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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-YEsrERDAY. I CoLEaGe.-sraEET.---Mr. Alderman Fleming and Mr. ,abbett were the magistrates present. Mr. E. Prendergast stated that he appeared for the purpose ef laying inforiations against Mr. Mtoylan for the purpose of binding the latter party to keep the peace. Mr. Moylan had assaulted him, but he intended to proceed for the assault in the King's Bench; in the present ...


... ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF COLONE\L LYSTER. The following is Colonel Lyster's own account of the murderous attack made upon him in the streets of Brusselh which we noticed on Saturday. Colonel Lyster is an Irishman. TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR ROBERT ADAIR. t 1 Brussels, Sept. 27. E SiR--I take leave to lay before your Excellency the .particulars of an outrage of a most diabolical kind which I ...


... I 0 ARMAiH QUARTER SESSIONS. I (FOTi-trN NEWRSY EXAMIINER.) At a quarter sessions held at Armagh, on the 16th October, 1833, eight hundred processes were entered with John MIKinstry, Esq., Clerk of the Peace. Patrick Nugent was charged with assaulting Sergeant John Rogers, of the Keady Constabulary, on 12th July last; and also for a riot at Keady; as were John Reilly, James Reilly, James ...


... I POLICE INTELLIGENC'E.. HEAD Ol'J'lcE.rCURIOUS CASE.-Onl Saturday last Chief Constable Ferrall gave informations that, in consequence of information having been received at the Head Police Office, that delegates from Manchester were at present in the city, administering oaths to the cabinet makers, lie repaired, a little after nine o'clock, to the house of a man named Bar- den, a publican, ...


... THREATENING LEZTTRS TO ONE OF HIS MAJOSTY'm MINISTERS. QUEEN-SQUARE-Mr. William Shelley, a gentleman of respectability, residing in the neighbourhood of Russell- square, was brought up on a peace-warrant by one of the officers of this establishment, before Messrs. White and Gregorie, charged with sending threatening letters to the Hon. Mr. Stanley, the Colonial Secretary. Mr. Stanley, Mr. ...


... , . 1. I . . . ._,I MoNKEY HVNT.---On Tuesday last Marylebone police- office was the scene of much merriment in consequence of . the following ludicrous occurrence ?? the day previous an Italian boy (to whom belonged a huge monkey and black and white poodle dog) was brought before the magistrates 1: under the vagrant act. The boy was committed to the h bouse.of correction for a month, and ...


... CASTLEB . . CAS~liHAli PETIT SESSIONS-'--SRili. 2'S. Madistrates ?? K earney, Theobald Bourke, Charles O'Malley, Si; Samuel O'Malley, Bairt., and Rev. H. I Pasley. Messrs. Fitzgerald Higgins, and Connell O'Don. nell, were fsr a short time in attendance. REvENUE PROSECUTION. Anthony M'Cormick was charged wvith having a'bottle of illicit wbiskey in his house; the fact was proved by Dolan and ...


... COMMISSION-YESTERDAY. J Yesterday the Judges, Smith and Vandeleur, entered the court at a quarter before twelve o'clock. The court was summoned for. ten. Several prisoners were arraigned. BIGAMY. Mary Jane Galwey was then brought in from the gaol, and placed at the traverser's bar. She appeared to be a rather elderly, though extremely interestinglookinglady. She was fashionably attired, in a ...


... I _ 0_ . ?? . - - Oa Tuesd. y, Mr. Curran, the commissioner sent to iln vestigate the doings of the tithe proctor and police at Balli- bay, was to resume his duty with newer and better instruc. tions. Of the conduct of the police force alone can the go- vernment strictly take cognizance. The atrocities cemmnitted by Mr. Sam Gray are grounds for civil actions ; and we are misinformed, if ...


... a MANsiOY-HOusE ---A Poon, SCioA]L ?? On Saturday, Peter Moore, a poor scholar, from Ireland, was brought be' fore ihe Lord Mayor, having been found on the preceding ;nigbt without a coat, and with scarcely a shirt to hig back. The poliqe .:w15o caught him in 'this udfledged condition, heard him address some gentlemrn wallyo passed in a language different from that which is generally ...


... P CITY SESSIONS-SiTubty. Y ?? , | The Recorder, accompanied by Alderman Dixon ?? Nicholas Brady, took his seat upon the bench' at ten o'clock. Two women, named Amelia Du Val arid Eliza Keely, were indicted for having passed base coin. They were foiunid guilty. i Du Val was sentenced to two year4' imprisonment, ind Keely to six months. ASSAULT. BOuTLGER v. O'BrtEN.---Mr. Fitzgerald O'Brien was ...


... il- -The disclosure of some of the abuses elicited by the Comn umissioners in the progress of their investigation at Athilone, :uist excite more than ordinary astonishment; for, intoler able as has been the conduct pursued by corporate fenctiOn- aries in the Irish boroughs, we could hardly conceive that anthing so monstrous could be attempted, by the most into- lerant corruptionist, as that ...