... Cunious LovE AFrAiR.-Mr. Mirgersg a gentlemanly- looking young man, agent to a house in the city, was charged With having been found concealed in the house of R. Wor- man, Esq. of No. 1, Queen's-row, Pentonville. It appears -that a few eveoings ago the defendant was struck by the charms of Sarah Rain, Mr. Worman's buxom servant, who was stahding at the door. Mutual glances were exchanged, -and ...


... MIHDDLESEX SESSIONS-OCT. 15. H -enry Palnser was charged with fraudislently receiving 0 of tenbilleo exchag e, fonr It, 500 each, drawn by Frincis *h Dugdale Astley, Esq. w MrA~tly crss~xam~~ed y te pri~soler The sum E a 'nsriratn tenl hills at L. 500 eachatterueto le ArMfiie on1? No other persnn was present at the ttmej I Sad - shnld e saisfed wth onysim from.L.760l) to ,S L .5000. I said L ...


... I ~ b Tiu Commissioners of Corporate. Enquiry for tills CIS- trict, Messrs. Drinkwatcr and'Gambier, opened their coi- mission in Bristol on Monday last, in the great chamber of the Council House, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Not leaving become acqulaintedl with the fact until more than an 'hour had clapsed, we are disabled from reporting the form in which the commencement took place; and, in ...


... * A ease ?? been brought uinder outr notice, con- nected with the levying or the peors' ten yin this city, which we thinkikdeserving of being stated, as it may serve to give a cliect to a collateral imposi- tion of which we have had documentary evidence exhibited to us. The Managers having, it sOcms, issued orders for the collection of arrears by means of legal proceedings, if necessary ...


... BELFAST .NEWS CONTINUED. I CORPonATIoN INQUrIRY.-On Monday, Mr. Rea, of the Dublin Mail Coach Office, who was one of the jurymen on the inquest on the four men shot by the police at the time ...


... APPEALS FROM TRE COLONIES. A most important Act with reference to the Colonies has been passed this Session, under the title of An Act for the better Administration of Justice in his Majesty's Privy Council. The first section declares that it is expedient to make certain provisions for the more effectual hearing and reporting on appeals to. his Majesty in Council, and then enacts, that the ...


... MANSION.HOUSE.-AA Spaniard, named GREGORIO GURNEE, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having stabbed a Spanish refugee, named Levega, who has been held in high estimation by those appointed by Govern- ment to superintend the distribution of the funds for the relief of the distressed refugees, who, some years ago, came to this country for protection. It has been the practice, we ...


... POLI f. llt~es -ousi,.-Two geiolcmen applied to dtie Lord M v, j 5 r atS-tanc~ :n a reserch aficr it young mari, agtd 15, nit' :i, i of who: 'we nimi ee' theV said, .1 E., who had lit hir 'a -nion ~S.tuidJy ttighi, to go to the Post Office, and tv' io a u; ~ tiimi, a, ttt' timi, liwee three anid four po una J'! 1tw1i:~1t flait, tlIlt the bov's miother wes in the g-rea-test ;J41ion~ un hi.e ...


... On Wednesday week, about seven o'clock, as Mr. and Mrs. Wells were returning in a gig from Adlington to Chorley, they were stopped near the termination of the Wigan road, Dux ury by a gang of seven men, armed with bhidgeois. Mr. Wells instantly struck the first assailant in the face with his whip ; and in return he received a violent blow on the shoulder, while Mrs. W. was violently struck on ...


... vs ?? Oct. i5. i s Ots Tueseday lost, tire ?? Riding Sessions commnenced at t Knaresbro', before A1ATTOYiEi Wie~socx, Esq. Civairmnlt7, te W1. J. Coltman, Esq. W. L. F. Scott, Esq. of Woodh~ll, w Is A. Lawson, Esq. of Ahlvbro', and ,Jas. Ilanerton, Esq., of iv, ol flellifield Peel. The proceedlings were not generally interestinig. hi cr LEEDS, 11E-DNESDAY, OCTOIOER.16. I Thesc Sessions wrec ...


... MIDDLESEXX SESSIONS, Ocr. i. [Before Mr. HALSa WLL.) MINT pROSECUTIONS. CHARLES Txxo:MPsoN was indicted for uttering a counter- feit shilling and halt-crowr. Ann Chambers proved the utteting of the false coin to her. The prisoner was found Guilty, and sentenced to imprison. ment for twelve calendar months and hard labDour, and three weeks of hisg period to be passed in solitary confinement, ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-Yesterday, Mr. Wm. Barnes, Rc- companled by hin solicitor, Mr. Flower, came before Mr. Chaim- h hers, the sittingMaglitrate, to make an appilcation forasummons 3 against an Individual upon the following grounds. The object of I the application, it was understood, was to assist Mr. Barnes in procuring evidence on which to found proceedings against certsain parties who had ...