... Cunious LovE AFrAiR.-Mr. Mirgersg a gentlemanly- looking young man, agent to a house in the city, was charged With having been found concealed in the house of R. Wor- man, Esq. of No. 1, Queen's-row, Pentonville. It appears -that a few eveoings ago the defendant was struck by the charms of Sarah Rain, Mr. Worman's buxom servant, who was stahding at the door. Mutual glances were exchanged, -and ...


... BELFAST .NEWS CONTINUED. I CORPonATIoN INQUrIRY.-On Monday, Mr. Rea, of the Dublin Mail Coach Office, who was one of the jurymen on the inquest on the four men shot by the police at the time ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-Yesterday, Mr. Wm. Barnes, Rc- companled by hin solicitor, Mr. Flower, came before Mr. Chaim- h hers, the sittingMaglitrate, to make an appilcation forasummons 3 against an Individual upon the following grounds. The object of I the application, it was understood, was to assist Mr. Barnes in procuring evidence on which to found proceedings against certsain parties who had ...


... OLD BAILET.-TuEsDAY. WILLIAm RoBSON, aged 32, was placed at the bar on an indictment, charging him with having, on the 16th September, at the parish of St. Birtholornew the Great, knowingly had in hie custody a mould, on which was impressed an apparent figure, viz., the King's head, on the obverse side a half crown ; a second count charged him with having a mould, on which was impressed the ...


... ;. [Cbtitinued frem our last.)i I. AP*EAL5 -Orders Quaahled;--iSuttan Cofldielil 'rnd East S;9nehouse; St. Jaine.& CBrIstol)'and Ottery St. Mary; East ?? and Witlasridge; Hattherleigh and Dowfiland, with £40 osts; Ashburton and i lckington. 0osdcrs Cons/irmedl:-Withycnmbe 'Raleilgh and Littieham; Jiimea Rotieveor and declariatrnn 4f Justices, witfi'£40. coots; Britadhtempsiton and St. Mary ...


... SATURIdAr -Singplar Case.-Mr. Isaac Parkin, silversmith, Exe Island complained of Georged Harvey, his apprentice, who had absented himself from his Service. In the enquiry as to whether anny good reason could be assigned for this, it came out that the apprelitice has been foolish enough to cone- tract Matrinony, and thus brinugup-n himseltall thecares of life befit eohitin.e.. That this hits ...


... I 0 ARMAiH QUARTER SESSIONS. I (FOTi-trN NEWRSY EXAMIINER.) At a quarter sessions held at Armagh, on the 16th October, 1833, eight hundred processes were entered with John MIKinstry, Esq., Clerk of the Peace. Patrick Nugent was charged with assaulting Sergeant John Rogers, of the Keady Constabulary, on 12th July last; and also for a riot at Keady; as were John Reilly, James Reilly, James ...


... I POLICE INTELLIGENC'E.. HEAD Ol'J'lcE.rCURIOUS CASE.-Onl Saturday last Chief Constable Ferrall gave informations that, in consequence of information having been received at the Head Police Office, that delegates from Manchester were at present in the city, administering oaths to the cabinet makers, lie repaired, a little after nine o'clock, to the house of a man named Bar- den, a publican, ...


... CORK POLICE-OFFICE -SATURDAY, LYSAGHT PENNEFATHEit, Esq., a young gentlenosn af lIfrehi lug apipearance ndr most gentlenoaniy de~meanour, wt sePr-i wara d~eco~td a~itb the sibbo. oC the orrder of Lib'Rstor., , brought tip fromt the Bridewell, chaorged 'with ralving catnrrt~ted , violent assault on Mr. HarVeY, a mIember of the frtoetrniy Of Quakers, between twelve anid one o'clock this ...


... ESSIONS. These sessions commenced at the Public-Office, Chapel street, on Monday last, before John Wright, Esq. Mayor, Jas. Clarke, Esq. Recorder, James Crosbie, Esq and James Cock shott, Esq Bailiffs, and a full bench of magistrates. The fol lowing gentlemen were sworn of the Grand Jury:- Henry Ashton, Esq. Foreman Nathan Litherland Robert Benn T C. Molyneux Richard Butler Thomas Moore Win. ...


... as ?? ?? it MONDAY, OCT. 21, 1838. ro PsEI'S:ENT. Jo at BENJ. SADLER, Eils., the MAYOR. a l ClIAS. MILNERt, Esq., RuCoRDtEI.of le JOIIN LEYCESTER ADOLPHUS, DirUTY RxcorDsira. XYALDERMEi N. LuP ;b Johin Brook, Esq. Thomas Beckett, Esq. of Itlenry Hall, Esq. Thomas Blayds, Esq. i Christopher Beckett, Esq. Ralph Marklaod, Esq. i$ a William Hiey, Esq. Griflith Wright, Esq. all GorgeBanks, Esq. R ...


... aTSSS -T-- S ASSE'SSED TllYBso Testl day aftsrinoon a Gmner-l Prublic lifeeting of Ilelubabitant Houpehol Mers of St. An dre ', Holhorni, and St. George the Martyr, was held in the Hall of th Workhorsar In Gray's Inn-lane, to take Into coonid.ratloo the moasures necessary to be adopted to obtain by every legal and constitutional means the entire aboll- tion of the ulnjust Imposts on houses ...