Advertisements & Notices

... Zh/ ;tfiPLY, sAXD 02'HRR ~thi eatctai hiaving Bought and / Ztifdtfty at ext ensive a iypfepar~a which /14 D°(fe f~tof. 8a ther comne .fra ?? Loows iD a t} Ig~ 5t7d1e or Patterns ?? be aiafpasea, h ' ea Jts uler w-hlch nzaoneanil In ?? to hb O5ftl t. IlSI IMPERIl.L T lLE. CARIETS. tl~li I SsTER CAIIPETS jilUGS, FT1ENT YEL. . reemin t Y btlel'of %1S; ?? d eclonomy. . I r^, THOMAS URI ARt ' wa;el ...

Advertisements & Notices

... z Qg1'1tx~re)¢Tt6. INhlteni- -In tlti ?? of MrI. ilTos. WILSbN, Silk Ier cr. &c. which aippeared il the P/earq-y ot Friday the Will illit. ?? that he is ilow disip.,j, of his Stock under prinie cost, the address is Iog, Dale-stret, ini stend of 1fl8, Drls,;-SorFET.. ] .F.I NIII;Ii 'tl ?? our corre-poiidleist ,t Dleky .Sjin ha,, accerss to t rile of the .1eiculy, and Ns-ili turn to Our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I R l.SCCEDA'NEUM, b V1 ar EGAYND TESET WITHOQUT PAIN, HEAT, oR a PRtCSsURZr, AND ii sAODIBLF MINERAL TEETH, I C FI 'MhouLWiLsNSpragj, or any othr ancigau ter. ivrS ALLAN and SONS, No '6 BoD.o s >e . ierpoo1, and 3¢. Alozley -street, Bianchster I| \ l' (~iistii at No-32, Great Russell-street, Blooms- ! .,9, Iglf rnoonostreet, Plcadilly, London. ardently a 5llr ?? and the Public forthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a PUBLIC MEETING of thb Inhabi. jA. tants of the Town & Neiglibburhiood of Kingston. ganmHullsbeld in thie GuL.L-HAL.L. in the Said Town, on MortiaAY, the Eleventh Day f AU~nSt, 1834. for the urpO osef receiving the REPoRT or Mtssrs. WALKER so d BaIRGts Engineers, fur makinga RAILWAY from ItJLL to SELBY, vUi Rliht dorshipful the MA.YOR in the Cahf; it vtas moved by HENRY BRnAD)LEY, Esq. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -N7Ew OUT-FITTINGc ESTABLISHMENT, Alo. Z5, JUBRN-;S1k=, | THREE DOORS FROM HBMIBER-STREET. -HOMAS & M. W. CLARKE beg to in- 1 form theirFriendsand the Pluhlic, that they intend OPgING the above SHOP on TUESDAY the 21st .astant, in the GENERAL CLOTHES and HAT TRADE. IfaIl, Jan. 9, 1834. SCULI:.&TES NEWS & COFFEE-ROOMS, P , 24, NORt1-I.SThELT, BRIDGE-STREEr, HULL. SUBSCRIPTION 1S5. per Annum, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST PUBLISHED, _r a thick Octatin l'olume, C!oth Boards, Price 7.8. A REPORT OF THE INQUIRY into the / EXISTING STATE of the CORPORATION of HULL, taken at the GuILD-HALL, before F. DWARRsS attd S. A. RuMt ALL, Esqrs., Two of His Majesty's CommissiOners. Al-,. the PROCEEDINGS relative to the TRINITY. FiOUSE. With, an APPEN DIX, containinr many valuable and autllellt.C Dociuments By WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ANNUAL.- 4rr ususvtallu adsantageous aopporrunity presents itself to the Admirers of the Fine Arts, for acquiring a most cshly and superb Jet of Prints, at osoe-third the original published price. -j'FQOF ILIIJSTRATIONS of the LAND- j7 tCAPE ANNUAL, from its conmmencement, are flv* ting by GOIDDARD and BROWN, Packet-Office, fill Rr a limited period, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fa. NE .O LliEW YORK L O PACKET&. saling- on the 811 f WIer3/ monthh, viz. VIRGINIAN, . HARRIS .1---380 tons, 8th Oct. SHEFFIELD. W- 0G. ACaiSTAIV .. ?? 560 tons th NoV. o mqTOSTATES, N. Hi. HoLDa~ore *.65~0 eons: Stal D'C N TJOHN JAY. C. G. G LOVXaR ?? 0 tros, sti *an C These shlp are all of the first cf. recently ?? In te E city of Newv York; and, for Woenrhl beauty of aso, C p=ctua~lt . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IFTON' HAILLE1AE.-iNSDMOUE ANOR, and' A ,-I d AClIt ES of It1I('11 IANiD. Ilit ?? ii. ?? LIS~T El, itt (LIe Dev-irirririe At-rm Jim, ii iteighllsi, til I ?? thh Let lid ?? ?? r is,)llife r_1PJ1E ('APPEAL 21ATNSITO N-lI GUs , called S T1' E C'Is0 N II A 1. I., with thle (Nirrleli Ilooose'S Stable's, a hfle'd arIL derseiehi(ied e , Garririfidenis. lrioeai Ij, it vary 911tetlior Ieerily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~071N DE NOVUVEAITEW'--WLLIAM f be s ?? resip' etfully touacquaint, his Friendslind T1J,itlbis titends re n suet idg the Billsilteis iif a 40! ;I~ tileMNAGAYN UE INOUVEAUTL, situate at the ~eusIC de ~t sllArzinc, wlilch he Pueliposes open 130t'~~ II di a new andext\ellentS STC ofti DRMG ?? tii fri 111 minicec of thle liberal Patroniage conferred r, it lit-c~, and begs tor state, that his, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ilKIJISSENl'EWS'CIA1 iL~0 ji. :. l11i~i3't ?? id lvt333c'3 331 ?? ''Cl l'.I i . ?? ?? I iL ?? ?? c loll ' ~ ?? 'oit 33li 71f rig: t 11' :;-l ?? : K ?? ?? Ic ' i lI' a ?? L n . ?? lc ,i ir. ( Ii' 11; ii I V3,33 ''C131 J1 ?? ?? Ii. I3333 1 Ici) ..3.i3 TV! I,. ~~~l ~ r i Iei~!tlllti liv ?? II ?? 3 I ' 1'gl, ; Il 3i I'i. . 3i It'll:'-'if tiicOi.' ii' ?? 1113 ilo'g i v-c',1 i c' ?? nl rl eil. ...