Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At llull, Nov. 20th, by the Rev. - rard, Mr. Johni Byng, to Miss Eleanor Tunnicliff both of this place. On the 24th instant, at St. Alkmund's Church, by the 1 Rev. C. R. Elope, Air. John Brassington, artist, London, late of this town, to Eliza, only daughter of Mr. William Slack, of Quorodon, in this county. On the 20th instant, at Youlgreave, in this county, by the Ret. Benjamin Pidcocke, A.M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, AODthe -ith iTsSt. in Old'Palace yard, the lady of J. Jeris, Esq., M.P., of a son. ^ At'- onts' i on: the 19th lt., the wife of Alexander Paton, fishermis.O ssafely delvered of three boys, whho, with the mother, are all Wdoer 4inst 3tg6wssafely wll. At ansgat, n te 9h ist, te ldy,9fSir, James Lake, Bart., of a son. On the ' thMins., sit Blackbrook House, Rants, the lady of Lieut.-Col. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS BIRTHS Ols the I7th in;t. the lady of the Rev. J. W.Trevor, Vieer of Lkiuiheblig, of ; daughter. ih O*in te rtth inst. at Bryn-Helen, near Carnarvon, Mrs. Preece, of it son anmd heir. MARRIAGES On the 14th inst. at Lianwvenilwyfo, Anglosev by the her. Evan Iltughes, Mr. Hugh Hughes, oflthos- di illyntlrch, to Charlotte, third datughter of Capt.Jones, cr of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , 1 tile Sill. instant -it 33irtl.t a TO. t g o 8th.l toanIt, ittTat ttao 'ark, C(leshire, the lady 01 - . g,irton. E~sq, lij.P, ol a1 daughuer. I tfall, Ut at ut, vi Ito surivedt .,tily a few rmuitttes. At Barnsley. Mr. Edward Xim. of Hath, salictor, to Sarath. d titglhter of tie ale Thoras T vrely, hsq oi I-indtlelld Loafife, Dterbyotttte. and Illece of John 'flhoeftetey, liaq, ol l)UI- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - - = ' - - (l, ITHE LAT tVDOLPLH ACHEfRMANN, ESQ li to It is impos ble to permit such a man to descend to the ht grave without ome more particular notice than the bare do announcemente f his decease. His, indeed, was a charac- t, ter which we should deem it a public wrong not to hold st forth-as an exarniple to persons of every profession. Born atSchneeberg, in the kingdom of Saxony, in ...

On Sunday last, the

... lady of Joseph Feilden, Fsq., of WVitton-house, of a dauightcr. On Thursday, the 30th ult., the lady of William Moult, Esq., of Park-side, Knowsley, of a son and heir. On Wednecdry last, by toe Rev. R. C. Wilson, vicar, Mr. Thomas Charnley, iromnoger, to Miss Margaret Har- rison, second daugiter of Mr. Harrison, brush manufac- turer, of this town. On Thursday last, Mr. Wm. Whalley to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :- Carlt~axd.- On Ttesday last, at the Parish Churteh, by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, A.M., vicar, Mr. James Seed, ofthe Britan- nia Tavern, to Miss Frances Lowe, both of this town. On Monday last, M1r. Anthony Singleton to Miss Ellen Bennett; Mr. George Marshall to Miss Harriet Evans; Mr. Richard Almond to Miss Ellen Woodruff, Mr. Win. Trotughton to Miss Agnes Brockbank. On Saturday last, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. A On Sunday last, the lady of the Rev. H. Venn, of Drypool M of a son. WIl MARRIAGES. U On Monday week, at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. Dent, C] saddler and harness maker, from Barnard Castle, to Miss S. cu Jennings, of this place. H On Sunday week, at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. Wm. Li Gibson, to Ann Tripp, both of this place. L; On he 24th ilt, at St. Mary's, Southampton, by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. Pi. Brnmby, J'seph Scales, Esq. of Newark, to Sarah, ouly dazighter of Thus. Fvarne, Eiq. o' Sutton. Ye-terday, at Ilowden, by the Rev. Thomas Guy-, vicar, Ml. Perridt, of this place, solicitor, to Elizabeth Lydia, eldest daughter of Mr. Wdigit, of the former place. Yesterday, at Tadeaster, by the ReV. B. Maddock, Mr. James ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I h) t On th 3d instant. at Chesaeriield- Huse,,thc Cowutesoef c 5Chesterfiel, ofasyaughtt ?? . r On thiih ino t at .Kiji 'a roleyj Staffordshire, 'is $eo.Ib eqton lfanie,qo a son. ?? , Qo thqb*h insia, 'Trhiity S rondon1 the Lafd . -of haWaiter,' ~s. Ft.Pni . * °* qlpindbysf~at ClturclS'Wemnt~lIdh- M~r. >>bn'Keeli,1M ?? to Ntat.'i Mndeg% boit of Suttnn.on.the-Hill, in this county. I ' ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th silt., the wife of James Lord, of Milkstone, near Rochdale 'was safely delivered of three fine girls, vho are all doing wvell. They are her first children. On the 29th ult., at Bellary-cottage, Brixton, the Lady of Major John Race Godfrey, of the Ist reg. Madras Infantry, of a daughter. On the 28th ult. at Chelsea College, the wile of Liemt.-Colonel John Morillyon Wil. son, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'On te 25th wlt. at Baden, the Viscountess Dillon, of a son, still-born. A poor woman, of the name of Sarah Parker, of Barnsley, was brought to bed ?? of three dine boys, all of whom are likely to live. 'They have been named Abrahim, Isaac, and Jacob.-Leeds Jntelligezcer. The: G:zte . MARRIED. !The Giautte ?? says, 'u Several journals have spoken of an intended marriage between M. de ...