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Advertisements & Notices

... This day is Published, nLACXWO'GD'3 EEliFRG BAGAZUOB. No. CCXX. Eor Aaaril, IBS4. CONT'i' ENTS.-T. BParon Smni th.-II. A Story vrilthout a ?? I!J; C DtiRP of tilh Ali&itr. Cha p. 2.-IV. Finliily Poet v. No. i.5 A Tiile of the Rhine.-V. Mv oumsin Ni'lolas. Cbns. 1 2, S. 4. - 1-. T'ho Intlian's 11iwenar'. Bv 'i ris fileli'ais.-I II. Eti Ih itl R1o1k e. Part 9I-VIIL l''roe'-ess ot' Social ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAMITE. NOTICE TO POACIIERS. WiTHERFAS, several Poachie's have lately been seen Shootillg aind Killill' (;:llle oil thle EARiL of ?? Estaltes, ill be tis' igcinh boi 'hoosi otf I-i stol'e an Inseitiruty, during his ahisellce,- rs Notice iS tqreby given, that the Ground Oflisers, Foruster, and As. t s. sistants, ?? been instructed to look ont totc andi appiellend all t ve offenders; antI that a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC SALE OF TEAS. There will be Exposed to Sale, by Atictioll, in the Sale-Room of the Royal Exchinge., (7lasgo-, on Monday, 24th November, and the days thllowving, till the whole is disposed of; HE Entire Cargo of TEAS, imported in the Camden, direct T l fro CANTOJ, ?? have beet selected with the greatest care, and consist of the. follow hig descriptions- 100 Chests 400 Hnlf 1O. BOHEA. 400 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE C LUll BETS in the PUITiiic Rooi 1q, Oil M110ndali the2 NA1 Of Otto- j jhernea't. liusinless and Ba lot at5 C.Dne Xacl tl~ past 5 u'tloci. TH-Os. BURNETT, Secr'etaery. Aberdleev, 81kh .S'eptenier. 1834. A YAR=VI VE SZi~nt WANTEUD, At Maflrtininits first, tit Avochiie, slars lhintlv, AN Active MAN, up to the most approved mod(fe Of Hu1sbandrV, thle SAlC and ?? of Cattle and Grain, keep~ing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'as ,ctlido2/lic 4t/l ?? tuiy, CLWK it ill del ret, iti ?? se-Iloomi, Marisclual Col- fit at LEC~t) lIE of a PoplIrI Course oil tile it Scioitce 01 III. X 'to 1;. ?? to tdies a elas to Gentlemen, P) and o b coninud 'i th sam iiiv very' Satutsiiby, till thle enid of I ?? ub~-iace' thle .eSlpliciitiotn of that Science to tlic lit; t; ?? ~ppeirittii'S o iii1it aint its ~Iklafloli to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDIARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY, ABERDEEA. r~fHR ANNUAL COAMPETITION fo,~ BURTSARIES Avill be t ..i hield in thp PITBLIsC HALr, Of MA~lISCIIAT, COLLtEGR, Oil t,! ,~llitfOay the 27ths Octob~er, at 11 o'cloCk. A.1t. I There are FolURt'EEN BUnSABItIs to bel, disposed of by COmIpeti. T tion; viz, one of £12 a year : one of £11 ; three Of £10 each four i' oF £51 each; and tive of linferior ...


... S. CONTRACTORS Wanted, to Supply ROBERT GORDON'S HOSPITAL with BOOKS, STATIONERY, and DRAWING MATERIALS. Specimens and Patterns of the various Articles may be seen at the Hospital, on application to Mr Melvin, who will give any in formation desired. , The Contract will contitnie for 12n months, and Sealed Tentlers I s ayv It left wvit hl Mr' MelvIll, any time before Wednesday next. ] It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WOOLLEN DRAPPERY. TN.Fhi'0L1*RTON) & CO- bett tot initimiate thait they hae 1 A lLNE5 ?? to d~iiir tihter stotlc, z -if 0W i olai c 05istiloi of every thing that is thshionabhle in WOOLLEN D ItA : Linen nnd Cotton SHIR'rINGS_ Londoti HATS, newest sh51p1 ; Servants Ditto, witi gold and silver blinds. 1, Union 0fllUfdin.1o, Nov. 11, 11134. To THE LAEDIES. NjAMIES GtORDON, Sit.i . ,tEtocE~it, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE SALE OF FAYRM STOC1RING, AND HOUSP.I1Ol, FUUNITUii'E. There will be Sold, by public roup, nt Grenliill, parish1 of Long- side, on Thursday ?? Friday, the i~th and 113th of May, rrpHE whole DISPLENISH of said Farm, which belonigedl to _L tile late JA3UES PATVON. On Thutrsday wvill be sold the CATTLE and ACRICULTURAL r IMPLEMENTS, consisting of 12 vevy supelior Mill; Cows, calvetl and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COACH PROPRIETORS, COACz31IEN, AND OTHERS. BY AUTrHORtITY OF THr CO.1r.ISSIONElc1S OF PO1L)CP. T having breet reprisented to the Cormmissioners, that l'ersotns Inl charge of STAGE and other COACHIES, are in the practice of Driving such Coaches on the Streets of this City il an itmproper and]urioios manner, wherelby thie ijhabitants are ex-posedl to mu111ch danger and annoyance: Notice is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W,. RETTIE & SON~ Vs IPEFCTFULLY solicit the attention of tieir Customsers,'and .f~th ullic, to thei,4 prsejet veryv Pxtpesive Stork oF JRWEL. THlE B LER, ILVER PLATE, and SHEFvFIELD PLATED WARE, consistin of'- lwit/ Lorkets, CRoss's Sevhnetie, Pills, Pencil Case.S'e ?? Seri Sitver-T.ea SetS, Ciill'ev-iois, Waiters, Ciqp', Spoons, Ladles, Forks, F'islt Slices, Bat tel' andl Friti j iCiives, ...