse. On witness telling him that prosecutor would purchase it, prisoner went to his house, and offered it for sale. Mr. Hedges desired to know ...


... COURT OF COMAMON PLEAS.-WEDNESDAY. 191ttings at Weatminater~before Mr. Justice ALUER1SON, MATHEWS V. BEANS.-This was an action of slander. The plaintiff was a tailor, and a person named Lawes, who dealt in various articles used by tailors, having occasion to transact buui- ness with Mathews, applied to the defendant respecting his ge- neral character, & particularly inquired if he was a man to ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. SiR-In your Paper this morning, you inform your readers that the Duke of'Sus~a presented, yesterday, to the House of Lords, a Petition from the Inhabitants of London & its vici- nity, agreed to at Exeter Hall, the purport of the prayer of which was, for their Lordships to take the Criminal Law into their consideration. The Titmes of this morning says- ...


... COURT OF CHINOBER.-UDIVDESDAY; Sl1tRauy v. FxaRtm4 -The defendant (Earl Ferrero) having some time ago committed waste on an estate in which he has only a life Interest, by cutting down some young and ornamental -tim- ber, the matter was referred to the Master, for the purpose of de- termintig the question of the nature and extent of the waste, as weil as of the amount of compensation to be ...


... 7HE= -V.flA'I - a: -XG C UL YHE' MORNIN \ \G CHRSONICl LE'. LONDON: THURMD,]V, MA4Y 16, 1S33. Wile give a report of the proceedings at the Inquest held yes- terday, on the body of the policeman, ROBERT CULLY. 'I he inquiry is adjourned to five o'clock this atternoon. The evidence hitherto does not seem to point with anything like certainty to the individual who deprived the policeman of his ...


... .;LASITTINGS THIS DA Y--I,,r W6. MEETINGS OF THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, BASINGHALL-S'REit'. Before Mr. Commissioner EVANS-l11 Barnard's bankruptcy, private meetlig at 10. Before Mr. Commissioner FANs-Calmlpbell, Collings, and Maingy, of Bishopsgate-street, merrehiats, at 1l; adjourned audit. Before Mr. Commistioner WILLIAMs-Sainuel Drucker, of Old City Chambers, wine-merchait, at 11; audit of ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY, TUESDAY, MAY 7. MILTON OYSTER GROUNDS.-WICKsHAM V. SOUTH.-The Lord Chan- cellor observed that he had received a letter signed by two of the persons against whom the attachment had issued the other day, on behalf of them- selves and forty-eight others, praying to be heard. Sir Edward Sugden said this was the case in which attachments had been issued against fourteen fishermen ...


... COrR T OF CHANCERY.-TUES.DKY. MILTON OYSTER GROUNDS. The LORD CHANCELLOR, on taking his seat this morning, ob- served that he hail received a letter, signed by two of the persons usialnst whom the attachment had issued the other day, on behalf of themselves and forty-eight others, praying to be heard. His L ndshlp wished to know rbether there was aoy profeasional gen- tilmtan present on their ...