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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR A SHORT TINIE LONGER. IIE inclemency of the weather hiving pre_ veate(d many Families in the Country frorm visit. I the Eslildthti. it will. by their-particular desire, ?? Open fur a short time longer, At 70, Pai-,eCn's STxwcET, Where will he s-en The CelebrateilAMICROSCOPE. and The Astonishing AU'OMATA. HERR VON JOEL will also give his surprising- of the Feathered Songstera and Farm Yard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (RD'S EQUESTRIAN AREN-A-, MJOUND, is NO IV OPEN, riv ta great display of NOVELTY, J from the new sahool of Equestrianism, in nil on v noeclies to the blitindaries of the Art; with exem- in f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? GENERAL MEET_ Of the PROPRIETORS and OCCU. thES PROnd SHOPS, in, these DIS. pANT. e nihu bhedin the Old Chapel of Ease, on \WITSlaY Whe It day ?? current, at -Six ?? C1e llej the rt receive the Report of the Committee Cl 3, E;ienoinf General 31eeting, held on 5th Decem- ,ppsiated at thsec cf a Junction of thusi`listriCtS ber lest, On th regrd to its NMunicipad1G o-lrnment. 5itl, thc City, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORD'S EQUESTRIAN ARENA, MOUND, ?? S EUETRAN ARENA, MOUND, EDINBURGH. CCH.\ _GI OF PERFORMANCES. jes~fn.ght of ! f M O 's ourivalled eene of PAUTL PRY ON HORSEBACK, In vliel lie persofates Four different ChAiracters. BRILLIANT SUCCESS. R I 0111) takes the earliest opportunity of ~jretuirning his sihscerc. 'thanoks to the Nobility, ond public of Edinburgh and its'vicinity, for the Gentry, d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBID'S EQUESTRIANL ARENA, MOUND, F-DiN13URGIL i.Ir ORO'S apprarancle is I'AUL BRY ON HORSEBACK, la ric1 lic persornatis Fmoor different Characters. AGE OF PERFORMANCES ON MONDAY. BRILLIANT SUCCESS. oRORT) takes the earliest opportunity of 1 ~retiiriiisi his sincere thanks to the Nobility, e P'blidC of Edinhurgh and its vleinity, for the Ce'ltli sopot tn, anddec~iilel eclat, that his exertions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOl ELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE lroSITIVEL Y EXITIBITION V 70, PriCE' STREET.. ESSRS SCIHMIDT, WATSON, and 1 EL. bcg totinforrn the- Poblic, that their re- 6 1pocrieC iIENEFITS will tnke place on the foljowing SPCa1e:Mr S. 5MONDAY tile 13th inst. * Mir W. on: w E D S DA y thle 5th . Herr Van Joel an SATUR- b lDA the 18th, 00I sahich orcasion they will exert them- D s renderthe iUICROSCOPE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COlD'S E QUESTRIIAN ARENA, -MOUND,- EDINBURGH. CHANGE OF PERFORMANCES. ORDS UPA4RALLELED ACT ON TWO HORSES, t ever before attempted by any other Performer A. ?? Europe. Also, firt aupearanee of Mr ORD as the CA5EDONIAN SPOT A, ] And Mr Ord's unrivalled scene of PAUL PRY ON HORSEBACK, tl ?? received with shijut4 of applnnse. a Mlaster of the Ring, Mr GUNN. R (PR takes this opportunity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RD'S EQUESTRIAN ARENA:IOUND, EDINBURGH. CHANGE OF PERFORMANCES. ORI) takes this opportunity of express- ' ?? *ag his gratitude fur the continued and in- -a, i gtonae with which the Arena is nightly hos. atreildini tl', ssire the Public that, no effort on his ojrt shall be spared to add to the attractions of the Per- °eiilaluee Master of the Ring, Mr GUNN. THIS ],VENING, 18th of January lg34, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cr THE BENEFIT OF TIHE REFUGE FOR IFOR TE TIIE DESTITUTE. utSIFDR THE PATRONAGE OF 2,L ORZD PR 0rST and 31AGISTRA TES. EXIIIBITiON, No; 70, PRINCE'S HilIT. vill Ofen f..r one week longer only, for 'th Bcl't of tl above valuable Institution. Eery department nvill 1t made most ?? -I lir't ~ sle Ito suiplied with new oijects-HER ?? sl'l caddition to his other extraordinary \ ()o N )EL- b-ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF. | oD'S EQUESTPIAN APE NA MOUND, EDINBURGHI. GRAND CHANGE OF PERFORMANCES. On TllI'RSDAY EVENING, 23d January 1834, On oiccasion ill be produeed, the unique Scene of r TAXI O'SHANTER, In %Nidllth Mr Oat %iil sustain the characters of T AM OS'SHANTE.R NANCE CRUMMOCK, A~ND CUTTY SARK, Nvitbout qjltting the IHorse. Mi Olto's celebrated OLD ENGLISII ACT OF HORSEMANSHIIP. To conclud~e with, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OlD'S IEQUESTRIAN ARENA, MOUND, EDINBURGH. On SAT`DA\Y EVENING, 25th Jannary 1834, S.~ii u be (i]eila the eniqte Scene ot TAMI O'SHANTER,-- It Mvlr Otwn will so-tain the cdlavcters of 'Il O'SHIANT.EB NANCE CRUMMOCK, AND CUTTY SARK, WVithout quitting the Horse. lr Onot's celebrated OLD ENGLISH ACT OF HORSEMANSHIP. To conciludle nith, Mr OKD's SECOND TAGE, OR RBE SSE CENE OF TFE- CoiJiUER OF ST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OIID'S EQUESTxRANB ARENA,-MOUND, CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE. On 11ONDAY EvENING, 27tb January 1534, Mr ORD'S Celebrated Svene of PAUL PRY ON HORSEBACK, -hich he will sustain fiour different characters, To v WNVithout quitting the Horse. Also, Mr ORD'S unrivalled Act upon TWVO HORSES. li .~Ine fests rwill prove that Mir ORD stands unrival- Tid , ?? Firtst ElQUESTRIA~N in Europe, and be ?? the Ft ...