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Advertisements & Notices

... N E W'C AS TL E CROWN~ G~LASSi, c 4W. THE SunscatIBzns are Landll ' .andoff'!rSALa, the Cargo of the Canada, frm N'EWCA I.E, Viz. 220 Crates CROWN GLAS, of r or q lity, 260 Tons Smith COA 40 Do. WHITINGO The above. with a g iral of P TS, OILS, COL URS, &c- b dreoedof o''easonable terms. ,,{~~~~ W .&JCH RNOCK. 12, Store-Lane, and 51, Ann-Street. March 25, 1834. (515 It O N A 1, ACADEMICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS WeI ' WILL Open a BOARDING and 1)4Y SCHOOL. W at No. 5, CHICHESTERBSTREET, Belfast, on MONDAY, 3d November ne or e instruction of Young Ladies in the usual branc of Education. Mas- ters of the first respectability wib ngged. Parent O Guardians who may wish to pkcSA eir Children under herv care, and who may be desiroiof obtaining further infor- mation, or who would require references, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . A, CARlD. A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, who has a Capital on Aband, and who is well acquainted with general busi- ness, is anxious to vest the amount Ssome mercantile pur- suit, and wishes for a Partner w46 could adlvance a like sum, or thereabouts. (327 For particulars, apply personal4.~r if by letter, (post- paid), at the Office of Mr. JOHN GRAHAM, Belfast, 29tb July; 1834. 1, Arthur-place. NEW 'POT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . COUNTY OF DOWN - kOECiAL ROAI SESONWVS W ILL he -held, prsnantto-tle -Act of3d and 4th V William- 4th; -chapter -,78; at the following places and times, for the puirpose of considerinig all .Applications for Presentnients that may then and there be laid before such Sessiops respectively, ad for-tA.nisacting.ssub other bnidness 'as is, by the af6resa-d -Act, required to be done, thereat:- . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORIGE JO-NES, TA I L ( I'. To liis Excellency the Marquis Wellesley AND HOUSEI-IOLD, i~IL E---h IR gr~gEE'T9 1MW- I 9 . 4) EORGE JONES having been convinced bh his q recent visit to BEILFAST, of the great necessity that exists for the F~tablishment there of a Respectable House in his line of l ss . one that will combine all the c/,galze qfr!yle, anti r-eeness ,4 filtin@ which have gained for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION. Popular Lectures on 3otanY. R. DRUM lOND .will deliver a course of Thir. p teen LECTURES on l Y, in the Common j-all of the in1stitution, to mmence TUESDAY, the lst 'day of April, an be conti ed each succeeding THURSDAY and )CESDA until finished. Day Clas, at Tw+o'cicATi et for Cours c.. 12r. Eeniy Cas, Et o ..0. . 6,. The First Lecture (openi as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PiIXlTS D C. 13, BRIDGE-SSR T. J AMES CAMPBELL begs leay o announcethat vJ he has just returned from LON N, with a SPLEN. DID COLLECTIONofPRI SandMUSIC, whigh he has personally selected (ro e,.irst houses in the trade. IBELFA&ST ACAIJt M R. HAMILTON, Master of the nsh onl, ill have a few Vacancies, at the Fi t of .for PARLOUR BOARDERS, who II e tze ed; in every respect, as nnembers of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~rE1G F rulT, GtocEny., AND CHCESE WAREHOUSE, 3 aACANDERIYSTREET. T H N IV K ENN A respectfully informs the Nobility, J Gentry, and Public in general, of Belfast and its vici- lnity, that he will be regularly supplied throughout the sea- lson with all sorts of FOREIGN FRUIT, and has just received, ex the Malta, direct from Bordeaux, via Glasgow, 24 Cartoons PLUMS, Rich Quality; 24? Demy DO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4GAeANERAL IEI4ECTION. R. EAMERSON TENNENt Frields are re- spectfully informed, that hisfVOMMITTEE- ROOM is in the House at the of HOWARD STREET'andJAMES'S STREET SOUTH. (126 TO THE ELECTqORS OF BELIF'AST. GENTLEMEN, THE approaching Dissolution of Parliament, together with the most ample and satisfactory assurances of extensive support from all classes of my Constituents, induces me again to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 22, IHG9-i'TBEET. Silk Mercery, MillinerY; ant Dress WARERO,9MS.' 1%IRS. ARMSTRONGtriespectf S the 1 Nobility and Gentry WgBelfast nd vicinity, that she has completed her assfltit af Miljfnery and otherI Goods suited to the pres.t Seaso WiA'an extensive as- sortment of TUSCOW, FA CYfSTRAws, ad RICE Ditto all of which sbeis ermined to dispose of t on the most ReasonIole Terms. (835 N.B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS. Downpatrick select SchooL Under the superintendence of a Committee. MR. E. ADAIRFINLAY, MASTER. A T the EXAMINATIONS feld Onl the 30th of M June, and let, 9nd; and 3d of Jaly, PREMIUMS were Awarded to the following Pupils:_ GanEEK._ HoerEdwavrd W. Saul. Xeuophon_0E. 'V. Saul, #William Hastings. Greek Granmor_-E. W. -Sail. LATIN. - V'FDri-Samuel Hastings, *E. W. Saul, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE REV. HUGH M'NEILE ILL PREACH in ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, W on WEDNESDAY EVENING next, the 23d of July,wbena COLLECTIONwillbe madeinaidofthe Funds of the BALLYMACARRETT SCHOOLS. This appeal is made on a.neighbourbood densely populous, and whose 1 1 re es are altogether inade- quate to the wants of its r hoped, that by the kind contributions of the fr e ation at this time, the schools may be ...