Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED.' On Saturday. T. Hamilton, Esq; brother uf Sir IV. ilamilton, Oart. of Preston, to Lady Towns- cnd larquhar, widow of Sir Rlobt. T. rayqnuhar, Dlart. late GO- t vernor of the Maurithis.-Ou Tuesday, J. L. Lee, Esq. M.P. of I flillinigton, Somerset, to .essy, datghterof the ?? Vaughan, t eq. ~late M.l. for Wells.-At Woolivich, H. t3. Burnaby, ESq. Royal ilorse Artillery, to Eliza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNEBSDAY, 'APRIL 9, 1834. At the Raectary. Feniton, on Good Friday, the Lady of the Re.v. Henry Erskine Head, ora Edn. s 'At To'e Hlil, Kingtkerasivle, tht Lady of Capt. E. Hawes, R.N., of a daughter. : - r M~~~I*arrE't1. Ma~rch 99, att Southmolton, Jns. Tannenr, Esq., surgeon, to Sophin Junle, younigest daugler of tie Rev. Edwd. Charis, of ihia city. - - ' Thls morning, at Trigmnmutil, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , , , jgarrtagg0.-: On Wednesday last, Mr. John'Swarbrick, to Miss Jane Speakman.. . On Monday last, ;Mr.. Thomas Mc Clennati, of Blacki burn, to Miss Mary Stocks, of this town. ' , On Tuesday laht, Mr. John Price, to Miss Mary Bolton. . On Monday last, Mr. John Robinson, to.Diss Mary Boyd. Same day, Mr. Rich. Miller, to Miss Margaret Jackson. Same day, Mr. Robert Suminer, to Miss Margery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ¶arrlRe~. On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Robinson. Same day, Mr. Richard Kilner, to Miss Margaret Thompson. Same day, Mr. Hugh Groggir,, to Miss Elizabeth Goodier. Same day, Mr. Thomas Mlarkland, to Miss Mary Pearson. On. Monday last, Mr. Christopheci.Toiilinson, to Miss Jane Gunnion. Same day, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Gibson. On Thursday last, Mr. John Livesey, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i ?? . v'~qlE :- - ' P On Tarorsliay lait, at Gadl, a near Beawtnari, n OTheuLady o Owen Owens, E.,q Solicitor, ofri a l son the Lady Ch~ar lotte Nhviilt Granvilla, fof a sort.ill.el On the 19tb inst. at Raydran H~all nc~ar Oriord, .i Suffojlk, Mirs. lKeer, of'a daughter . -. 1MAUSTAGZ 0 On tie 14tli inst. at St. Bridget's church, lTes-. terMr. Eddisbnry, if lolyswell, t(imiss llRatclflc, f. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lately, at Leghorn, J. F. Close, Eaq., to Eliz3, eldest daugh. s ter of tle late i. trock Wood, Esq., of Huntington House, near Chester. At the same time, Captain J. Markham, R. N., grandson oi the late Archbishop of York, to Mariannte, young. t est daughter of' the same J. B. Wood, Esq. On the 3rd. instant, at Cleattr, Mr. Burns, sitreon, ot I Whitehaven, to Agnes, youngest datighter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... te Oate 2Dlh. ult., at Carrick . n Lodu yfountY ofexford, ield icihari Browije Ci ode eu tyonflaWe , i ly nl o aer son n .e toil, Esq., ol AdlingtOn Hall B.ID this collilly, ofa: sonI and he'll g , iO the o2it, ult.. at Everton Church, Mr. George Wakefield. h. Ltnioti.wit to Soarh, second dtaiutghter of the late Mr. Aaron i LrnoofLive, pool. Cs Oni Ille '18th. kit, tiC Itile Parislt rtwtie of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- At Parkanitur,' coulnty Tyrone, oil the 31st ult. thc Lady Caroline ullr ges, of a sonl and heir. At loughbrickland, o0l the 3d inst. Mrs. Thompson, of two daughters and a sosl; the mother and clbiiithl-L are likely to do well. e . MARRIEli, Ctt ihen(ith hbit. il St. Anso's Wihurcli, by the lev, ''hos. Mililks Mr. Wet. Nwiiett, to Miss Mary Ann Savag, ellest daught r of Captain 'W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RBIRTH[ At Ballymena, on the 23d ult. the Lady of Mr. Samuel Kelly of a daughter. On the 26th ult. at Ormeau-place, Belfast, the Lady of Captain H. Kean, of a daughter. MARRIED- At Omagh, on the 20th tilt.. John Waters, of Par- sons Towtn, King's County, Esq. to Helena, second daugh- ter of James Robinson, of Ontario House, in Upper Cana- da, Esq. . On-the 25th itlt. in St. Peter's Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHff On the 17th inst. at Ballymacarrett, the Lady of Fortescue Gregg, Eiq of a son. OGi the 20th inst. at No. 19, High-street, Belfast, Mr.. John Ruddell, of a son. August 13, ot Stonev-ald, county Donegal,-the Lady of the Rev. George Read, of a daughter. August 12, at Waterford, county Donegal, the Lady of Colossel Barton, of a son. At Willibro' on the 22d inst. 'the Lady of Thomas Scott, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH May 16, in Mount.street, Duhijo, the Lady of Licutenant-Colonel Vernor, ni.e. of a daughter. May 11, at Herring Court, Richmond, the Right H1j. Iody Louth, of a daughter. Last week, at Sitliney, near Helston, the wife of tihcarl Dunn, alias Uncle Dick, ofa son The father is in his 729d year,and the present is his fourth wrife : by the three former he had 3D children, and he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BilRTI-I.- At Tife-h, ('°lilt 1't l iIlMIgh, O11 tile ILh iloot. the tlidy of XYiltiaTt. -Im ilston, 1'1s n21a.Fit'2 eIIM-l~l~t.~ . (lii tile 1it il;t the ile ly (t';If ' tlce. J. ill. Graydoo, NewIVtowblv tler, .,,-1 Sol. -it Htisiel, jiety Fernitliagh, the 141ly of William Gore Brettl Esq. II.Cr. ofa: Sonl. ; .1.5.0. (It I Not. (Oil i tl'LIiay, 'It St. G'1 rge's Ch teli, liaLrovrrsqo:oe e, ...