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Advertisements & Notices

... TOOT HAC HE. YFNDER and DECAYED TEETH, also 'F tiiD V ?? of the ilouth, however dilfieult, ,l nrtiie5'I(, ell-ed, and arranged, by Mr M~iEIN, . ENTIST, whose scientific knowledge in every Sut-r;rE° - DeirttI attainments was s acqired under the r ?? ~ profss;inld men in London. Mr 51 ESI IiiOst e j;it pnm who ire suffering with or by the los if e irito , tol ; ake trial oif the secure anti easy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRMS ORRERY. TO 1\O. 20, NICOLSONe STR'ET, jr-r' Door South of Surgeon's Hall, | a short time. I1 ?? ITON respectfully intimates to the Nrj Lrjjit Gentry, and Public, that, by particou- Ire -laS )r'en indaced to remove to the above f w t he Ocnveotietce of those in the Southern rilto have not had an op;'ortunityof visiting him *Street. V srl~istoeaf Earl5 Call, as his stay must be very i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I1DlS ARENA, MOUND. F0R TIlE BENEFIT .OF AR MILTON. on TfIItPSDAY EVENING, 20th Feb. 1834, Acr oo', 1 iSEMASY BY MR MILTON. I (rD011 will app1ear in ?? favonarite Scene oft PA.UL pRlY ON HORSEBACK.t Tv ?? rwith Mr OTn's; celebrated sCOND) STAGE. O RBOflBElR SCENE OF THIE CoI-lo R OF ST PETERSBURGH. For pnarit:lnrs see Bills of the Day. pixevs, 2s. -Pit, Is.-Gallery, 6Sdtoth CIJIl-en 2nd,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMA, e. LOTHIAN ROAD. VIE ofr the VILLAGE of UN_. '1TERSEEN rillCLOSE THIS DAY, June | ,idmitsi. ?? Sbilling-Childlren. half-price. CEgNTRAL POLISH ASSOCIATION. C rlTE CON1MMITTEE of the 'CENTrRAL f P pOLISH ASSOCIATION hereby intinate to - CirreS ntietsand the Public, that. Ir N. F. ?? CorenNECYItON. WITH THAT ASSO- CI.ATION. as a Letturer and Confidiential Agent, CEASED on the 4th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 'll~.IDiWv-FEliY TILE DISASES OF WOMEN AND :CHILDRfEN. R THATCHER. Fellow of the Roya Cslleee of physician.. twill copimence hiA WINTER C'OURSE of LECTURES on Thursday the 6th of November. dstyt ho The CLASS for FEMIALES-on Tuesday t'n l1thof November. 23, EL.DEB STREET, Nov. 1. IS34. NATURAL PHILOSOPIIY. ; i-UR LE ¢'S LECTURES on NATURAL P PHILOSOPHY, oualifying for Surgeon's Hall, &r., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - ubin for a short Seasopeltn9 Dublin. siLTUNDA, IMOJUNDA -t O~f ra ecil' Viewfs of - t TE FALEUS OF NIAGARA, it UPPER OA'aADA. a T lE CITY OF QllEBEC a 1pplyiegthe ippred Lower ToIn5, the River St Die-La -e, Enmigraots lauding &c.e r tehrtation of the recent 1Aod tilet e~a a A intU erenting atlitioal Vi er (f A ?? ~INSTER BOMB .3 MORTAR I TriNO 0 IlPa7 jij10/ into the I Is.. Gallery, Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MIEETING. 11S DAY, Air PAUL, the GEN'TJEMAN q 0f CtA)5Il' LECTURES in Sr ANpIrRaV' ., ?? at Two 'rlock, in BErlALP of the WILBER- lC SE TTEIIEN r of FREE PEOPLE of t -R tn UPPER CANADA. TLiho LORD PROVOST in the Chair. ; ANN'UITY AND POUJRS' MONTEY. . \IflTING of PAVERS of these TAX- jS is to be heli in ST ANDREnw'S Ciecocee, on a ?? .t 12 o'clock, to express their opiuion of the ps of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MT MEETINGS of the Ist, 2,4 3d 4tll, A and 5th PARLIAMENTARY DISTRICTS, of the Burgh of LEVIIH, held the 12th day of May 1834, Resolutions to the following effect were unani. momlyv dd'rptVe'd-. AESOLVEDe'-'' ?? lSt, That this'.4eetin ghighly approve of the Parlia- mentaryv dooduct of MrI Jlona AntCI{IBALDI MAIVRAY, as the Merqjier for this District of Burgh}, and consider binm fullyj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TiSR ; P - .EpENDENT ELECTORS OF THlE COUNTY ,,sD-r i OF FORFAR. f1E flattering and spontanxeous assurances o f s.pport which I have received from many 1 q re, h vc induced me to offer myself as a Candi- ltefr 'the honour ofyour Representation, in the event r 1l . 1issltion of Parlianment. he j'rrifclplee upon which I presume to Seok your a Te r these of a firm attachment to the Consti- !I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? nO. L CALEDONIIAN H~UNT. - LE jjERS are particularly requested mrnC4 ' ?? Ki~c ing's Alma Ialn, Dumfries, on 7, 0 2~tr erltnct It Ten ?? i~ at., to take , ?? r we '9 ir~ ters cnnneeted wilth the Ar. 'nnC l'.11 t~l',f lrixDDINCtTON. I'reF~ras. 'Vat SHAPE.Secy. Te E rlEC ION takes place i Friday the 241|1 ;t jil,. ls Arms Ion. cOU;TV OF EDINBURGH. fl ERIFFof the COUNTY of Fl, in terms of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k .IAO7FSCOLALNLTURAL SOCIETY ,,!NIVERSARY GENERAL ?? uI1%3 iccrN O. of this SOCIETY, pursuant to c ' IE ise h~ell in the Society's HIall, Albyn 'iertfu'. r)v the 13th day of JANUARY-neXt, at cs rt i'tsen()sv it is requested that Mem- eri ?? hehour, nI-, besides the x ; th'l re tohe a uBALLOT for the ; ?? l l $ MEMBERS, anid it is prescribed that no Badlot shall proceed until at Miters are ...