Advertisements & Notices

... GoBUDON ON LOCOIdOTION. The Second Editidn, etabellished with numerous Engravings, price ls. Gd. in boards, 4 TREATISE upon ELEMENTAL LOCOMOTION and INTE31tRIOR COAMMUNICATION; wherein are explained and illustrated fthe history, practice, and prospects of Steam Carriages, and the comparatite vsaleof- Tornpike Roads, Railways, and Canals. The Second Edition, improved andenalired, with an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ECHI, of No. 4, :Eiade h;a strmet.5 fur doors. frwl Corahihl, invites the attention ofthe Nobility and Gentry te his celebrutft. BAGATELL1E TABLES, wbioh, freoa the accuracy of their finish, andbeing cushioned in a most superior manner, render the game capable of such nie calculations as to com&e into competition with Billiards they are made i the most elegant and durable style, of sold well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DORTON CHALYBEATE.-A MINERAL WATER, called the Dorton Chalybeate, of surprising powers as a tonic, and of wonder fal efficacy in a variety of distressing complaints, is now offered to the public, under the sanction of medical gentlemen of the highest respectability and most scientific research. It has been proved, in a great multitude of cases, to bea safe and efficacious remedy in Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E NEW CHRIESTIAN ST SIMONIAN SCHOOLS TR N ~~~under '12 years of age, of both sexes,d an f all Persona sions, will be OPENED at No. 16, Castle street east, Oxfodmext, WED eat NESDAY, ad of April next, at 9 o'clock inieda the foeoo.AbovI LCU e, i of the l and objects of the School, will be delivered at the above rooms on' EDNESDAY, the 26th of March, at a o'clock in the afterno0m St Simoian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARTICHOKE TAVERNK MBLACKWALL, April 1-834.- SIAAH tRENDEL avails herself of the approaching season, .to'returui her best thanks to those friends by whose -support she has-been honoured, and respectfully solicits a continuance'of theirfavonurs,-assuring them' every attention will be given to render their visits agreeable. ' SCHOOL of DESIGN, for the Education of Artists, and the Instruction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i42W P10I2iliCAT'I0XS, - 6Sd by JOHN MAratssoN, 38, Eroad Street, Aberdeefl. r COUNSEL FOR EMIGRANTS, with interesting information L from numerous sources, and Original Letters frota Canada and T the United States. Price 2s. T FERGUSON'S TOURS IN CANADA, in the years 1831 aoud 1833. Price 7s. (id. 1 Do. SECOND TOUR, with the Map. Iriee 2s. (Cdt. STUART'S THRE11 YEAIRS IN Ai\IEhICA, 2 vls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Purdisheed Otis Day, Price 7s. 6dI. z.ECESSITFcOF P'OPULAIR EDUCATION AS A NA4'PIONAL OBtJECT. Wi1th Hint3 on the Tieatniept of Crimials:0, and Observatloos on 1ho1icidabl In1sanity. liv JAMSi SIMPSON. ltSZ. Advocate. A. and C. BLACNc, Edinlburlgh; liuowx & Co. Aberdeen. THEI FRENCH LANGUAGEr ACQUIRED AVITHOUT A TRACHB11. lin 8vo. price l~s. time Fifth Edlitionm, timorotilly-ll revised and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ojh t~llipt.: LONDON, TULILSDAV, February 20. DY the Antigua papers received by the LeewardIsland *B pac1et in 32 days,'we learn that the islands' in general shave been blessed withitabundant rains, lhi which the sugas crops has been firought to a state of high promise. The island had become very sickly'throtzgh the long continuance of wet weather, and many persons had died. A bill had been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES ON SALE. CHARD, Erewash, Gloucester and Berkeley, Mefsey and Irwell, Grand Junction, Stratford-on-Avon. Worcester and Birmingham, and Trent and Mersey Ls-Bristol Oil, and Coal, Chartered, Birmingham and Stafford, Stroud, Birming. ham, and Phlcnix GAs.-Forest of Dean, and Severn and Wye RAILXOAP.-Bristol Dock Shares and Notes.-Bristol Library. -Park-Street Institution.-Bread ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlEATRE ROYAL, NEWCASTLE. MS present Frirday will be acted a Mulsical Jrama, called tite, KAST INDIAN. Monday, KING RICH AD 111). The new Harle- Teo h AiEP, it WITCH on both Evenings. W d e ay a jueenite Night. ott which Occasiion ?? Will comimence the Evening's Enter- 0d1ts. To cotteltidt wtht a mt1iicnl JPrams1 called the NU IIUSSAJR. Friday, a popsiltir O lIA. ~ .AWD IxD~o1zMDMNT ELECTORS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEASEHOLD TENEMENTS of the ItIGH'r T HI-;E RitNDtl1eI oltL) RsISHo11Ull tHliliH , and those froml whom ECCLESIASTILCAL P'ENSIONS and other PAYNI EN I'Stawetse, 'are hereby ihtui med, that his Lordship's A UDIT will e held by Mr Percival Forster, the Acting Receiver in the Exchii'llue,, D)urham, on, Satturti the 4th, Saturday the II it, and SatU-day the 18th Days of Jhla., 1834. Such Renits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JTBT rIUDZISTEOD. By MESSRS JONJS & CO, Teraple of the Muises, 21insbury Square, london, N O. 1, of a NATIONAL EDIT'ION of tile I VoCal Works of Handel, arratiged for the Pialo- Forte or Organ, by Dr. John Clarke, of Cambridge, contalilning sixtevi Pages, or fiour Shoeetw or f'11sic, for On1e Shillilng- Pat I I th ot' Hollgarth's Works ; Part l:3th of National Gallery Part II th of Fisher atid ...