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... ]I1bi')I-1 SI 'S SES.SIONS,-Erilmnn' The Court wAis occupied durtrig the morning and nearly all day with trials of not the slightest general interest, THE LATh MISTAKES. Mr. ALLEY said that be had a word or two to addrhsa to the eourt il cousqtiueOce of somethlog that occurred the day before. A groat deal had been said about flxws In the Indictments, and blime had been attributed to the ...


... VIGE-C I4ANCT'J.LL Oi'S COURT.-TVESDAY. EARL POrsT.SOUTH v. LORD Gl1ANTLEY.-Sir ED- WARD SUGDnIN sLated that this Case came before the Court upon a bill filed in consrquence of the lunacy of the Earl of Portsmouth, and also in consequence of what had taken place in the Ecclesiastical Court, declaring the marriage of that Noble Lord void, prayinr for the delivering up of the deed entered intO ...


... POhICE. MANSION HOUSE -JoiuN MINTER HIART, wVh1 Was In the motrnitg acquitted at the Old B oil on thie Charge of feloniously stelilng a bill efeXhatnge, on account ofa flA In tbe inrietaient, was brought before the Lord NMnyor by Daniel ForreLter, the offi- cer, uniter the following clycurestancea :- Mr. CLAnRKSON, thc Ba, la ter, sta-ed thAt the position of the priauner wns rather ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.---The Lurd Mtayor has of Wae received ma- ny Lti-tori, ricommeuitolg lo hit chArit able conslneration the cacea At pour per3ous, Beveral of thest, c'ommunicalidori were from iten- tiemien who are- tall able to relieve their disttressed fellow-crea- tuoes by jiset dipping their hands in their own pochleto ; hut in- stead ot asccornplir~dg dile oi ks of cha'lty in that waty, thuy ...


... LAWV S ITTINOS-TIJIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. S1ttings at 11. i* re Chaynbers, luiatic petition, by order-hi re Maberly brsrkrupt petition, by order-Blagrave v Blagrave, appeal---Da- venpurt v Humphreys, bankrupt petition, by order-Koight v G~uld-Kalght v Keirp-Heauett v CulcIy, appeal. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at 11. Church v Cbr iCh, pCtitioO, by order ...


... _ [(SA'URBDY. BOW.STREET.-Triz TABLrS TURNEDt-Mr. hots, a grocer reSiding in Lmug Acre, attended to answar to a summons cbarg- Ing him with naglectiug and refusing to psy to John L llle the sum of 6d, being the remainder of the hire of the hackney coach, No. 595. Tae coachman stated that the defendantentered his coach at the end of Warren-street, Tottenhsm-court-road, when he was conveyed to ...


... COURT OF KrNG'S BENCH .-SATVRDAY, NOVr 30O HOUSE AGENCY. MAUBne v. BARNBs ANi ANOTHIEst-Mr. SOLICITOR GENERAL, with whom wis Mr. WATSON. stated that this was an action to resuver coulpesatilon for work and labour es a hruseeag nt. Tsie plaintiff was a person who carried on buzluess iD that chalactrr; the defendant were the erecutors of a Re. Mr. Vlall. Tnat gen- tlemrn was the owner of a house ...


... COUR T (OF COMMON PLEAS.-FanIDY. [Slltigs lit Lundon, at Nisi Prins, before the tIIIE1s JUSTICE and a Special Jury.] CUINNINGHAMI V. HILLIOUSsR=-This was an action to recover Ithe amount ou dmasloilea4 dne to a cargo of sugar. consigned from TFb gu, in May last, to the owneas (the plaiLtiffs), in a vessel ;r uca else Rnsllnoce, beloilging to the defendants, it bting getrorth that the injuyy ...


... ROLLS' (CtRT.-- I frtv. Wit Sr rx1,s V. ix AY,-II thi5 case the bill was filed by .hc co-heis oi the testator in the cause, against the truatees. Segartes. annuirantf, and residuary legatees under his will, for the purpose of haN ing it declared that the disposition made by him, by codicil, ot his real estate bting executed in the pre- srn e ol, and auttsted by only two witnesses, was ...


... Copitr OP CMAIVt.9Rr,-rRir5v. WARD V. WAVRD.--lis LORDSHIP was again occupied with this case in his private room, uatil half-past twelve. S&OCKErN V. STOCKLEN.-T his is an argurnent on the con- Struction ot a will. The cage was opened a few days since, hut the further arguments were postpaned, in consequence of the time occupied by the motion of the King of Spain v. Machado. lThey were this ...


... SEDUCTION IN THlE UAITED STATES. [FROM THEU NEW YORKt GAZETTj.) The whole of Wdoeoday aod Thurstidy 'ere occupied by The Superior Court, hefure Judge Oakley, in the trial of a suit brought by Mrs. Nancy Vau Horn against Silas E. B~arrogvs, Esq., mnr- chant of ibis city,for the recovery of 10,000 dollars damages, for the seduction of her sister, Mary Care w. It appeared In testimoey that the ...


... VOTJRT OF KING'S BENCH.-THURSDAY' . -s. _._*__.__ A_#Ato .hP Twn - ntRP J.IUTIO f and a I [sittloS6 at Westmittster before she LOnRD Hina JUNEIMS Nut& It Speckil Jatry.3 DOE, D)rsA. WETHERELL, V. BIRD AND OTHERS.-The SOLICITOR43GENERAL, Mr. F. POLLOCK, and Mr. KELLY appeared for the plaintiff, and Sir J. SCARLETT, Mr. THESi- ruEr, and Mr. STEER for the defendant. This wea an action of ...