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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... SHIPWRECKS. SHIP BURNT.—On Sunday evening, about half-past seven, the town of Ramsgate was thrown into great alarta by a brig, the Swift, of Sunderland, lying in the harbour, taking fire. It appears that the Captain had left the vessel in the evening to attend chapel, and during his absence the fire in the cabin stove commu- n'cated to the adjoiriirfg wood, and it was not until the flames ...

[No title]

... DEATH OF ONE OF CAPTAIN Ross's CREW.— An Inquest was held last week, in London, on the body of J.Ayres, one of the expedition (the cook) just returned from the Arctic regions. He was taken ill on Sunday, and died on Tuesday in a state of delirium. He complained frequently of heat; but the surgeon who attended him was of opinion that change of diet, and not of climate, had caused his death; and ...


... FBOM FRIDAY S LONDON GAZETTE* -jr 'INSOLVENTS. Nov 15—John Oven, of Dover-street, Piccadilly, tailor. George Flooks, of Melksham, Wiltshire, innkeeper. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. | Edward Wilson and Myrry Wilson, late of Shipston-03 | Stour, Worcestershire, butchers. Henry English, of Compton-passage, Corn pton-street, Clerkenwell, iron-founder. P BANKRUPTS. f John Gibbon the younger, of Limehouse ...


... FASUlUNABLES, &c. PRINCE GEORGE OF CUMBERLAND.—A private letter arrived in town from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, we rejoice to state, holds out some prospect of the restoration of the sight of Prince George. His medical attendant had reported to his Royal Highness that the applications he had made to the eyes of the young Prince were operating to the extent of his most ...

[No title]

... FAIR.—-At our Fair yesterday, 'here was a fair shew of Cattle, but we do not remein- bet- seeing so few Horses, which were of an inferior sort; however, we are happy to stae that for the tonner there was a bri -k sale, at increased prices, the demand for the latter was very inconsiderable, but those disposed of realized an advanced price.- To-day the Pijr f)i|- is held, and we are informed ...


... GLEANINGS. WINE AND WATElt.-Totiriieic)i,t mentions a Venetian Consul who resided at Smyrna, that lived to the age of 118 years, and never drank anything but water.- General OTIara, formerly Governor ot Gibraltar, after residing very many years theiC, said suddenly to the steersman (who was taking him to the vessel on his return to England) helm about, I have forgot something—upon landing, ...

[No title]

... IMPROVEMENT ON PUNips.-We have been milch gratified by an inspection of The Pajeut Fountain Pump, constructed by Mr Bea,Eie, amode) of which has been shown by Mr. Hall, Ageut to the .Patentee, to several of our intelligent townsmen. This admira- ble improvement upon that very useful machine works wlth a degree of precision and accuracy that is actu- ally perfect. With incomparably less labour ...


... THE UNITED S:I'A TES. RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Orthodox Conyregations—Chieffly located in New land-SOO priests and 120,000 communicants ° Preskyterians-In the central, southern, and western States-19 synods, 1,592 ordained priests, 205 licentiates, 2,070 churches, and 162 816 communicants. Dutch Reformed Church-Protestant in the States, of New York Jersey and ...


... Nov. 12.-0ur corn market was thinly attended this uiorning, and having very little business passing in wheat for consumption, and no ipecul lative buyert, prices have-receded to those of this day se'unight. Barley, malt, beans, and peas remain much the salll in value. The finest oats may be quoted as on Tuell- day last, but some middling quality have been rather cheaper terms, oatmeal and ...


... TO TII E EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN SIR, Having observed in your last paper a trans- lation of the celebrated epitaph in Margain Church, it occurred to me that one more modern might be ac- ceptable to your readers. If therefore, the following attempt from a very humble votary of the Muse be thought worthy a place in your agreeable and in- teresting Journal, it is much at your service. ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN SIR,-A few days ago, the Times, in an article as much distinguished for its characteristic virulence as for its habitual disregard of truth, took occasion, from a malignant report of the proceedings of the Corporation Commissioners given in the Oxford Herald, to make an invidious attack on the Corpora- tion of Banbury and on the conduct of Lord Bute, ...

OX THE COMMERCE Of FRANCE 'In' THE YEARS 1 s29 aii rl 1S32. dI

... OX THE COMMERCE Of FRANCE 'In' THE YEARS 1 s29 aii rl 1S32. (From the Journal tie Commerce.) We h ave already spoken of the general review offareign trade in 1832. Wc have pointed out all the improvements, introduced by the administration of the Customs in this new publication, naming, besides the changes which might he carried into effect, to render these offices more cow j>h:ti*, easier of ...