Advertisements & Notices

... er, at NOOK'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS, a most 3t iL excellent Medicine for Bile, Indigestion, Giddineis of the re. Head, Piles. Dropiical Complaints, and are in a considerable Lhe degree a preventive of various other Diseases. Their corn. en position is truly excellent; they do no Scontain any anti. t monlal or mercurial preparation whatfeer. and do not ro- t quite the least confinemeent or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~PIGOU AND WILKS, MANUFACTURERS OF THE DARTFORD/ GUNPOWDER, kj'ING discovered that large quantities of Spurious ji powder have been sold as theirs, in Cannisters and pa..els, with their label and seal attached to them, have ±o1nd it necessary to take proceedings at law to put a stop 10 SUch praCtices. in eoder to guard dealers and consumers against bad and purioeus powder, they have adopteda ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a Goneri Meetinig of the TALLOW CHANDLERS' d SOAP BOlkERS of this City heldon Veaes d a) IttAuaust, 1 4, T -R.R ,TVHAREL in 'the Chair , \4he lrt We R sutbons were una4pimosl aeeilp esolh ' That from the great advance hp b t~foko sing List of Prices be'ad optd t ak sMonday, t intstant ' f Improved louilds.i 9s. per ro. ?? ld. bpcrlh PlaiR do. ?? Ss. per do. ?? Sd. per do. Dips . ?? 7s. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN1 TAN DY, TEA DEA AND WINE MERCHANT, baN] 35, ov ER SACKVILL.E-STREET, ie Nobility and Gentry thali has S]:jl3lst urnporte om the last India Sales a largfA/st- mentbt Black and Green Teas, selected with su~hfan.fas he trusts Avill support the character by which his/IhAS has been distinguished (notwithstanding the fictitious and low advertisements recently put forth); in a word, no housecan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~IADFORD) AN]) WVAK EFIELD TURNPIKE N0`'1'l(i is horeb)it givnt.H~at Hie fleet 'MoeeHg of the Trrustees Of tilt~ aidii ltiitd will be held tai the. Sei It loust Iit Wokefielld, ol 1P`Ictoq, Ari Thi, ii'l/i DayIq f Atigiist he/Stal, ?? Elevenl o'clocic ii Clerk to, the said TIruEtcos. itra'tfurd, 1501 AttItl~tI, 1:1:33. ?-]E1G'I(.ILEY AND IiA (AFAX TU RNPI KE NI ?? ii ?? givenl IIhui t lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EXCELLENT HOUSE; hi34iixtelsrvePRERIZ-NF4-4 T O be LET, and entered on at St. Ihomas's TDay, IL now in the occupation of 11lr.Wyatt, builder, Holywell. Apply at the Office of this Journal. 9[01U9E ainl Si 13DIP. r¶fo be LET, and may be cntered on immediately,- L A very desirable HOUSE and SHOP, situate in the Migl-street, Oxford; consisting of a good shop and parlour on the ground floor, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . BtY PEWMt190104 Of tthe leverend the Vice.Chancellor and~the forshipfflI the Mayor, NEW THEATRE, ST. NARY HALL LANE, OXFORD. HIS present Saturday, August 3, will be acted T the Comedy of THE BIRTH DAY, with the cele- brated extravaganza of DON GIOVANNI, or A SWECitUE OX HORSEBACK. monfaltu (never acted here) ELLEN WAREHARI, with WIIERE SHALL I DINE? and the INVINCIBLES. The other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMIA, LOTHIAN ROAD. -N IIIBI IING, the Supe rb View of f iL NTERSEEN, in Switzer- G. Tl I isw ic tA ken from the entry of the principal C ll -oIrirjOC fretW Interlachion, and extends in the len u rr the j igfrao, covered over half its elevation TF ii i ' snows.1 1This is con5*iderod the most interestingypieee of scenery dttr c l by the extraordinary means of the r d ha Ls proredroost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IK 31AM Wt\V \A ,Ec.-ONDI)N and (3IAVE~S- I, N)..-a5~ORC rtI-icatlkInii tq lt . tit' A Itlitorice, Strom Pilc LIet Winharf, rig thle l'ower illt ooc dancie Iii- c-i div ,,e wtantcic,'r of laodick go Sir Picr, at iltrt, arid etabarkitng theefoor cpoot Their retairn. FiK EF: 'dEN ct-., r Lc'IM iiln thle rtick ot Seat 'tCvciy~at'C a liattIh places. 'the, Act' cortoiltL'-otdeit at chite chut .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. The public is respectfully informed that in consequence of the DaUierou applications for places, the engagement of ,Mademoiselle TAGLIONI, of the King's Theatre, London, has been extended to three additional -aighls, and that she ,till perform this Evening, and on olonday and Tuesday xiest. ?? the BENEFIT oF Mr. and Mrs. YATES, and j2 their lest appearance, on svhigh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SI NS AND 07'%FQZ§. 0 be-ILET and entered upos clsanediately, a very I ,irabl ?? witT SE and SHOP ad. T App]S onthe Preaisea, 1l1,l urllngton-street. cr0 be LET. u good FA Ity , witk Fix. I tures complete. situate il1 particulars to Mt- HAIH,.r'zer.Stf x -- 1O BdBAKrPS AND FLe~lgB 0 be LET, in a respectab edpopul elghoourheod great thoroughfare, 4v.oed: E*MS:, SHOP, BAKE. OVSEo:N0 and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IZ -X PRI F N piiOMEN.ADE, vith MUSIC, &c. Frii),, ' d' lie, as 1.ual, in tire Experimenntal f L ith, on S3tuloliay tsue 17th, conmenciog 'I s IS-lEREBY GIVEN, that the I N-rH ,*NNUAL ELECTION of _ e to . iortiierpte in tire beneit *if the FUND ' . l~ l.te lil; DUKE of ARGYLL, ' mret if the hIGHLAND SOCIETY g \,jill takc place oan the 12th day of ti fa4 til fi ar iY to a-sist irt the education ...