... I 0 ARMAiH QUARTER SESSIONS. I (FOTi-trN NEWRSY EXAMIINER.) At a quarter sessions held at Armagh, on the 16th October, 1833, eight hundred processes were entered with John MIKinstry, Esq., Clerk of the Peace. Patrick Nugent was charged with assaulting Sergeant John Rogers, of the Keady Constabulary, on 12th July last; and also for a riot at Keady; as were John Reilly, James Reilly, James ...


... I POLICE INTELLIGENC'E.. HEAD Ol'J'lcE.rCURIOUS CASE.-Onl Saturday last Chief Constable Ferrall gave informations that, in consequence of information having been received at the Head Police Office, that delegates from Manchester were at present in the city, administering oaths to the cabinet makers, lie repaired, a little after nine o'clock, to the house of a man named Bar- den, a publican, ...


... This sutbject has of late years engaged. much oF public at. teti'n: of its importance ro one can doubt. The trouble, the~ delay, and the ekpduce to which suitors have beeq'Hilble, either for the reeovery of, or in defence of their righis, has formed a just matter of complaint,'but into the enurnatitin of which it is not necesiary stow to go; they have ocopsiped the attention of 'Parliament, ...


... CORK POLICE-OFFICE -SATURDAY, LYSAGHT PENNEFATHEit, Esq., a young gentlenosn af lIfrehi lug apipearance ndr most gentlenoaniy de~meanour, wt sePr-i wara d~eco~td a~itb the sibbo. oC the orrder of Lib'Rstor., , brought tip fromt the Bridewell, chaorged 'with ralving catnrrt~ted , violent assault on Mr. HarVeY, a mIember of the frtoetrniy Of Quakers, between twelve anid one o'clock this ...


... MANsIoN-HousE-Yesterday the Justice raom was crowded, on account of the expected examination of GWYNN, who was charged with having successfully played off some tricks, which were not unworthy of the genius of Coster, with whom the Lord Mayor ascertained the prisoner had been con- nected in mercantile transactions. The prisoner, upon his first examination, stated that he was in the employment ...


... ESSIONS. These sessions commenced at the Public-Office, Chapel street, on Monday last, before John Wright, Esq. Mayor, Jas. Clarke, Esq. Recorder, James Crosbie, Esq and James Cock shott, Esq Bailiffs, and a full bench of magistrates. The fol lowing gentlemen were sworn of the Grand Jury:- Henry Ashton, Esq. Foreman Nathan Litherland Robert Benn T C. Molyneux Richard Butler Thomas Moore Win. ...


... WESTAJINSIER SESSIONS-FRIDAy. [Before F. CONST, Elq., and a full Beach of Magistrates.] BRUTAL CONDUCT TOWARDS A CHILD BY ITS MOTHER. ELLEN KAY, who had a baby at her breast, was indicted, charged with having, on the 25th Sept. last, brutally assaulted William Kay, aged four years, her own son, arid inflicted severe bodily harm. Mr. BODKIN stated the case for the prosecution, which was at tlhe ...


... - MAsISOsN-HO ?? Parish, the pugilist, who It Was notorious for what is called fighting on. the cross coI (selling a battle), was broughtbefore the. Lord Mayor, bre charged with having robbed a Mr. Cookson of his watch es in. Thanmes Street, on Saturday. XtIr Cooksol stated, we that as he was walking along Thames Street, be saw a rc porter with a box, and helped to raise it upon ie man's p ...


... THREATENING LEZTTRS TO ONE OF HIS MAJOSTY'm MINISTERS. QUEEN-SQUARE-Mr. William Shelley, a gentleman of respectability, residing in the neighbourhood of Russell- square, was brought up on a peace-warrant by one of the officers of this establishment, before Messrs. White and Gregorie, charged with sending threatening letters to the Hon. Mr. Stanley, the Colonial Secretary. Mr. Stanley, Mr. ...


... , . 1. I . . . ._,I MoNKEY HVNT.---On Tuesday last Marylebone police- office was the scene of much merriment in consequence of . the following ludicrous occurrence ?? the day previous an Italian boy (to whom belonged a huge monkey and black and white poodle dog) was brought before the magistrates 1: under the vagrant act. The boy was committed to the h bouse.of correction for a month, and ...


... 1ASoLt1,ghN )X~Of5 EOUR L-MO.%vii. This morning the Court resumed Its sittings after xr adjourn- mnent of five wetks. The Chief Commnissioner and Mr. Commit- istoner Bowen presided. An Ir rolvent, named RICHARD RUGG JARVIS, applied to be discharged, ard was supported by Mr. COOiE; no creditor ap- peared to oppole him. it appeared from the Insolvent's examnlation, that he had some lime since ...


... THE POOR IRISH SCHOLAR.-On Sunday Peter Moore, a poor scholar from Ireland, was brought before the Lord Mayor, having been found on the preceding night without a coat, and with scarcely' a shirt on his back. The police 'who caught him in this unfledged condition heard him ad- dress some gentlemen wbo passed in a language different from that which is generally intelligible 'to the police, and ...