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Advertisements & Notices

... in that LAST vrIlhT BUT TWO Or MR AtND MaSS VANDENHOFF'S PI whose EN~GAGEMENTI. handed For the DHNEFIT of 19Ir. VANDENROT'F. Onl Friday Evenictg, 14th March, 18834, vvill be pi'sexitedl~ ,w hayi- SlInckepeare's Tiageuly of- nit the .HADIL E T. lie sue- HAM LET, - iy Mu VA7VDENHOFF. Girdle- OrnytLIA. by I-Miss VANDENHOFF. health After wvhich a Comic Interlutde inl otie Act, u The Day after the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUlE.P SALE OF LADIES' MOOTS AND rsIo~ss, &C. FOR 'ITWO ltVEXX8': ON!A', so, Unttan street. bI P DLER Sl CO. in orider to i:01ce rooM fin' their Wi tir L. T~ Stink, liavt', this day, coin iiience d a Snle of' tih'enll'ntf Anle Aril ides. at zroatilv RedIo red Price-S LADIFS' SU M RilIII's, -5i~. in wi. fEl. very liest. GU I)itESP ElI Ols, inl ?? varotel . WALKING Do. Do).S IPARASOLES, 3S 01. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIOAM O c.LOTHIAN ROAD. scoecatelete Of the great throng of Visitors 1to the VIEW of the VILLAGE of U-NETER i the last we ek , the Exh ibition will ' eon- Opra ?? I lonager .Open froni ten tillduenk. ,inoe Is. children, half-price. A . A MURRAY, Teacher of Singing, begs to nano oon, that be is about to leave this r aetnodon, in order t fulfi his engagement at the Royal . gcI 1l,e~tivai which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;V E MVACE E FOP P-AINTING; SCOT( Lp'rttfE, AN ARCHITECTURE. lEIGrHTH ANNUAL EXHIBI- I~lON of the ACADEMY for the WORKS of LIVING p RTISTS, will be opened early in February mrt. and other Artists nre'reqruested to take Tha Wohks of Art intended for Exhibitam wfill be neeiveII ,tthe Galleries, No. 24, Waterloo Place. on cl'e first, and Monday third of February, |arti^Ue u'clock A.M- till five ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thds dlay is published, SIR WVILLIAM JARDINE'S NATURALIST'S LIBRARY, V,,. IV. Price Gs. in MAoroco lostb .hnards, foolseap Svo. eontaioing 'fip 'TIHI AL UISTORY OF THE FELINA3, oR LIONS, TIGERS &c. Dee' ErEgravel 'an(d Coloufred from Nature, oil 37 Steel Plates, with Woou Cuts, lilustrating xth torllicsl Strroeture, together with a Portrait and M'emnir of CUVIER, and 6spwarish of 200 pages of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DIORAMA._ lE ?? BREST HARBOUR, at ?? exhibiting in the LOTHIANT ROAD, ;S one P, .rNqisite performances that requires conside- itrI ti uu to its details, in order to lose none of its e f' s altltough it mtay not, at first sight, appear 0,ratll g asj 15 some of its predecessors, it insensibly rn thell3 aniratiof of the observer, whr, is soon con. a' hat liae is belboldiog a nork of art of. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON1 SALE, AT TME SUBSCRBEER'S, T URNIP SEEDS, of Vl'rious Sorts, ?? Wile Globe, Green I Globe, ?? Top, Yellow Bi.llock, Rled or Greeb Tops, Fit id Yellow, lled, W4brite, aid Yellow Tankard, anut Swedisli. These Sieds are carefully selected, and will be obund good in qua- lity, and true to their kinds. Patent SCYTHES, SNEADS, STRICKLES, TulrNIP HoEs, SCYTHIE STONES, of ten different sorts. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GTNERAL WOOLLEN A1AD COTTON WAREHOUSE, 29, UNION STREET, (UP STAIRS.) HARVEY HALL & Co., fWAVE to anmolice tie ?? of an extensive Stock of GOODS, fiselected by their J. HAiLr, unlder every advantage, in the principal Malmancturing Towvns in England. HATIVEY HALL aid JOIIN JHALLT., individual Partners of the above firm, beg leave to intimate, that the business will now' be con- d octed under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ',eMR FIULTON'S GIRAND ORRERY, _, EXIBITING, At 1°, PriSCE' SrTsEET, First Door up Stairs- tay if tbs Elxhibitian is linited to few a days, Ires bl~ r winvited to p fantearly vi,it 1 t Open ?? 11 . to 4 P. a.; and from 7 to 9 even- the im** n ?? Gentlemen, Is.; Children, 6d. teeb at * ?? cl,; a (ritliti atlrtos uf the Orrery, may be bad at o 1~r F'nrbiri Ir] Riort' 6d. each.' , CmF = L 0 U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jIUSIC* ' IS .SUwHERLAND begs~to~AcqUaint. II her Friends, that she wal continue 'gig N a~RCT n the PIANO F~ORTEdIring5 tlse' ,TRbCTl 3 , 83 is induced to intimate the above,from . AsUDrjadle b'3avill been disappointed at finding her Iret ~owng La leithe moriths oE August and -Septemaber. R CI OU10 n-~vtOE STREET, .CO] 2nt.'s 4ne 1834. . ! HER WICKSffIRE . ?? du : 20th Jnne 1834. + tnjer WE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Juzst Pubelishrdl, B e cO .ColrA & Oo. ll, Walerloo Place, London. Mestrs A. BiOlVN & CO. 71, Union Street, Aberdeen, Ann' to be had oJ all Booksellers and Newsmen, price 2d. No. I. of TEE AGRICULTURAL AND INDVUTRIAS MAGAZINE OF THS Sociesyfor the Eacouiragemenlt ?? Industry antdfor Pro. ,aoting Ejctua l Relieffrom the General Distress. CO?01ITTEE. ('lUirman-E. 5. CAYLEY, Esq. M.P. Yorkshire, ...