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... DISCOVERY OF A ROEeRthS CAVE AND RETREAT NE.&R LiNcoix.-On Monday last a most singular discovery was made in the plantation of Skel- lingthorpe, a small village about three miles from Lincoln, of a most inge- niously constructed retreat for robbers. About six months ago three fellows called Freeman, Coupland, and Greetham, who had been charged with robbing Mr. Chaloner, leather-cutter, of ...


... PWUlCE. MANSION-HOUSE.-0oaGtY.-Yesterday, an elderly womar, whose appearance was exremely fautastical, wag put to the bat upon a charge of forgery. When the LotD MAYOR asked he, what her name Was, she curtsied several times, aud said that she Was the Hon. Mils PONSONBY, asid that rhe lived In Wales at a place where a hill went UD to her bouse. It was evideout, from hr conduct, that her object ...


... MANSION.HOUSE.-ITINEaANT COAL MEEtC11AXNT$,-Yedtter- day twoyoung men, named WoaPLaYan (lSMITH,were cuargedwiih fraud. The detcoidants are in the habit of golug about with a cart containing cuo:le, wbici they vend at tbe rate of twopence a hundred welght cheaper tihan the retular coal-dealets. The number of huudredsawhieb the cart appeared to carey surprised many; but the secret war discovered ...


... PUL1VE. BOW-STREET.-A SHtVL-visn ADVENTURSRR..AA yonul of preprasearsiltig ppearatice, oUt of seedy exterior, ric I his rame to be ANDREWS, and who was evidently from tie td o' Cakes, was yesterday brought to this Office, ch L'4d forgetfulness ot 4e laws of meunt et tutim, and with asrpged 1th to himself a file female lobsttr, which wat expolsed tor gal, i the open window of Mr. Goodwitt, a ...


... - [SATURDAY, MANSION-HOUSE.-A young girl, named ELIZA Howa, was brought before the Lord Mayor, under extroordinary and Horrible circumetances. The father of the girl appeared before the Lord Mayor a few dayI ago, and stated that his daughter bad raised a report of him in the neighbourhood, of his having been gull y of horrible conduct towards her, which receiving credit, an immense mob ...


... LAWY SITUN/;S THIIS DAY-JlNE 19. The L rd and Vice-Chancellkri' Cturts vlil 'lot tit to-day. COURT OF l;ING S BEiNCII-NVESTMINSTE. Sittings at Hhlf-pait 9. COMMfONJURIES.-Doe, (en. RickmanvPiper-L-plig v Watts -Wilkijson v Byes s-Wlkins.s rivOsinonld-DJedeln. Wlitber8, v Moore Bntd Anotaer-Gilder v Wyuyaid-Gawmthoin v Pearson- Iliggs v Will.l-Higg's v Grien-The King v Iznea and Aunother ...


... LAW SITTANGS THIS DAY, JUNE 1. Tbe Lord Chancellor will not sit this day. VICE.CHANCELLOR'8 COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at 10.-Motions. BOLLS' COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at 11. Harrison v Boydell-Green, v Challenor-Fussey v Ray-Wil- kinson v Henderson-March v Wbeeley-Cope v C .pe, further directions and costi-Guerson v Atkiuson-Same v Same-Hood V Burrne, exceptions, further directions, and ...


... I COURT OF KINGS BBNCH.-ffBDNESDAV, JUN 19. f8ittings in Middlesex, before the Mr. Justiee PAT3T5oN and a Special Jury.] GOLDEN V. LADY WYNYARD.-Mr. C. PHILLIPS gtated this to be an action brought by the plaintiff, who was tady's maid to the defendant, for having given an improper character of her, by reason of which she was unable to obtain a situation. The plaintiff had lived two years and ...


... COURT OF KING'S BBEVCH.-MONDAY, JVJNE 17. [Sittings in Middlesex, before the Mr. .Justite PATTESON and a Special Jury.] Tnia KiNG V. CLLYTON AND Orsssas.-Sir JAmits SCARLETT, fOl the prosecution, Said this wag a Criminal Information, filed by or- der of the Court of King's Bench, against the Editor, Printer, anil Publisher, of a newspaper called The SPectator, on the applica- tiotn of his ...


... COURT OF CR4NCBRY.-FAlD. At the rising of the Court, the Lord Chancellor gave Judgment In two cases which have been argued during the present Term. IN a JA11Di.Nt' o CHARITY.-This was an appeal from a deci- sion of the Master of the Rolls on a Petition respecting the admi nistration of a Charity by the Flsbmongers' Company. The Teo- tator io the time of Henry the Sixth made a will, by which ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-TussDAY, [B, fore the LorD CHIEF JUSTICE and a Special Jury.] Tut Ktror, AT THE PRoSScrTroN OF THE Duxn OF CUMBBERLAND, v. P11ILLIPS -This wtas u indiCe1t11, for a fa se and suoandalus lihel upu nitu Royal H'ghhess the Duke of Ceuberlnud. The de- fendant, Josieh Phillips, wa desc ibed to be aboukaelleraud pub- Itsher, and the libel %was a publication entitled 1 ...


... INSOLVBNT DEBTURs' 'OURT.-M4y 31. ARTHUR WILLIAM MORRIS, High Bailiff of the City of Westminster, Bailiff of the Sanctuary of Westminster, Lesiee of the Manorial Rights under the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, &c. &c. &c., appeared before the Court on his petition to be dis- charged from his debts, amounting to 17,0001., and was opposed by Mr. Nicholls, on behalf of Mr. Robert Mason and wife ...