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Morning Chronicle


... but from another. MICrAnL HANOGAN Was indicted for sitealings pocket- handerchief from the person of Slster Geogehan io Drury- lane, as the 112th of the present month. Ht was found Guilty, and being an old offender received 'eetecc of transportation for ...


... Smith, of Dowgate- hill, in the pit of Drury-lane Theatre, on Monday night. Professional gentlemen were in attendance for both parties. Mr. Smith stated, that on the night in question he was in the pit of Drury-lane Theatre with a party of ladies and gentlemen ...


... the 2d of June. George Rutliven, the officer, of Bow-street, stated that on the 19th of June he was near Parker-street, Drury. lane; saw the prisoners Ward and M'SSweeny come out of the Crown and Cushion in that street; an old man also came out with Ward ...


... committed accordingly. CHEATING THE JUSTICE.-Mr. ROBERT SMITH, the landlord of the 1 Sir John Barleycorn, beer shop, in Drury- lane, attended to answer to an information laid by Digby, the informer, charging him with permitting gaming in his house; Burn ...


... but I believe that many support themselves by at. Prisoner: Everybody knows Bill Somers, and his first and second. Why, Drury Lane and Covent Garden are fools to him; they can't do it at all. I'm pretty well able for the big Theatres myself. The LORD ...


... laugh].-Remsnded. BOW-STREET.-OFFENCRZ AGAINST THE STREET ACT.-Mrr: BUNN, lessee of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden and Drury- Lane, was summoned to atternd to answer to an Information laid by Johr Richard Carter, a commun iWformer, which set forth that ...


... MURHsr, bsi son, who were cha ged at this Office, on Monday last, wish having decoyed to their tneue, situated In Cross-laue, Drury-lane, a lad named Ed- ward Trabshsw, for the purpose of 3ending him out to beg, were yesterday brought up for re-examination ...


... removed in custody. Am INFORmItR DEFEATED.-Mr. TAYLOR, the laadlord of the Artichoke public-house, .White..kHartbstreet, Drury- lane, was summoned by Byers, the informer, on a com- plaint charging him with selling beer during the hours of divine service ...


... short time ago at the instance of a creditor nmied Smith, calling on the insolvent, who was aplumber and glazier residing in Drury-lane, to show cause why he should not be re-heard, on the ground that he had concealed and made away with considerable pro- perty ...


... some time since her sister, a girl not yet twelve years of age, absconded from her fathsr's house in the neiahbourhood of Drury-lane, and proceeded to the house of the defendant, Mrs. Belasco, who kept a house of an infamous de- scription in Leg-alley, ...


... Bennett (a police constable of the F division) with being drunk, and attempting to set fire to the house, No. 12, Wyld-court, Drury-lane. The Constable stated that at a late hour on Saturday night, he heard loud screams of Murder! coming from the above house ...


... following circumstances:- The prosecutrix deposed that on Monday afternoon she was stand- ing at the eorner of Charles-street, Drury-lane, with her shawl hanging on her arm, when the prisoner came up, and seizing her shawl, ran off with it down Charles-street ...