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... cOURr OP CMAN,1ERY.-MovDi'. IN RI MAZrRLY, A BANERUIPT, EXPARTH CUNNINGRAM.-Sir EDwARnD S]UGoN (w1th wh-'i A ai Mr. 8waustco and Mr. Moonta. gnt) was heard lit an appeal on a special f`om the judgment of the Commissioners of the Court of Rlevie n to the matter of this Bankruptcy. Mr. Mabe ly was a banker in London, and bad Alto various establishments fit some of the principaltowns of Scot ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-SATURDdY, JUXE 29. [iBefore the LORD CettiEJtJT-TCE and a London Coimor Jury.] EASLEY V. CROCKFORD.-Thhis was an action brought by the plalu iff, a retirtd stockbroker, against Mr. Crockfurd, of St. Jsimess'astreet, to recover 2s0l, the value of a Bank of Bugland note, which had been stolen from the plalntiff, and traced to the posselsson of Mr Crockford. Mr. Seljeaut ...


... [SATURDAY. MANSION.HOUSE.-DON MIGuEL'S ENGLI81L RECRUITS.-A deputation from about 250 meen, who have juat been disbanded bi the agents of Dort Miguel in this country, appeared before the LdnI Mayor tinder the folloWnlg elrcumnstatces I- The spokesman, a stout abla: Boatswal, stated to bin Lordship, thmt he and a gieat many other able-bodied tuen, for tihe most part Elgiish, not havlig been ...


... VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-~THuRSDAY, Jua~y 25. WVCULLOCH ANiD LONGANAN ?? MACARDY.-Mr: KNIGHT appidfra injncton o rstrin he efedant from publishing a work ntitled Tae ontmercial Colu cyOPdia, or Didionarf of Practical CoA merce, ing at it was in a considerable degree phraoI from Mr. MtCulloth's of th of Comaerce and d n vipation, publishey by Longman and Co.n th several articles copied, ...


... OLD BAILEY.-TssuRsDm Y. Georqe Furcey was indicted for having stabbed, with intent to murder, a policeman of the name of Brooks, and another of the name of Redwood, on the 13th May last, in Coldbath-fields. The Solicitor General conducted the case for the prosecution on behalf of the Government.-John Brooks deposed that on the occasion of the riot he saw the prisoner bearing anu American ...


... [SATURDAY. MARLBOROUGH STREET.--ASMELIA SAUNDEaS, - YOUt3X prostitute, well-known to the police, SARAn TIolIPSON, and WILLIAM OXLEY, the latter n journeyman butcher, were hbrugbt up. charged with having robbed a gentleman, aiamed Brewstaer, of 401. In bank notes, a chectlue for 101, And four saverelgns,-Wr . Noble Brewster, Esq. of Titchfield-street, 3tated, that on Friday night, being rather ...


... _ [SATURDAY. GUILDHALL.-A FEMALE MWINDLER-A young wonian, aamed ANNE ESCIIsE, WAS charged under the following circum- stances:-Mr. Gardner, the landlord of the Bull Ion, Hulborn, said, that on F~iday evening the defendant came in and asked for a sitting room, a sleeping roomn, and some tea. At bed time she was, according to tile custom of the house, presented with the bill, which Nmounted to ...


... OLD BAILEY SESSIONS-HONDAY. EXTRAORDINARY OVERSIGHT-MIDDLESEX INDICT- MENTS OF LAST WEEK( ILLEGAL. This morrinig, upon two men, namcd Murphy wtid Doyle, Ibeing put to the bar to tane their trial, Mr. Cnaete, the Clerk of the Arraigns, Informed the R~corder, that le understood the witnessess In this case had nut been pro- perly sworn previous to g.,ing before the G.-and Jery to give tvldeucm in ...


... OLLY. .A i O R, . D *. SE SSION. ,Shortly after nite o'ne c looMo y, Mr. Jtfstice e,'' Mr. Justice Littledale, the Recorder and several entered the Court. Mr. Justice Littledale then desited:the Jurors-present. to enter the box, and informed them that they were discharged on the. p.resnt occasion. One of'the jusrorsi asked 'his lordship if thiey wonld' be: likely .to be called on ...


... COUVRT OF; KING'S BEACH.-MONDAY. [Sittings at Gulldhall before the LrnD C~inP JuarSTIc and Com- mon Juries] PHaLLrPs v. Joies.-Mr. RlCHAADS stated, that this was an acti.n brought by the plaintiff (sueirrg by his i ext friend) to reco- ver comp-nsaaion for services perforksred by him tor the defend- ant, a jeweller on Ludgate-bill An agredment was made between the parties, by which the fatter ...


... POLIUB, MANSION.HOUSE.-CBAROE OF FORCERY.-WAs. STAURS, aR German, was brougbt before the Lord Mayor by Daniel Forrester, charged with havlug committed a forgery on the Bank of Eng- land. The prisoner refused to give his name, but was Identified by a former employer of bis. He declared that his relatives were so respectable that be could not bear the idea of degradig them by saying who he was. ...


... COURT OF KING'S B,&NCH.-MONDoIY; [Before the CHIeF JUSTICE and a Special Jury. CASE AND ANOTHIIR V. BRODERICK AND ANcovrrtR -This wns an action to recover the value of a schooDer, which had beeu sunk through the misconduct of the servants of the defendants em- ployed in the George and Mary coliler brig, of Newcastle. Sir JAMES SCARLI&TT and Mr. STEER acpeared for the plfsii tiffs ; and the ...