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London, England

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... APPEALS FROM TRE COLONIES. A most important Act with reference to the Colonies has been passed this Session, under the title of An Act for the better Administration of Justice in his Majesty's Privy Council. The first section declares that it is expedient to make certain provisions for the more effectual hearing and reporting on appeals to. his Majesty in Council, and then enacts, that the ...


... MANSION.HOUSE.-AA Spaniard, named GREGORIO GURNEE, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having stabbed a Spanish refugee, named Levega, who has been held in high estimation by those appointed by Govern- ment to superintend the distribution of the funds for the relief of the distressed refugees, who, some years ago, came to this country for protection. It has been the practice, we ...


... POLI f. llt~es -ousi,.-Two geiolcmen applied to dtie Lord M v, j 5 r atS-tanc~ :n a reserch aficr it young mari, agtd 15, nit' :i, i of who: 'we nimi ee' theV said, .1 E., who had lit hir 'a -nion ~S.tuidJy ttighi, to go to the Post Office, and tv' io a u; ~ tiimi, a, ttt' timi, liwee three anid four po una J'! 1tw1i:~1t flait, tlIlt the bov's miother wes in the g-rea-test ;J41ion~ un hi.e ...


... MIDDLESEXX SESSIONS, Ocr. i. [Before Mr. HALSa WLL.) MINT pROSECUTIONS. CHARLES Txxo:MPsoN was indicted for uttering a counter- feit shilling and halt-crowr. Ann Chambers proved the utteting of the false coin to her. The prisoner was found Guilty, and sentenced to imprison. ment for twelve calendar months and hard labDour, and three weeks of hisg period to be passed in solitary confinement, ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-Yesterday, Mr. Wm. Barnes, Rc- companled by hin solicitor, Mr. Flower, came before Mr. Chaim- h hers, the sittingMaglitrate, to make an appilcation forasummons 3 against an Individual upon the following grounds. The object of I the application, it was understood, was to assist Mr. Barnes in procuring evidence on which to found proceedings against certsain parties who had ...


... MANSION-HOUSE BROTOSHLgArnYestetdaY being the day appointed by the Lord MIyor for hearing evidence to prove that t51e 11,000 pounds' weight of British Leaf seized by the Excise upon the premises of Mr. Heale should not be consumed with fire, the Justice-room was crowded by mercantile ment at eleven o'clock, Mr. Scrjestst BOMPAS and Mr. C. PHILLIPB attended for Mr. Heale, and Mr, ADOLpHUS for ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.-A young man named EDw. DENMAN, who has very high connexiono, was brought before the Lord Mayor at the instance of several persons, who complained that they could not get their property which they had entersted to him out of his hands. The prisoner is a watchmaker. 'The general complaint against him was, that it was a matter of extreme difficulty to prevail upon him to restore ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTO-RS' COULTI.-OCT. 30O NOVEL APPLICATION-A LUNATIC INSOLVENT. SARAH RoNfr,0THAa1 applied to the Court on behalf of her husband, who is a prisoner in Whitecross-street, and unfor- tunately of Unsound mind, for bis discharge, she having corn- plied, on his behalf, with the rulesadopted by the Court for the relief of insolvent debtors labouring under insanity. Mr. COOKE who ...


... ASSESSED T'AXES. Anumeioua andrespoct ableMeetinrg was held on Monday night, at the Duke of Y.:rk, MNIut .street, Re ei)t's ParP, for the pr- pose ot obtaining the abolition of the As8sesed Taxes, particulerly those oun riudows and houser. Mr. Wood Ii the Cbalr. The Secretary reaid the copy of a letter which be had witten to Lord Althoip, r ~nmuoIetig the proceedings at the MeetiDg on Monday ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.-PREPARATION 0ov BRITISH LEAF. -Yesterday being the day appointed by the Lord Mayor for hearing arguments and evidence upon the question whether or not the immense quantity of British leaf which had been seized by the Excise upon the premises of Mr. Heale, the British leaf manufacturer, should be burnt, a multitude of people collected about the gates of the Mansion house, and the ...


... L],ONDON SES3-lONYS.-OCT. 16. this morning these Sessions commenced at Guildhall, be- fore the Right ionourable the Lord jyjayor, the Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen Ansley, Sir C. Hunter, Kelly, Harmer, Sir C. Marshall, Lucas, Rc. WILLIAM and JOHN 13UTL[N, brothers, the sons of a re- spect.ble tradesman in the City, were indicted for assaulting 'lhomas Mall, a city police conotab le, in the ...


... ADIDDLBSEX A)JVTERR}DA IR SESS1ONS, l ovbDY. | _ .etore B. aOTCH, E sq.] ROBERT WILLIAMS, a waterman, was charged with ttealiog * pair of sculls and a pair of oars, the property of Mr. Lyons, tbh boat-builder. Wm. Hobbs, a perRon in the employ of the prosecutor, stated that his employer bad lately been a considerable suffcrer by a ly tematic system which appeared ta be cat ried on o0 the river ...