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Advertisements & Notices

... ,a07~( ,LATIN, and MATHE_ l'F IA L CLASSES. 25. GgortaOE STRExT, h i ,ATA DVID M ACRAE, A.M. are still , ;dde . Puplls mnny enter at Onoe Guinea Qlorrter. t-DglclENCtF OS THE MlOITTH. IlESSRS, M1TEIN,SURGEON-DENTISTS, FI0EX c,.Oe(R STRETT, whose acquirements were once haicallt ettained under the most ?? l in London, beg to invite those enalt f5iol men jainen lpbui g nder the discoenfort of ...


... REET. , pn BALL anti SUPPER will be C 1~ii- shI ?? the NOB3LE- ?? _)jV_ of thle CALEDONIAN I N VI' Ej' l vOENING, the lth Oc- il.T TO-1010 i r1'Tickets, Ten Shillings. One Pouldl. vro011 ilai~ Dthe ?? Tavern, at the ,ds a of M~r AaOEtISoN, No. 33, George ii NI. (r, GOns SI-aFT, 9th Oct. 1833. ~ orl)IESSD TURTLE to be had[ ori Quay at the W ATE R 1 OO any - SSEMBLY ROOlIS. Under the Patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE T I 11I) BRETHREN OF THE i0 CIcTY ()F IDINBURGH.- r)i,) DEANN of GUILD hereby in- lff 'n 1,,that a jNILETING of the GUJILDj tie CITY of EDINBURGH will ,ajETjIR the' Tron Chlrchl, nn Tuesday the l1th ln~a l,: Itelirar CLI rent, lat eleven ao'murk forenoon, for en f ?? of Guild, in terms of r' Pflarlitlflwitt. ' rether, (m his ar'miession to the hotly of r .Jdd~ lod re with the door ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SN£VS:1Ti ^ & IjENG'S COLL;EGE Of A IRDEEIN. YAI'l ANNU;AL, COMPETITION for BURSARIIIS will br 5iL I Ch1 1K I;IX(;'S COL1.1 c;E, as usual, oil tho last lfndoy qf ?? att 8 'clock, Ax. r. O() the Twenly B urts-rirs to li1 diis nmosid of il this ocvlsitOn, the re wtill be one of the anmial -alic of' V20, one of. Eli, o1e1 of 17, one of -li, tiro of TI lIs., two of £15. two of £14 10s., too of £14 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h the TO BE LET. lessrs A8Convenient Small FARMl, on AlulimrtE, (Deeside), consisting I a of 30 to 40 Acris of good soil, and in good ordler, wvith suita- e ,that bls Duellitln House and Offices. g the St y may be had iniii fiatielv . ntthle nr Belng olilv about 5 iwiles friota Abeideen, the situation offers fail ninny atlvalitnges to au aetive and industrious tenant. _ upar, Apply to the ...