... FIRST SUBSCRIPTION BALL will haM at Ibr PUBLIC-ROOM*. Kingtfga- THURSDAY, lal Joaurjr, IB3S. , a, coaHHNor Mar e*CW*. HP.NRY BROAOLEY, Etq. ) ROBT. RATTCEO, E,q. > Sq. ...


... A FAMILY RESIDENCE, with extensive Garden,and either with or without new Coach-House and Stables attached, situate in a most respectable Neighbourhood. and possessing every accommodation for s Gentleman’s Family. considerable part of the Purchase Money may remain on security of the Premises, at 4 per Cent, ALBfOS-STRF.ET A.VD YORK-STREET. Cental RESIDENCE, at the Corner of the above Streets.3t ...

wttB BKFORCE WtMOtUL. Iff HULL. TO gTOHt-m^QMt. rtTHSONS fcr w«m« * IHMMIM. I, JWHA. w

... ,^£Ss3i is SpwUUMkx, te. Mf to LM(N to to Ot*t «f«« Oe**Mto», JOUR CLARK. AicUtoto. . :: JUSt PUBLISHED, I, (LV» Of»aee P»W«, Ctdrt Renrda, Med Ta., A' REPORT OF THE INQUIRY into thn ttXISTHro STATE Ito OdRPORATIOWnf I taken tbr Oiriao-flASi*, betoee P. tlwaanm “ RuaaaLL, Eaqrs.. Two ■ajmly’t - Aim. PROCEEDINOS tetaUet tot TWHITT. Withsa ATPENBlK.coatolato* ««ay rdttaklsaad letWktlc WILLIAM ...

LECTURES on chemistry

... rrWECociscH. of th» HctL Lit«r*rt «nd | philwophic*'- beg announce that SIX LECTURES upon CHEMISTRY (and ils application* in the Arta), Mr. conttnfnct’d on MONDAY F.eeniug la*t, /-o'Cl'ock,and will continued on tb* following MONDAY Baeninga.unlilconcluded. )erl of the Society are cntuled to fi«« admiaioo, t» mu*l for the Courac may b« had of Mr. Nobthsk, ,ic Lowgate. the following Tertna;— ...


... ' HULL AND SELBY RAILWAY. ■mTOTICE ia hereby given, that application ia inirndrd to be made Parliament, in the neal for an ACT la Make and Maintain RAILWAY RAILWAYS (ailh other Worka end Conr.nlrnc« connected therewith), commence at or , lhe Western Quay of the Humber Dock, within Mytan, other wlee T apcootee with Myton, f.h. Pariah the Holy Trinity, in the Town and of the Town of Klontoo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L_~ ~ ZVCFM7, =U&87TRNj~.p att X LCE, B ?? OPFMN tL. ,d. .dos.. fferinga ?? S to WON1tTH OF- -TqE MkCq4)SopiWORLD! t~d5n or elbetvhere, Wtill be abeam phe ?? 1:estlng ?? of the *oerspe, nd thenltbod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANC*Yp-TF POOL~ he Capital paidup atql St Deembtr ?? 11 Average amounlt or Now~S 101 atloh' III j i-i001 ?? weeks endifl - ?? h 9 3,31 lyn .SH .. . lb AranWillial. 1,f aychetert HIetbn 'tlAbrairJlehn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOCTODS' DEGRsEES.- e really cannot pretend to answer the query of A Voice frees lre Shades as to the claims of a certain learned Theban to the honourof a degree. All we-can say on the subject is that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6SENCK of' CAPIVI and SARSAPARILLA- .kII The most safe. speedy, and certain remedy ever dis- *covered for the cure of Gonotrrhcea, Gleets~strictures, Weal- ness4, Pains In thle Loins, Kidneys, Irritat ...