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Advertisements & Notices

... CIURCUI OF SCOTLAND VINDICATED. just Published, by P. -GRA, Biond Street, and to be had of the Boolisellers, Price 3d. ACCOUNT OF THlE PROCEEDINGS CCl To FRSCT5'i AhImRTINt Ot TIIF A-BERDE15-N CZAUItCri OF SCOTLAND SOCIETY, INet' in Trliuitil C/ha'pel so Thlrsla'tnthe 151th of Mapl last. A full Repo)rt of Lthe S P EECH ES ilelivere'l at ?? Svcondt or Adi-i jtturned Meetillig will lii speiel Iy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- FRSGORDONSitLK MEarCE, isnonw.sellinsr his extensive J SIOck rfEDINBURGi. PAISLEY, and FRENCH SHAWLS, ?? with the -em;1;11;nr I)art oF his SUMMER STOCK, at a qa.Erther RehlrrCtion Of Prices: the ?? are particularly worthy of notice:- rDINBITJ.G IFILLtED SIAwVLS, 3s. t0os3. INDIA P RINTEID CHAPE do. 7s. Cl. to itl. PRtNTFD CHAI.t dO. Is. Wd. to 3t. 4. a REAL FRENCH CHAI.Y DRESSES, at London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTPhIALIAN RAWS. VHE SUflCsit5llar has jilst received a supply of particularly iill . T flavouted WlESTPHALIAN HAMS, small sized, amn SL ected J by a Friend upoll the spot. Hle has also got a large lot of the celebrated SCOTCH STILTON 5 CHEESg. The nildernloled articles he can, with the greatest confidence, re- C commend :- t Strail Coloured BRANDY, 10 years olhl. Pale Do. Do. C vears old. d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOST EEXTENSIVr AND ELEGANT STOCE OF CHINA, GLASS, AND STONEWARE, FOR SALE, Ever offered in the North of Scotland. i EOROGE MFARNS, finding himself unable, ftom his state of '3_w health, to Oive that attention to his Business which it requires, has resolved to retir,;e an1d, with al view to theilitate which, he has comtnenced selling off his extensive Stock of CHINA, DINNER, DESSERT, and TITlA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r LEITH. E, the undersigsned Heritors of-Propevty, within the Bounds of Police, request a MEETING of HERITORS witbin the said Bounds, to be held within the Exchange Saleroom, Leith, oir ?? the 31st Merch current, at lialf-past two ?? a clock afternonn, for the purpose of considering the effect . upon the Value of Property in Leitbh by two rneima sures which have been brought before Parliament, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;;1Ll0N, CALTON BILL. nrjII the view of gratifying the curiosity ;MT ?? c'-c and promoting the purposes of o1 ?? N will \i~i he OPEN to the ,llz'(ictic iNIGHT (Saturteay) at Teti O'clock; ii tic magnificent Centre and other Lustres be t kn do~ne, preparatory to the whole Structure ?? AtmaeeSixpene_. T* tile Cbilulren (if ricl and poor, in thc care of their ci i l titetl gtitie. r, L i11t el to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RTICULT G . VEN ING PROMENADES, with Ilj slC, in the EXPERINIENTAL GAR ?? conm~enle On WED- 1 f0s. EVNTLNINC nexO, the 18th, from half-pact w; tf an ?? erseft, and be repeated Weekly thea Ssour atell frther notice. ; t S an tr tilelI Promenade, is. each person, . atftlie Gt.r their Families, price 5s. eacb, will Q 'a hen Tic e ers or Shareholders on their ap- ir r lj l ebI r t codinep a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TTIM OS OF TrlE COUNTY OF PERTH. ;LBCTO~S Perth, Autil 22, lf34. -?11E SlpERIFF has fixed upon. Tuesdy A. tire *arth if April as tire dav Of the NMmntin Ofat for th ICp I Netro ?? an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PULBLIC DINNER to the Right EAIL GR Y has heer, fited tir L r ofSitG oer Ils Grace )he ~ LTON & ISRN DON has aigreed ti an'd It li st of the Croupiers and ?? in a few dart. Til.(li lseneach) wilh ccnout to thle tth ib Itofl, Nlerehants' Hal I. urn ~eshi lieila' ot, ieteinthehours of ,levitn arind ii.Tii'lii't to others, to thie exti-lt Ot' tle ar- t li.C ill l, grivn outi, on jiarsalo or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE - DEN~T ELECTORS OF THE CITY i; p OF EDINBURGH. rO~tO are' gaining ground that a Disso- 1I 0f Parliament is at hand, I am encouraged t io -siob I have received, of your kind 5 ° ,n ton ards me, again to offer nlyself as a Can- . 4 Ileresent you in Parliament. Returned as I IiO 2,1 et occasion, by so decisive a majority, I , that tire subsequent events, in consequence ] 3r Ir' nn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXI4IBIT ION OF STATUAR D. £SyON.IsL MUONUMENT, CALTON HILL. n ?? has recently adlded e THE FAiLL oF ;MIAZEPPA AND THlE WILD .sr to iis previpusly extensive Exhilrition of Sta- tul) 'i0 Iniia'S For other Eqarestrian Groarps, crlaalv 1 a1esidles Statues of Lord Byron, Sir Waltr :ma1 lD :indiee Thosnisen Lord Lovat. &e. &c. all S.130 tt rnm the Native Rot ha of SaCarland f5 UI ~~ carliares ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THEf ELECTORS OF TEE COUNTY ON' AI3E1RDEEN. 7~HE recent chaneise inl his 11ajestyf's Counlics, 7cith1 thc pros. Tpct of ?? ?? q4 Padialiaen t, and the' an- si aneemeit ofonehr Cr 'snldate,, ha ic in ?? eat t/iso tintell, ,iltimrate toyoen niy ittlentiolol afeeaill ein any forivard to solicit t/i J~hut/i ral' e'iteicdl liotionr (j`VitttniitiiY to' rpr~jesent illy WitiVe Coon tij inl ...