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Advertisements & Notices

... .-* h #'ZhL . Pu fSHes .ax, PRICE ONM SHttI4,NG,. A FULL and:AUTHENTIG.REPORT of A..,the 'late INQ!UIRY into the STATE' of thel BEPUERLEY C0RP0RBATl0N. takqr%_befote, F. DWARRRIS and S- A. RU.MnAn.A .Esquires; illtitriqted by various Documentary Evidence, produced beforq theCommissioners; with an Account ofall the Charities vested in the Corporation. Printed and sold by Mr. J. Ktessp, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 ,^- DENTAL SURGERY. 'R. J. L. LFVISON, SVn RoFN.DE-TlsT, MV] (Author of Practical Observations on the Teeth and Gums) respectfully announces that he will he at Mrs. NicInoisnN's, No. 14, MAsnN-STREerT. on MONDAY NEXT, February 3rd, for TWO WEEK'S, during which time he may be consulted, as usual, in all SURGICAL and MECHANICAL CASES of the MOUTH, from Ten to Four each day. 01P As Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (RD'S EQUESTRIAN AREN-A-, MJOUND, is NO IV OPEN, riv ta great display of NOVELTY, J from the new sahool of Equestrianism, in nil on v noeclies to the blitindaries of the Art; with exem- in f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DORTON CHALYBEATE.-A MINERAL WATER, called the Dorton Chalybeate, of surprising powers as a tonic, and of wonder fal efficacy in a variety of distressing complaints, is now offered to the public, under the sanction of medical gentlemen of the highest respectability and most scientific research. It has been proved, in a great multitude of cases, to bea safe and efficacious remedy in Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELI IOLLY OVEI3BLOW.-FlEIrMIOLD ESTATE.-LBy Alt. JOHN' IL M ES. at the HL usicof Alr. Allth(bny Scvott, tile Sh0iill VII, i-i armoniol 1tridge, oil lllndeu, thei 27/2 Dull'i TiiIrIIP3/ 11 lit Oneic ?? i the A fternooll o le ilr'Ci/. Tuwjec to such Condliltionsl OfL SillLe 1)11 111111 liC ?? producedl, tied eithler together oar ill thulolot ?? I' o Suuel ?? L. to ILs way be then dccilledI ?101 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlEATRE ROYAL, NEWCASTLE. MS present Frirday will be acted a Mulsical Jrama, called tite, KAST INDIAN. Monday, KING RICH AD 111). The new Harle- Teo h AiEP, it WITCH on both Evenings. W d e ay a jueenite Night. ott which Occasiion ?? Will comimence the Evening's Enter- 0d1ts. To cotteltidt wtht a mt1iicnl JPrams1 called the NU IIUSSAJR. Friday, a popsiltir O lIA. ~ .AWD IxD~o1zMDMNT ELECTORS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEASEHOLD TENEMENTS of the ItIGH'r T HI-;E RitNDtl1eI oltL) RsISHo11Ull tHliliH , and those froml whom ECCLESIASTILCAL P'ENSIONS and other PAYNI EN I'Stawetse, 'are hereby ihtui med, that his Lordship's A UDIT will e held by Mr Percival Forster, the Acting Receiver in the Exchii'llue,, D)urham, on, Satturti the 4th, Saturday the II it, and SatU-day the 18th Days of Jhla., 1834. Such Renits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR NEW YORK, The f'tne fast-sailing Barque *;, ,,; CHILTON, T JotlN WsrnaEnc-,F. Master; 280 Teos Re' siter: Suecceds the SAMUEL. CUINar,). and will sail (wind and weather permiltilig,) onl the 29th January, 1834. ;las excellent height between Decks fir Passengerv. Apply to JOIIN flOLLINLSOWIO,1 Hutll. Dec. 23, 1833. Bluwlalley-Larie FORP LIVERPOOL, The file Snw l MlULGRAVE CASTI,E, Tllun3m, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPOSITORS WANTrE, AT THE PACKET-OrFICE SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED, Neatly printed its Demy 81)0.-Price frotm Five to Seven Shillings, FULL and AUTHENTIC REPORT of Amthe INQUIRY into the STATE of the HULL CORP-ORATION, taken before F. DWAIRUIs and S. A., RmlBAU. Esqrs., His Majesty's Commissioners,_ illustrated by a Copy of the GOVERNING CIIARTERand other Documentary Evidence, relative to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TrOL CHAMBER;OF;COMMERCE. NTOTICE is hereby given, that the ANNUAL MEET- LN ING of the CHAsMBER Will be held at the COMmERCIAc. looasr, on MONDAY, the 27th instant. Trhe Cbair will betaken at Hilf-past TwelvC o'clock precisely. LIONEL OLIVER BIGG, tStcphen-Street' J,- 15C 1834. Secretary. BRISTOL INSTITUTION, PARK-STREET. CCUreSon the Principles of Elocution, and Readings ten Milton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e BALL AND SUPPER. P a 7PHERE will be a BALL and SUPPER, at the i T New Assembly Rooms, Derby, on Tuesday the 4th r d of February. T t - IRS. WILMOT, Lady Patroness. fi HUGO MEYNELIL, Esq. r _ EDWARD ANTHONY HOLDEN, Esq. twards. 5 d - TMIĀ¢.,DDER4Y AND )k:RBYSHIRE A 6 B1ANKING COMPANY. I HIS Establishment xvill be opened for business r'2 T jin TENANT STREET, 0n Thursday, the 30th of di Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I: tt, lii, 19;lCarintg Cross, London. resp-t-. 1hilly alillinoo c to the INobility an-,il Utljett Lt' Iat oq 111moothIxand Viceinity, tht.t lie ?? for the Above occasion, li splendlid assortinetit of FAN-t:1 DRESSES. for.Sale orflire. t.B.Satthe sailte time invites thle attentitan of GeiltteI to Iis itipettor style attd otaitin ('bLtsits; al so to Itis, relebrated lialltlitg Sprinar ...