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BIRTHS. At 1!, Smith

... 's Place, cn the 25th current, Mrs R. C. DP. LA. CoNsDAMwNe, of a daughter. At Stonefold, on the 23d current, the Lady of GEoaGe DscKsoN, Esq. of Belebester, of a sun. MARRIED, At Trinity Cottage, oi, Ithe 24th current, WILLIAM HENDERSON DOnioN, Esq. M. D. to lVItLLTAsxNa, daughter of Wim. Hen- derson. Esq. At 21, Buccleuch Place, on the 24th current, the Rev. JAMES JEiTFaEY, Musselburgh,' to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, June 11, 283*h. Married, it Roslin Bleadhllell by the Very Rev. Priacipal Baird, on thle 3d Jane, Mr CHARLIr PHitP, Jun. Merchant, Leith, to Miss EIZA- ro TE 0Th SPOTTISWOOD ReAD, eldest daughter of Charles Read, Esq. Ruoslen lv Bleacliield. ch Married, at 5, Shaudlwick Place, Edinburgh, on the 5th Jine, by the Rev. George Coventry, W. P. GeA NT, Esqr. yunuger of Rothiemurchus, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, November 26, 183'&. Biarlv.-At 13yth House, on the l8th inst. the Lady of B. C. URQsUHART, Esq. of Byth, of a dasighter, BHimmvTL-At Thninston, on the l1th inst. the Lady of DustcAz ronatts MISCIIELI., Esq. of a daughter. Married, at KIeith, on the 18th iest., by the Re'. Meaxwell Gordon of Fo- veran, Jonax 0t1ANT, Esq. Solicitor, to MARoGARET MAOclofl r, eldest daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Shetistmie, Stafford, the Lady (if Majitor Wyndhaam, Scots Greys, of a lalglhtelr. At Fort St. George, Madras, the Lady of Major Welman, of his Msjesty's 37th regiment of fIoot, of ii so. I nWVestihister, the Laldyof E. P. O ibery, Esq. i2itl regimlent, ofa daugh- ter. At l'erthi, on the 7th curt, the Lady of Captain . A. Riach, 79th IIigh- lawders l of a degalhtvt. At Southamiipton on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... X~irtkhs. On the 4th list. at Uanover Lodge, the Right lion, the Countess of Doe- e deoltld, of a SoI1. a On the 3d hlst. at Tichborrie Park, Hants, the Lady of Lieutenaat-Coloel a Talbot, of a daughter. : At Kilconqulhar Ilouse, on the Oth of Julie, the Lady of Sir Henry Be- o thilime, of a soil. e At lillend, onl the Dth Julie, the Lady of James Christie, Esq. late of the AlMadras army, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Eatorn Sqil no, Loadotn, on thic 3d Atignmt, Lady Moy Durndos, of n daughter, stilloerei.I At \VoratiisteMe ltnoos, on the 15th0 August, Mrs Lindesay of Lochton , of Soil.t Oln the 12th Auagust, nt Cheltenhattm, the L.udy of itajoe Chalmeers, of a On tiel IM1th irstant, at 51), Ratileillor Street, Edinburgh, the wife oif Cap- tnet John Wonrson, rof a son. At 14, Stamlrd Street, olt the l tt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... An. V i I, At to.lnii Igtosl, Olie t.flv rit dytaigM riltothtey, OdtI ialari'r, ce a datigtri. 01 lhe ;3th In lst, It lpswvich, the Lady of L. Billkeley, Esq. 411i lthslelll of a son, still-btoriu. On tile l8th February, at Cannamore, Madras, the Lady of Captailn A. S. Logan, paymasterof stipeucds, of a daughter. At Cainnethlao lIloise, Lanarkohire, on the 24th ult. Mrs LoCll:lrt 1If Cabs- ...


... KENZIE OF KILLIN. cral The ohitiuay ih our present ritmhei records tiijedbathi ?? of this lament,!dl clergyman. It toi.k place in confi- of quence o f0 an accident, rendering it sill more ilistressing the to hissorroswing friends and parochini f9ock, and peci- lie liarly afficiivd to his. olin family. Dr Malshensie nBS inl his, the pnime of life and vigeur and pursuing a couise of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Forces, oil tile Ibtll alttiltth laedy Of JAdOEiS SINCLAIiR, Esq. of' a lccughitcr. lt til:ce 41er Place, London, on the llti tilt. the Lodly of Woodbiine Pa- rish, Esq. (If a soil. At ~litlmir-gi, anll the 2tih nlt. MIrs Mtoeintagie Sianlay, of tilis. At the M3anise of C(llessie, on' the 281i Deceimber, 1crs Mlecfarlane, of a re luglhtcr. At tile Mniloe of Cavers, ol tile 27th1 tilt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Dalzell House, en tle Ist current, Mrs ItSMILTON Of Dalzell, of a daughter. . . At 24, Drummond Place, on the 3d current, Mrs Doewai, oea sol. Here,:on the 29th ultimio, by thie Rev. Mr Marshall, J. T. LATHAsM, Esq. 6th -(Royal Warwickshlire) Reghient; to JE- MsuA s FeRoo1n,dauglhtcr of James Melliss, Esq. At Edinburgh, oos the 30th ultimo, Mr ALoX. BYREs, of the Leith Medical hall, to ANsE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 15i; Chnariotte:Sqttare; on thle 18th currazt, tile Lady of JTouH CUsytNGRstn; a.sq. of fluchrae, of at son and heir. - At Clurqmont Parl; Leith ontle 17th current, Mrs Atrx. ANDESR MlLE.eR. of a daughter. At29, Melville Street, on the 1ath current, the Lady of JAMES JatonDN, ESq. of a daughter. At Sulaterfleideld,'Leitht, oe! thme l4th current, the Lady, of Captain ByosR, royal actrlilery, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aiirt315- Oil the :ist octoher, at her 1,a dyshlip's resednce in Bdigrave Street, London, tho Right II iooneablo the Coun tessr;f Mliostitr, of a daughter. Oil the 2Cth tilt. the Lady of Mialjor Fotheringhiam, York Gate, Rngegitt' Park, London, of a soin. Onl the Mth tilt. at Paris, Lady Scott Donglas, of a daughter. Onl the 2k7h ult., at Acktotth l'arlt, Yorkshire, the lady of John Gully, ESq ...