Advertisements & Notices

... a TO BE SOLD, A Horizontal Grand PIANO-PFORTEbySronAar, . with extra additional keys, tubes, &e. New within four years. Price 50 ?? at the Journal Ofice WILLIAM BLOCK'S CREDITORS. T HE Creditors of WILLIAM1 BLOCK, of Sibton in the County of Suffolk, farmer and fellmonger, who have not delivered in their accounts and executed his Deeds of Trust are hereby requested to do so at my office, on or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITURNPIKE p- ola Little Yarmouth to Blythburgh. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, r ranHAT' the Trustees of tile above Turnpike will (in djoirsuance of the 3 and i W. 4, cap. So,) hold their GeoeI'Ol Annual Meetinig at tile King's Head Inn, lea. cle o Il]londay, the 24th day of this instant, March, at io' tC k at noon. Beceles, ' E. C. SHARPIN, farh I1, 18. f4- Clerk to the Trustees. Cla'ydol, Blakenham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O.a/frc'd~zh ni' As~odrtfon ,for7 posee~ldiftl/ 7elos0 ns sq. 1a Guineas W w rr4L- be X;7 HEREAS on Sunday night last, 9r early on By W l' Monday iuorping, some person or perspns did f£1- r njouosly ?? 1lAY CART FI4.IY, the pkopeyty of r. rs- B3. J. Church ill, of Tackley, ae lemlrsf tbe said AssoClatioP. 3rd The filly was without any white, Fas light boned, had a .cr long tail, iltd on no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0Yfjs-ds7tire Lent Assizes, 183-. 1/bi'l('l ic lrcllrz givell, '7'all /,is -Jfnicsty'JS V f Assi-c wi opern the CG iso.,ioanfur holding tle .ssiee am1 G.enlral Gool Dlivery foP this County, in thde 'zn Jlall, inl O s6rd, oln the afternoom of Saturlay the I.I h} ct' Mlarch neat, andl Wil? tliei ?? adjourn anhi I 'cIrJc 0i MONDAY itlorning. l justices ol tie liPeace, Mayors, Pcrsons sunmmonedoic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111 h0 ?? CO'IAG . containing a parlotr, f kitchen, and threc bed rooms together with a sinalui D gard!n. RentimoderLte.-Apply at ?? Office, Oxford; if by letter, post paid. TO !fMOEIM'¶A E.S. El ?? b,-I DI 1SI;'I ) OF, with imnmediatc! polsrwssion, I T Th- G0OD-WIIL of the 1USIN1SS of a ShiOE- pi MAKER, together with the Stock ilr Tradl-, Tools, an(3 td Fixttures.-Application may be made, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj/1ISS WILLIS respectfully informs her friends rand the public that her SCHOOL will re-open on Monday the 28th instant. East l/stey, July 23, 1834. 1t. ED-WARDS, Ironmonger, &e. begs to in- form his friends and the public that, having taken SIr. JOHN HlJWETT, his late apprentice, into Partner- ship, the Business will in future be carried on under the firm of EDWARDS and HEWETT. fligh-streel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W'C AS TL E CROWN~ G~LASSi, c 4W. THE SunscatIBzns are Landll ' .andoff'!rSALa, the Cargo of the Canada, frm N'EWCA I.E, Viz. 220 Crates CROWN GLAS, of r or q lity, 260 Tons Smith COA 40 Do. WHITINGO The above. with a g iral of P TS, OILS, COL URS, &c- b dreoedof o''easonable terms. ?? W .&JCH RNOCK. 12, Store-Lane, and 51, Ann-Street. March 25, 1834. (515 It O N A 1, ACADEMICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS WeI ' WILL Open a BOARDING and 1)4Y SCHOOL. W at No. 5, CHICHESTERBSTREET, Belfast, on MONDAY, 3d November ne or e instruction of Young Ladies in the usual branc of Education. Mas- ters of the first respectability wib ngged. Parent O Guardians who may wish to pkcSA eir Children under herv care, and who may be desiroiof obtaining further infor- mation, or who would require references, will ...


... 71 r CLASSES for the different Branches D ' Jef EDUCATION will be Opened for tbe ea- C S;, essioe as follows- si'h ery rsusverend GEORGE HI. BAIRD, D.D. wi Principal . f lTERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY. fo 1. ' Days and flours Professors. of Altendance. Tuesday, '1 - _ { November 4, 1 Jnior Humanity. . Telve and Two I ( o'cloeek. ; Mr Pillans. ~CO~tc Ni-ne o'clock. G Sldrlsttiafity . ?? omeber 4,|G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~X~a~dRAMSGAT -A powerful 1 AI ,Oj TEMSIPCl laeSt. Katherine'sStar ~J~a.. grida the21St1, and oil Su nday the 2Otb Sepktem- y. k~,Jo prekslY or ,jorgate an R i igate; retrni. ',bste ontr olWn ody, at Seven 'lol .Fae Its F EWSOUTH WALES, direct.- ~rreIrli~l~ba It an op1pered Ship arid regaIar T'rsdar. L ritber ~ ~tILLIA5M AscOtrohl, Corrimander. A~'' r~rkY ltheSLKatherlue-docks; anld a the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #DJN BURGH, and GLASGOW IrTriH S erery Saturday Evening, at Ten o'clock fA 5 Stfrne Wock Ste harf, near the i Ji' .ccf ta Olion asid landing in tite Harbour at Leith. *t irf1 come atosside the St. iatherine Dock Steam rstonin, tor the purpose of taldng on board r hour ' re _prsssenlgers ore reqired to beat the Steam _ Pt ,.vr P e''p before Nine o'clock in the Evening. j ar Wit;lLiA, To.fmorrow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELI IOLLY OVEI3BLOW.-FlEIrMIOLD ESTATE.-LBy Alt. JOHN' IL M ES. at the HL usicof Alr. Allth(bny Scvott, tile Sh0iill VII, i-i armoniol 1tridge, oil lllndeu, thei 27/2 Dull'i TiiIrIIP3/ 11 lit Oneic ?? i the A fternooll o le ilr'Ci/. Tuwjec to such Condliltionsl OfL SillLe 1)11 111111 liC ?? producedl, tied eithler together oar ill thulolot ?? I' o Suuel ?? L. to ILs way be then dccilledI ?101 ...