Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nil ,as BIRTHS. ;n1 On Tuesday last, at Beverley, the lady of the Rev. G. B. is, Blyth, of a son. he Oil Saturday, the 30th ult., at Soarbro, the lady of John 'O- Woodall, jun. Esq,. of a daughter. vo On the 26th ult., in Hill-street, London, Viscountess of Encombe, (daughter of Lord Feversham) of a daughter. lie to MARRIAGES. i.) On Wednesday last, at Sutton, by the Rev. T. Dikes, to Roinley ...

At Aston, John Wclch

... man Whateley, Esq. of Bennett's Hill, Birmningham, to Lucy, eldest daughlter of I. Spooner, REsq. ?? [lall, Warwickshire.-At laeven, Beverley, Benjando Collett, Esq. to Charlotte Harriet, 2d daughter of tbe lev. George Sampson, Rector of Leven.Lt Mr. Thomas Hadley, of Biruringhamr, to IE mma, fourth dlaughter of Mr. John Cooper, of WVarwick.-Mr. Edw. Hickman, surgeon, of Stourbridge, to Martha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lyAURIRID. The Rev. Chas. Holloway, Rector of Standford Dingley, Becrls, to Cathterine, daughter of( C. Tomnpson, Esq. of Great Witchinghain Hall, Noetolk.-At Calstock, the Rev. Henry Dlorshead, Il. A. Rector of Kelly, Devon, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W. L. Salusbury Trelawtty, Esq. of Hare- wood, Cornwall, and M. P. for the Nerth-eastern Division of the SiCm ?? Pitninster, the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e BIa'Rts.-On WVedncsday, at Woodcot, near Chi- o chester, the lady of John Fuller, Esq. ol a ?? Farehatin, otn Wednesday, the lady of r. F. Kelisall, Esq. of a daughter.- 'rhis morning, the Lady of John Coolie, Esq. of Newport, of )4 k- a ?? Portsea, on Thursday, the Lady of Lieut. Wmm. _ . Shallard, of H.M.S. Victory, of a daughter. 1D3 . larried, Mr. H. Roberts, Plumber, of Titchfield, 4 to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Upper Seynmour-street, the Lady of Lieut.-Colonel Lluellyn, of a son. MARRIED. On Thursday, by special license, at Stk George's, Hanover-square, by the Very Rev. -thel)ean of Carlisle, the Right Hon. the Earl of Glengali, to Margaret Lauretta, youngest daughter of the late William Mellish, Esq., of Woodford, Essex, and Dover. street, Piccadilly. I On the 18th inst., at St. George's. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? On the 9th instant, at Blythe, in this cdunty, the lady of the Hon. Richard Bootle Wilbraham, ofa'daughter. ?? jtqarIl'tgrf0- ' 't At Sheffield, on the 25th inst., Mr. J. H.'Smith, teacher, b of Preston, to Sarah Singleton, third daughter of the late n Mr. William Singleton, formerly of Broom-halls near a Sheffield.a On 'I'Thursday last, by the Rev. R. C. Wilson, M.A., George, only son of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ytriageto. On the 1211th intthot, at St. Georgte's ltartersqttnte I ( n Cht e.i'tr, iti Vrtltres, outtly d ittightur ci Sir, Cleiti i Oilitt h I;yth ttt;htsi, ,at tU1. iBtord't;, Mildletnt, Mrl-lsr. risnn oiltltr :mil ,t ol (i btrley. to Ili:lb~ilt hint. ,IIItitte V Itte l It Mrt. icittYlird, sttiplweleir, irttvotit'ld, ttemt Mitllletott.' e1iIIr Wxisilltv jl tdillt, ;It lt~oidlldie. lthC ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. -- On the 2i-d int. at Rotterdam, B. E. Caunrien. B-q. seond sor of Henry Cankrien. Esq. to Maria. eldrt daughter of A. . Van Boboken, Esq. of lRhoon and Pendrecbt. d On Saturday last. at St. George's, Middlesex. London, Mr. . William Cubby, of this place, to Eliza Ann Kemp, Ilamrhorr o Wharf, St. Catherine's, London. d On the 26th ult. at St. Mary's Church. lslington, the Rev. W. B ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3rtT1d, atainged,, & Meatftd. BIRTHS, On the 24th slt. at Trosyrafon, Bleaumarls, the lady of Charles Stanhope Jones, Esq, of a daughter. On the 3jth Bebbington Rectory, the ladyofthe Rev, R. Mosley Flelden, of a son. . MARRIED. On the 19th of May, at Ftorence, at the house of the British minister, Fanny Lucy Shelley, eldest daughter of Sir John Shelley, Bart. to the iRon. George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .MARRIED, On Wednesday, the 6th ult. at Concraig, Jas. Ramsey, Esq, a Baron-hill, Anglesea, to Jane, eldest daughter of Robt. Ewiny Esq. Concraig, Perthshire. C On Tuesday, the 2d Instant, Mr. James Binyon, of Man- chester, warehouseman, to Mlss Deborah Joel, of Leeds. On Wednesday, the 3d instant, at Prestbury, Chas. Wood, t jun. Esq. of West Brook, near Macclesfield, to Lydia, only surviving ...

MARRIED. At the chur

... ch of St. Giles in the Fields, both by banns and licence, the Rev. Robert Taylor, B. A. to Harriet Robin- son, relict of the late Thomas Robinson, Esq.-At St. Mary le bone Church, the Rev. F. G. Rawlins, only son of J. Rawlins, Esq. of Clarence-terrace, Regent's-park, to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of T. Chambre, Esq. of' Notting- ham-place, and widow of the late Charles Hesse, Esq.-At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DI:SSENTERS' MARRIAGES BILL. 'rlie following is an abstract of the Bill for grantilng Relief; in rehttion to the Celebration of Marriages to certain Persons Dissenting from thei United ChUrch of Endrland. and Ireland.- I ' irsois wb. se buat os live be jllelboblislled, may npply to the otlid i iaog ministcer for vertificate of pilbilll catio v liwich shalil be delivrrdl to theill upoilil ...