Advertisements & Notices

... MARBLE WORKS,-The Public are invited to view the exten- A SHOW ROOM fitted up by the London Marble and Stone Working Com- pany, containing the greatest variety of Chimney Pieces, Tables,Wash-bhand Stands, and Shop Counters; Monulments, Tablets, BATHS, and all other articles of Marble Work, finished in a superior manner by the Patent Machinery.-Country agents sup- ?? Street, Holywel Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I In 3 vol., p E T E R S I ME P L E. 'Peter Simple' has other excellenciesbeyond being a delightfully reading book. It is unrivalled amongst modern productions as a works of art: the story or frame- work, though slight, is constructed with -an almost epie unity; and then the charac- ters, what admirable creations they are }-Spectator. It is the best wosk Capt. anrryat has yet produced. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING ON THE PROSECUTION OF CODRINGTON v. WOOLCOMBE. AT a numerous and respectable Meeting held in the Town Hall of Deveport,21st Nov., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:- Resolved,-I. That we have viewed with deep regret that the Suit against Mr. Wool- combe, originating in the irritation of a contested Election, should have been continued when the exciting cause had so long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On the 2d of December, complete in 1 vol., price 6s, fl U G E N E A R A M. By the Author of' Pelham. To which is added, to this Edition only, the Fragment of a Tragedy by iheAuthor. Neatly bound and embellished, and forming the 34th volume of THE STANDARD NOVELS AND ROMANCES. Publishing Mouthly. Richard Bentley, New' Brlington Street. - ' : New Burlington Street. Mr. BENTLEY has just ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tin CHEIMBOURG COLLEGE. nla MARIE, LATI N PRsOFESSORt, and speaks Ig. *tile English Lan-uage, has tile honour to infornrtA rut thle 1Englich Families, that they will Aind at this Col- ma 'adt lege (indrependent of the French Liessons given by thle agc iii Enlish Prfeso) asThEORETICAL en PRAC-~ Go TIU LorR4.tIeISr N H LANGUALGE in which the English Pupils may follow with great ad_~ I re vantage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ET. iCHANTS PARISH. REPEAL OF THE 1NION-EXTINCT1Ol1 OF TiTHES. T a Meeting of the Inhabitants of St Michan's Parisb, A hold at the Parochial School-house, htary's-la., on Friday, November 29, 1833. JAMES SHERIDAN, Esq., in the Chair I The following Resolutions wer c inaimrously agre r t F- Moved by AMr. J. P. Doyle; secooded by Mr.l Thomas Arkins Rerolved-That seec consider it the birth-righ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5EDITED By MFL wAICLEY. , m A New Volume of this Work has just bee0, ct of moilnced, and arrangements have been made !r publishing 'the following NEW COURSES0 lyLECTURES. a I1.-The splendid Course of Sixity Lectures on Co, Id P&RATivE AWAT0O1Y and ANiSrAL S~ILG 8-now delivering in the University of London, by PD. ut rESSOIL GRIANT, taken in short-hand by a gentilai to employed expressly for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CU(NTRA(',r FKtji sHRS ALICO, FLANNEL, fee. Dlepartmenlt of the Pllyulcisn of thse Navy, Somerset~-piUCe, 251.1 November, 1833. 111F Coflmlissioners for execilttig th fice o~f Lordj 1rj, q ,1dofllra of dhe Unitied KioigdioM cf Greaut Britain and dhierebyegive. Notice, 1fOt1 . Tacdd~hur,dathe i1th December next, at One o'clock, they will be reedy tra wt litci Persones as meay be willing to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE :ROYAL-I SEVENTH NIGHT OF THE ENGAGEMENT OFI Wc. FARREN. TI PRESENT. MNDAY, Mevember ,2, their T Majesties' Servants will perform (for the firstiidrue) a' new drama, of peculiar and powerful interest, as acted with great success at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-lane, called PAST AND PRESENT, OR' AN ANECDOTE OF: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. The Marquis de St. Victor, Mr Pwitchard; Julita St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COURT OF SESSION, &c. Tbis day is published, T1 thMAS CLARK. Law Booleseller, 3i, Georgc Street, Eduaihburgh, In royal octavo, price 12s. ¢dL PART IV. OF THE j,EST of CASES decided inthe COURTS `1f- -Ess10N, TEINDS, and JUSTICIARY, hte HOUSE of LORDS, from 1821 to 1832; tf,1 fidURlY COURT, from 181.5 to 1832; and a Se- j tda frein recent Statutes and English Reports. DtC PATRICI SlIIAW, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH AND PORTS RA liNK IOR S\Vt rg'i¶l E. Office of this ItIstihILdon will be open ,,ety J1 Al'tlnday, front twelve ito One o'vlock, as usuai, tar the rircept' and payment of ?? will bea givoi at the Offive, o 1' RI I 1) A Y evening neexr, from Sevett to Nine O'Clotvk for tepuelns ot Exchanging the Duplircatcs of Acrounts ovtc yraowchtain~ae xwill bc tnade on Mondeup the 2nd. ; osi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADMIRALTY, SOMIERSET-PLACE, 20th lovemiber, 1833. 3 HE Comuninssioners for executing the Office of T Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of' t., Great Britain andl Ireland do hereby give ?? he on Thursday the 12th December next. at two o'cloek or in the aftcernoon; they will put ulp to tiale at their Of. nilfce in Somerset Place,-His .iIjesiy's SHIPS ant r- VESSELS liereunderinentioned, ...