Advertisements & Notices

... iXG ETHi C DUXinlDOE 11prHDAY. TlO. ';I{AUI ts 2\L}4;I}OIfTheO(VII of Ca ?? 1 l iitisl ., i lthe Tows 1JALL11t' II t(( e I II gNlY Bltick Swan, ,0Liihlti il t , I tlC( (( iti t oill tO L e ?? VVIII lilt' tIIrI I ci is blo Thi sdatI ?? 17th - ?? *eBlWBLIf - ^ p11( Al forli 1, iorlreseltt Season, ll, is PieAlitil'~ (ii ,1, 1st jl5t~il~tl, hc t iln( the Aliniver. t tix'l 1) kt' Il i~til~-bayuii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTHUl;BEiB LD VI~t UPON ' INFIIl'kH. F OR I a 0 I? tidhue ritv icaN NU A lilrc i ' 'L',Lf the (Joveof tl lI ~ ~ ~ ~ - Sui i(1 tbt'l 1 1 \'thy on \\~t Iile~a e~,th T mill iceI hi t- h-IliL ?? Sitreit, N 1 ew. !ti o't , fit qf I o'clock. Vi-u ,ititiiitrl: S-qier tary. as call mak it ar C ccoify T wlste-~A IA I~I.FTI~NG O1 thle iitl) U NE \SUNDAY i'- h ?? -it ?? ?? t Si ~ 1j~~j~and Fi [END' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXiTER FREE GillAMMA111 S.Ch1OOL ; H A ylavor and Chatmber willat their next IL Mouithly .ileetiag. in September, proceed tio Elect an Exhibitioer, onil Dr. Stephens' rotnalatioit, Ihe Caudidate must ben Native et tilo County of Devon, and a Scholar in the Exeter Free GrammWro School l,,r the last three years. They vi il a~do Elect another Exhibitioner, pursuant to the ?? of tile late Joliti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 7()Li.;r, t11zX \VAIIE1OUSL lati'l t;nted E'1', Co.. ~~~~in*Nwti - owS~ . Tllto;s ('sateLs and C ii0-t~e Ap11Iply to GRUNDY and1 BEAI(DOE. . / 0 DYERS A.N\D OT1-E1-S. l it' desired, 'TO BE SCLD, those EN9lES lately ocpied by Mrlt. t /1 l[-: ixnsv ll3Ilfls'l& Cranagze-striet, John Buwker ais It 1 IIo`selc. Avai traflsgii-ti'ma altom -- d-lThis Properiv oinS sttie Idvattit re (enteried tupon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eitbiorial NOt tro. The Mr. JOHNSON who took a part in last week's meet- ing, we understand keeps a book-stall in Shudehill. The paragraph in our last, tinder the head of Bury, and referring to an expected contest in that Borough, in the event of a dissolution of Parliament, was copied from the Liverpool Jlleicur. A highly-respectable cor- respondent, residing in iury, inforuis us that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOMAS PRICHARD. Drtizgist, seedosnall, all T Licensed Dealer iu Patuiut Mtledricines, S, Old Mill- ugate, Manchester, grateful for p ast flavours, embraces tIre Ifeseirt opportuli 'in ring FI Iriends arnd the cat larIge, t has just receivred tfresh suipply rsf gardlr, ,erass, and sowelr SEEDS, ironit the first gio efs, which Ihe will wtrvarrst true to their sorts, T. 1'. bops, by strict ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00_001!touching at OPORTO, weather 'iOR LI~og~ soo Stefam-shl), Captain R. FRA5RRt r ~eroits~llsn~ick Steam-wharf, Bilackirall, on Saturday, 01%s Noembe, a hto'clock in the Evening, and from Fal- l9th has very lugeror accoasmodation %lbnn Wed ~ .jformation maybe had of Wilcox and 0a 4 Llm~tIO~d V.Hamilton, Edinburgh; G. C. and ~ffiASC or AME W~I' fr EINBRGH every r~ NEAL TEM NAVIGATION COM- 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if z~~asTr INDIA Mouse. Elam. 1, 1584. Jig cogw ff Diredtors of the East Inadia Company do V A~~~~~ere6y give Nalce, ~~~~to keep open their Treasury to Lendon, for the re for S4111r; upon the GovellafntofBenndl, payble U scraeof Exchange as shlall from tinte to time be 6y~abliA'~i an that he rateat wh~c such ia may bi. ~ fttho ot~esi. idth Sica upe. ill fr ,e0Sums of a~~e ema~ ?e~r uoney to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-OjjO ard %VEBSTMINS'1'Et BA \NK.-Thrt Di- rCtors glV, Notice, that they uall coommence Busivess at their House, IJ ln~an~trttan4 at herli ranchliank. ii, Waterloo-place, Poill I ?1` 1ooday, the 10th of March. LIA ~~ I ~~~JAMES WIL Qi GLIART, Manager. ,~_0l'.BHOUSE.,-B0ROUGH ot MARY-LA-BONNE. JI 'rte om~tee . prmoin the ELECTION of SIR JOHN HOB. pil ee hr dil, heeIn~formation will be given, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ASASSURANCE OFFIC~,~ Int, Coiemalarstreet, id July, 1s834. OTICE ijs hereby given, that the DIVIDEND ofTEN r1,a CENT. for the Year ending at Christmans, ISMi, AYI UAL GENFRIAL COUTT~ held This Dhay. on , opt,l uIcrjbfJ, will he payable to Proprietors, or to their order, jhror ottanl after Monday, thu '2Sth instait that the Trans. ,,th f the, O~p Il be shut on thle 7th inst., and re- th ad2il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITE STEAM-PACKET COMPANY.- fl4MGA1 ~ONy with FRANCE by ISAMSGATE and CALAIS.- llor leSt ICA1set fi, tollonebltsthen. fitted with twe engines of twenty. BoloWatt and Co., Is now fittisgt to run i bev ready for sea the beginning of Jotoe. Her 010fd510 ~ala ib)ha. piroduced maearal Of his Majesty's fats&ea ~' 'J? Gaha at ~sr~ aets and from his weil-known abilities, . 11d~,~l~brste to excpect that ...