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Aberdeen Press and Journal



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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIViinSITY & IMING'S COLLSEGE of ABEIRMIZEN.i F A\IHK \NUAL COM PETITION I-or BU RSARIES wtill bo J-ld ii t K I ?? ColiLEGE, as usulal, Oil thei last Monagt~ 'if ?? Vt O'ke oti, A t. of Tiiv Peeatd Biarsahs t, i h die.. A, 'fit 0 thisI Octtitill, fiere -will hb one of tle annallal l itsi £2, :ie UT ?? Oill or £417, One ut 0fii two oft I£18' los., two l £1l5, two of £~14 10s., tvio of £1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e D Y HIS1 JESTY'S ROYAL 0~ PATENT ~ NT GRiA VITA TINC EXPtESVI`NG FOUNTAINy, COMtMONILY CALLED n Svltal nd Impor'tantt in ven tion is well dt'servin p the at ottltid llpersonts to who tu i sitving, of ?? andi la. bou , ila -obtaiiot s1upplV or' of' hill ortillice'. T 'it PA-Tl3NTl FOUNTAIN PUM P rnists linter without loss of oler httavigi no Fricirton, tond is not liab~le t.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANl'FSHIRE FARMER CLUB. rHE NOVEMBER MEETING wvill lie held at the Holel, __ Cztje)t, upoin TUESDAY the 12th, whul. a full attendance of Members is requesteti. Thbose Membliers who have not already subscribed for the CLUB'S HARVEST-HOME BALL, to be heli at CULLEx Up upon Tilesday Even- ilng the 12th November next, but who may intend to do so, will please itlimate their intention to the Club's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2.A.IS0_2AL COLLM15t AND rINIVBrn1STY, A3E RDEREN. 1-k NNAL COMPETITION forl TiUYISARIES will hle ij rd n lePt'O11C 1IALt Of MAlItCtIAL. OOLLEGE t ?? f~td/o J. e 2111th Odtobe!r, ait 10 OC'chak, %A. ii 'th `eav Ft-~rEEN BUt-ts.\ttS to be disposed of by. Cootlpeti. v 5 oe 1 E13iivil ;tirittof 410 0:tclt ; two of Ei9 each P in; Hi nie o tit' feri or vtii Tllvri ;,s ho ll P1 i ar of £11 a:r y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SN£VS:1Ti ^ & IjENG'S COLL;EGE Of A IRDEEIN. YAI'l ANNU;AL, COMPETITION for BURSARIIIS will br 5iL I Ch1 1K I;IX(;'S COL1.1 c;E, as usual, oil tho last lfndoy qf ?? att 8 'clock, Ax. r. O() the Twenly B urts-rirs to li1 diis nmosid of il this ocvlsitOn, the re wtill be one of the anmial -alic of' V20, one of. Eli, o1e1 of 17, one of -li, tiro of TI lIs., two of £15. two of £14 10s., too of £14 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASteefi ily will be P51'bished, price 2s.. PART OP C-ESA IR'S COJ1MM1ENTTARIS, N( with a vocabuilaryand Obstications, fitr the luse of ?? in thie Stmlv of Latin, tio Bvy EDWARD WOODFORD, A.M. Afltho r of E;lenments of the Latin Langitiage Simplifiedi, &c. E VI' WoonaOfl'S FIRS'Tl, or ELEmIENTARY LATIN CLASS, wtil 4'1 foriniel on Friday the 1st Novembor. It will be cxercised - d-lilv ini ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Under ?? Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of t Usefd.fl oieozF4celgV. On Ite 1st of November wi]l be published, , HIE L I B R A It Y of ENTER'TAINING XNOWLEDGE, . 'PAIRT 43, being th it Pirst Part of the Seconid Volume of trie ELGIN MARBLES. The Second Part, compjletitig the subject, Will be ?? on the 1st of Decemiber. Price of each Voillme, bloundill ill failey clothi, 4s. GL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1 R AT ilost ?? ?? ti tat his Peido~rinaticc ~SCED'NU-SIC Will .taLkepla[jce iil ther PUBLIC ROOM1S, Aol) itlivetwioiill e ?? ' ?? (toller theili,00 casitlii, onl whicli h'the ?? of a select ?? l dies ?? sinatei'lls, ill atidditiolil to this ]I:-OfuioSlilill aid ?? Dempsteri, Mrt S11i1attl, Milisses j. & C. Daivie, niblc Davie will Preside at RiaOrgans, PROGRAMM11NE. Cri ni TFe Detim, veriw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 50t.D BY John i'iIathisonl, 38, Broad Street, Aberdeen. ~ISHE11'S DRAWING-RODOM SCRAP-BOOK for 11134 , with V Pl'.i'tns bw L. E. L. 4a0. A splt'ndid Table Biotk, conatininge 36 hkbl~v-6iiahed Engranvings,,. Price 21s. Blound in a noyel antd Dit. Anmn C[.Aur.itE COM.NENTARY ott ?? OLDanti NEW T1' ElTANI IN I's; it New EdI ition, ?? m111iulti ljuonls 2*. i or i ?? priji v 3. enl It. I'i'it ¶1ils ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h the TO BE LET. lessrs A8Convenient Small FARMl, on AlulimrtE, (Deeside), consisting I a of 30 to 40 Acris of good soil, and in good ordler, wvith suita- e ,that bls Duellitln House and Offices. g the St y may be had iniii fiatielv . ntthle nr Belng olilv about 5 iwiles friota Abeideen, the situation offers fail ninny atlvalitnges to au aetive and industrious tenant. _ upar, Apply to the ...