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Advertisements & Notices

... EGleave ropiectfiflly to inthroin their Frienids andl the PnbiNc~, j%%~itteywl 'itel BLEACHiING ot t1W S1',t-on abottt the j i of' ?? i chm Icter of' this Field linvinle heens ig ?? taidislhed, and tile' -Ift' ain expeditiouis ot otlod ?? al ?? kuroI andi app toved by tie public, G. &- -. ?? consider 'I rl it i1'. net'.esq'rv to entel. jlto paitheititit'-. by a' N.'his 1 tiet', i''1turn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OP HO'USEROLD rVIRWnTURE, ON~ U~pon Monday the 14th April clirt'rint, there, will be, solid, by ant-c tion, in the :2d FloortoF thint Hlouse, No. 6, St. Nicholtis Street, T -Rwholle HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE therein, consisting of T Ma~lto~,aiivaticl other iChir-iis; 'titaandIDinin'Ii'aTbles ;Catp pes 2s. Grotes, Fenders, aind Fire Itinme ; ai Cheist of Dr awers ;, an VEight at tI Day Clock; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - in Opjatre::ropal, nberlorricc. E FOR THE BlENEFIT OF Oire Alonday, April 14th, 1834, thre Coenredy of THE PROVOIR'D HUSBAND. x Lord Totvntly,-..Nr FREDRICKfltnt Lady Tlownly-,!,Irs RYDERa. L Wijjj a varriety of Entera'tinmenets.ti] ?? conclude with the celebrated Melo-Dvarma ?? THERESE, of; OR, THE ORPHAN uF GENEVA. benl Carv'ie,___1.Iir Flras)MIMRuc. ?? RYDC.R. By permission of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1UE CLU3B r-TS inl tile PuaLiC Roo-us, oil lsjondat the 281h. of April 13 Siles at saqi tjpast 4. Cuintiir ,, ai, e- I 0vat 3 o'clock. I TlIO. BURN ET, SicV. N. B.-T1he C1l, on this ocCasioll, lneis on til' 211th, instiel;i of tho-291ih, in ?? of thec Chcuit Coult of J00ii:iatv Sittilng o11 the lat terV IA. AND . X F A B,>.r!D HORATIO ROSS, EsQ. of RossiE, ?? Palron. H IS SOCIETY is ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE SALE OF FAYRM STOC1RING, AND HOUSP.I1Ol, FUUNITUii'E. There will be Sold, by public roup, nt Grenliill, parish1 of Long- side, on Thursday ?? Friday, the i~th and 113th of May, rrpHE whole DISPLENISH of said Farm, which belonigedl to _L tile late JA3UES PATVON. On Thutrsday wvill be sold the CATTLE and ACRICULTURAL r IMPLEMENTS, consisting of 12 vevy supelior Mill; Cows, calvetl and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i42W P10I2iliCAT'I0XS, - 6Sd by JOHN MAratssoN, 38, Eroad Street, Aberdeefl. r COUNSEL FOR EMIGRANTS, with interesting information L from numerous sources, and Original Letters frota Canada and T the United States. Price 2s. T FERGUSON'S TOURS IN CANADA, in the years 1831 aoud 1833. Price 7s. (id. 1 Do. SECOND TOUR, with the Map. Iriee 2s. (Cdt. STUART'S THRE11 YEAIRS IN Ai\IEhICA, 2 vls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPIAOT PROPERTY, AND RESIDENCE IN THlE NEIGHBOURHOOI) OF ABERDEEN, And Theatre Shares, for Sale. UPSET PRICES REDUCED. * Thet'c will be exposed to sale, by public roup, within Machray's d Hotel, Union Street, Aberldeen, oi Frilay the 9Jth May, at 2 r' o'clock afternoon, at Redtuced Upset Prices, (if not previously dis- I posed of bN, private bargain,) I VHE Lands of RAEIDEN, and Part of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE STOCE OF HATS TO BE SOLD OFF, AT RED UCED PRICES. ,'LLXANDER BEA'1ON intimates that lie is aiviiio lip ?? in this romitriiy, (behing ahout to Joini a Mi'i'i' xii tile 21 euse ill Hlnte t, ?? :) an hiss'hi ) votn ?? SELLING OFF- his STOCK. at gzreatly REDUCED PRICES. HeI begs to stiV his ?? is one of the best lie, h,.s had nit Illy time~, dininii i 2.4 years lie lias, been lit the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CiZARITY 9EflMONI. ASERMON will be 'Preached in ST. PE-,iTR'S CHAPEL,'T ?? of Stunday thle 4th Msay next, at Six o'clock, A bv time, Rev. CHAittE5 PPiASERt, in aid of thle ST. PETER'S MI11, ORIIHAN' INSTITUTION. ?? ft Af'tst thea Sanroon, a Collection will be niade in aidt of the Fonds Mont, of thle lInstituitioni. ah Abjerdceen, 20th April, 11134. s'A idt- MiE RItUNtELLO BO00TS AND S!IOiS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flaniff, 2-l/s1h 'l 1834. Slit, Ethe Trustees of the(, Ioyndie, Turnpike Road, litorciy re- V'V;'test that you will call it GEwrl1AL MErtING Of tile TnUSTrES on thaithle of'Roald, Wvithin the Ordlinairy Court House aor Bantfat 12 o'cloctk noon, on Monday thei 19th dayl of' MayV next, 1 for the purpose of considerin' thea present flaniC0ronS Ste te of that part of said line of Road ta i ld tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOTANY. 'HE Collims of BOTANY and VEhGTABLE PHIYSTOLOGY, il tiu i ?? Colege, %Vill be comlimenced oil Mlonday mniinnir-e, 5th i%1lay, (it 8 O'clock, by DI INSIGH1Tl. The Lectures vi!l b!e ?? anied thio'oucitolit by Practical Do- monetratiolns Onl all the I!puts of' Plailts, itd bly Ex vilsiol. n They nil ie i yiven ol five8 nilrns in lbth weik, (ii] M'oida(i!,, Tflicidal?!, 17'rdnrsda'if, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sl~i~tthtllV i~tli't I. to his Frionids an ?? Ptthli , thut ]t hb ls tee rmLoiidoa, vwheire he ]as, pa ?? a S tock of stalt r wtn ashiont:tb It Cooile as ?? flitt Iectes~arv to addl to till vx- telioassorimtttnt laid in Ileilrte till, late nival cv Ill prices. J.P1 _~rateltftiit ackit olvwit es tile ?? shle piatt ottac( he lit t ibii supp Iort, Its is deternliM t'd to (Iqlisleso if his ?? ...