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Law Intelligence

... ILaw Ente-Iliontce. ADMIRALTY COURT'. TuE BtlTANNIA-This case asV one nf a total abandoment, Ship and cargo were found stranided oo the Essex crrast by snore Harwicb fishermen.- An estimate having been given onl the owner's part of the valun of the shrip ;arid cargo, amounting to £800. tihe salerirs ohjected, and demanded air up praisemne,,t. 'The vabe appeared by appraisenierit ;to be ...

Law Intelligence

... !Law ANGLESEY SPRIN:G ASSIZES. In tar lact ne were campelled thrnagh want of rain to nomit the tc. beinr the only cases which canue before the coulrt at Beaurnaris. DOE OX THF DEl1t:E OF MIEYIRICS AGAtiNT e~ ?? SE YOI E. s Mr. Temple opened. antl Mr. Jervis stated the r case for the plaititff Mliss Anoe Mecrik. Thi. vas an ctlion ifejectmtnen brtuqtt tv his clieit arainst Mrs. Marv ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw futilliontre. or z-rw ik COURT OF KING'S BENCH, fa If REX V. JOHNSTON.-The Solicitor General ob- ti: r served that in thiscase there liad been olitained a H a rule to show cause w)hr a quo warral swhoutld not ei id issue, directing the defenidant til-stote by what in is atiterity lie held the oftice of Aloerinan of the ev at City of Landon for tile ward of Portsskeu. As lie cn le could not ...

Law Intelligence

... Ii Ealzelliq I pr!!,rc ii~ . tO BOW ST6REE T .-A TR Up I ?? AIlhw w55S Ibi ought Up it) eClIStody, Chiilied Ivvth or halig stliolen i £t5. lote. It appeared fitat tile ri- soiner, wlin h;il lieti enlihlryeil as I Wailter at II,, lie T;bvistock lltel hid ailscoiildedI ivith it L5. nte ton S ae the 80I OfSepTeiii r, vhirli hald beel rh BC to blhl li) t,, get chanzlgc y it Mr. 'I'jiviol., ne Or ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw filtelligeliff. VICE CITANCERY COURT. A NEW MitD)S OF MI AKMOr .MOTI(N-His IInon OlI the Vice Chanceldlor On talkind his seat, statedl a that he had receive! ?? extriturditoarv letter from an individual nated Dennitis, concerning whathtail taketn place bhth in anli out of Court. The way e the letter came. aml its -tonttos were equally ex- irao;idittary. The letter hore the regalar post. ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw Enitelligoll(e. I thaik TSof CORONER'S INQTJEST.AM-IORrtOON'PILLS. titive Onl Friday Mr. Best hield an inquest at Petrtore, this oin the Itady of Rebsecca Cron, agedi fifteen. It ip, milent, Ieir)eale fii evidence that (lhe otother of Liie deceuied ibli/i/ hadl given her Mtarisos 's pills., aisal that isisisuina. 010ral tinO, or thle bowels taook place, otccason t ed, in tile loge. opno ...


... FLINT'1IEHE ASSIZES. .. . I. ., . ,. . .- e lr, BiatrI Hiloidul (diil not enter Moid frum IL katilill ?? about twelve o'cluck in Thursday, i it whijil ililcor thle ?? sias opened, with t the tsuaotl ornialiies. ,s The l; ill wiisg Irils ?? plute- O T/ut-is Godldia. il stupid hwljinlt lat( 16 years t if ace. pleaded giiilty it, a culartte of Stealing from y .,a hotod a %st oe; val ltd the Pilot ...

Law Intelligence

... w ]Hit liffellif. Ilie few A LticiCtCFIAW IN SiI~csfhr se~~li all and ,Johis Cooper weeroitdfi ugaissy S ect. breaking and entein ?? ila thi D'yer. Joseph itl!mlwyrdpsd lith try reided at 67, Newi VfCa~~O O ing It' fli. f it 17th of ia St oftiie i veit d bu lY) 12 d'click, havting Prtdsytseni iedos Itat ansI abfout tw6 'liki h nrii owsP ]hat zlffiighsd by a food noise aiustii IihLii e.O fi ...

Law Intelligence

... WM Euttiliocare. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-(Sittiigs after a e Term before Lord Deniman and a Special Jury.-- ROGIra9 V. BiI(GSTOCKE AND OTHErLS.-Ml'is action was brought by tbe plaintiff, dn attorney residing t in Carmarthlen, against the proprietors of the cl e Wlelslanan newspaper for the publication of an rL - lleged liberal. T'ie article which was made tile a( subject of the action wvas a ...

Law Intelligence

... Wm littelli-oclice., d ADVANTAGE Or Gotai TO LAW.-The Court of Chancery was occupied on Thursday and Friday e with the ease of Price v. Williams, when it was agreed between tile parties, that they should] pay r between them thecosts and proceed no further with the cause, in which there were 65fl exieptions. In the Court of Exchequer yesterday, an in. g formation svas tried against Mr. ...


... D)ENRIGHSHIRIE ASSTZES. le (Coil cluled fromn the foulth page.) s rd. OVeNS V. DENTON. iV This was an action brought by the plaintiff, Mr. . ly John Owens, a publican, residing at l.laldyroog gs nearDenbigh, toi recover a stInU of money from his - r late employer, the defendant, John Denton, Esq at law.-Mr. Lloyd opened the pleadrings, r ,ii alil Mr. Jervis stated the case for the ...


... MBlvirtot oT Mn. AstrTON.-'TWO moen were ap prehlenrded onl Thursday week, ill 1\1arple, charged with the atrocious mnurder of Mr. 'T'hoemas Ashtoti of Hlde, oil the 3rd rof Jonoary, 1831. A third parly, at present undnr seeltence of ?? in DerbY gaol, has given the information, anm there is a strong probability that all tile particr lars of this cold blooded miurder vill yet be re. rcaledt Mr. ...