Advertisements & Notices

... TO. BE -llET- CEP ri R HOUSE. No.'7, UPPER CHURCHLANE. IIL lately upiedby the 'Subsciiber; 'A Good SHOP ean be made in it if' requiiried.Aand 'is a eacelletit 'sitationi for any RETAIL TRADE.:',- i : - Pleaseapply to - : S ML.: GELSTON.; 25th-Sept. 18. ' (54 -TO BE -L..ET FILOM TIRST NOVEMBEa NEXT, Fboi SUCH TEaM OF YEARS AS MAY BE AGBEEDf O, .. HE, HOUSE and. LAND in. ISLANDRhAGH, R tbe'R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Qtebec Pine Timber,7&c. rT-HE SUBSCRIBERS are now Landing ecithe IP Shi Ratoion, Captain munp.Y 600 Tones New, Quebec YELLOW :Nt TIMBEER,' 1well assorted, of large sizes, and prime quality, And are well supplied with first quality; DEALS and BATTENS, 6 to 20 feet long- Black BIRCH and OAR; Crown MEMEL TIMBER DEALS, aud STAVES BE Imperial Mill'd, Queen Toad sountess, and Lady SLATES; SHEET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW THEATRE ROYA LOWER ABBEY-STREET, / M ESSRS. CALVERT, the Lessees of the Pa t, beg 'A1leave most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gen- try, and the Public in general, that the above Theatre will be opened in a splendid style, every attention having been paid to the comfort'and convenience of the audience-the house is entirely rebuilt, on the most approved plan, and after the ,naaner of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? uur.. - tt 1t(10 THE td rree and Isidepcetdcnt Resident BtsrgerSeC a 'y OFO T IE a e BOROUGH OF CARNARVON. at- nt GENTLEMEN, e W7E, beg to avail ourselves of the earliest eppor- i i trinity of publicly returning to you our sin o [it cere and grateful thanks, for the honmor you did ai is us by giving your votesin our favourattlhe E lection to for Blailiffs of Carnarvon this day. - p. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTS. VANTED IN AN EXTENSIVE FLOU R ,>3,UR MILLER. None need applyS tos I E Ne ed whose claracter for honesty, sobriety kneuled-e of his business, will bear the ,uiry. He must be hiphlyiecenrnended b mislast ern- ployer. Applicition, if by letter, post-paid, to Robert.Wa's' EB q. B. Ividere. place, or Usher's-island Mills. 1WTANTED..-A respectable lAD will be eiat 1 Apprentice to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _;0FBSIU LE DANCIXG. 1 ADAINE KENNEDY respectfully announces to ILhe!tFsiends and the Public, that, having returned from LODON and Du4uh --er ;CLASSES will RE- ASSEMBLE at heri 0, CASTLE-LANE, on WEDNESDAY~ihe itarobe Morning ¢lart from Ex 5 til ONs o'clock; Evening Class from Slx till NIN ctck.- Maidame K.. wil, also, for the modation of Young Geatlemeninbusiness, open a Class from NINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It KING, form-rWy resident Surgeon to the H'Atci 1) AI a Pstis.,nul dollt- hii, IN rRio)U'Lo~Oi1Y LEC'TU1- e IATM 1-NEI'NGtl at Half part 5eaeVr. pIt. in itt INItulteota at the late 3001011 1 toF.O Q. MenClo~a i -street, Grteet tourt:. nough-s.treet.-For particillays tt t1 ilw-,aptply to Olr. Ktog, 10 Illo-v- street,H anOyer square Et~NJ ERAL 1)ISPENS Altul, ALDEIRSGATF..STREET.- An IA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r() 13E SOLD 13Y AUCTION, AttUl-istlr ArIms iIoTE,, in tle 'own of A 0N 11 tSATUI1AY, t1e 5t1h of OcrolslRl, It Iet.,n ?? of th rec anld five o'clock 1 tile 1ftels1N ll 5uh ject to such COnlditions as iI, bL I,.5, p)roduicedl, (unless disposed of il the ?? ho ?? Contract, of Which due etice srill be giCve), FTIJ that ESSUAGE, TENEMENT , and Q. I , wnsvith, the several DIselliig 1-Houses ?? i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO E' LET' OR SOLD9^ rpHE HOUSE & LANDS of SOLITUDE. The .1 House is very convenient, fit for the reception of a genteel Family. The Lands contain 25A Acres, Statute measure. A Lease will be given for such term as agreed for; or it will be Sold or Let in Perpetuity. A Road of 1600 feet long runs through the Lands. The Belfast and Cave-Hill Railway and public R]-d skirt the East side for 1000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOW S 'BIBLIOTHECA ,PERVETUS-TA ET DISSIMA, L7 CHARLES SHARPE H AS the honour of announcing to the Nobility and . Gentry, that he wvill, On or about the 14th Day of OCTOBER, commence SELLING BY AUCTION, AT IIS ' LARGE SALE:ROOM IN ANTGLESEiA-STREET, And, continue seven. successive days (Sanday excepted), An extensive Collection of Books, in the finest state of preservation, including ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' l~~~~~~~~~~~~] 0! DERBYSHIRE. if al GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE b PEACE. L 1VOTICE is hereby Given, that the next General d N Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Derby, will be opened at twelve o'clock at noon, h on Tuesday the 15th day of October, 1833, in the h Crown Court, at the County Hall, Derby, when all it fnatters connected with the income and expenditure sc of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEIRBlSHIRE I G'ENERAL _ImpFIR1MARY. THE RIGHT HON. LORD CAVENDISH, Al. P. e 15 IIE Twenty-Fourth Anniversary of the opening l .e of this Institution will be holden at ALT. SAISt3' C1:II , DERBY, on THURSDAY, the 3d of October t next. e The Govetnors and Friends of the Establishment will meet at halfpast 10 o'clock in the Morning at the Town v fall, and proceed from thence to All Saints' ...