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- ,POETRY !.-....-,

... POETRY TO THE OSTRICH.-By THOMAS WRITTEN IN SOUTH AFRICA. (From Friendship's Offering, and Winter's Wreath.) Lone dweller of the wild Kcrroo, Sad is thy desolate domain. Where grateful fruitage never grew, Nor waved the golden grain ? Wnatseek'suhoumidsi these dreary haunts, Where mourning Nature droops and panti Beneath the burning skies 1 Freedom 1 seek—mankind I shun,r Tyrants of all ...

[No title]

... CORN LAWS.—The members of the Anti-Corn Laws Society and their friends, met this day, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, for the purpose of peti- tioning Parliament for the immediate and total repeal of the said laws. The Chair was taken by Col. P- Thompson. Mr. Crawford, M.P. for the city, rose to move the first resolution, but had not con- cluded his speech when our reporter cam away.- The ...

[No title]

... FRANCE—The French mitiistry,dulyconsiderillg the low state of their influence in the Chamber, have agreed to alter their budget for 1835 to tlie same amount as 1834 j a saving to the country 36 millions of francs. The attention of the Court of Assize is engrossed in the trial of ten persons for forgeries ofEnglish Ijauk notes, to the amount of 800,000 francs. SPAIN.-The intelligence from Spain ...

[No title]

... THE CHURCH.—On Tuesday week a highly respectable and numerous meeting of the Clergy and Friends of the Establishment, convened by circular, took place at the Diocesan School-room, Nelson-street, Bristol, for the purpose of concurring in a public de- claration, expressive of'heir determination to sup- port the National Church in the integrity of her rights and privileges, and in her alliance ...


... 11railed skill in war, of a Nelsou, a Wellington, their noble school of pupils, which have con- stituted our defence in danger; for the moral thunder, by which PRINCIPLE was guarded in aZZling splendour and with virgin sanctity, from the lips of a Chatham, a Pitt, a Fox, and a Can- tliug; for the unequalled learning which has adorned the judicial bench, and still more for the incorruptible ...

[No title]

... GLEANINGS- GEORGE THE FOURTH TO TIIE DUKE OF WEL- LINGTON .—The battle of Victoria was fought on the 2Lst June, 1813, the English army was successful, and their leader attracted the eyes of all Europe, as its certain deliverer l'roin the common enemy of its repose and safety. YVhen the news of that glorious victory reached this country, the Duke (then Marquis, received the following letter ...


... OLDHAM RIOTS. On the coroner's inquest on the body of James Bentley, a verdict of manslaughter has been returned against John Isherwood and James Donelly, two of the men who assisted for two hours to keep oft' the mob which attacked Mr. Thompson's factory, and prevented it from being totally destroyed. They were committed 10 Lancaster ga,)I, there to await the issue of their trial. One of the ...


... MARRIED. On the 25th ult at Nuneham, Lord M.P. for Oxf,),.(Is,il.e, el,lest soil of the Earl of Abingdon, to Miss Ilarcourt, only child of G. V. Harcourt, li q. Also M.P. for Oxfordshire. On Saturday last, at Lancarren, Herefordshire, by the Rev. D. Piice, Mr. Joseph Street, cf Trrribble, second son of Mr. Street, of Kilreege, to Anno, second daughter ui Mr. T. Dowle, of Heruithcn Comrt, all ...


... CARDIFF. FOREIGN, ENTERED INWARDS—The Neptune, Bell, Bordeaux, and the Latumigina Gezina, De Jonge, Amster- dam, in ballast; the Alfred, Cock, Smyrna, and the Augustine, Seller, Havre. CLEARED OUTWARDS.—The Marcella Maria, Cor- mack, Ancona, the Elizabeth, Teasdale, Smyrna, the Jufirouw Hendrica, Schollen, Amsterdam, the Onder. neming, Flik, Rotterdam, the Leopold 1. De Vrics, Eblana, Maychell ...


... IMPERIAL PA HU AM EST. ( Continued from our last page.) HOUSE OF LORDS-WEDNESDAY. The Prisoner's Counsel Bill, the Great Western Railway Bill, the England Highways Bill, and the Stannaries (Cornwall) Court Bill were read a first time. A great number of petitions for support to the Church were presented. After some conversation on Church patronage in Scotland, their lordships adjourned. HOUSE ...

I»CHi P To ic /, us Til A TIOXS.—No. bl -

... FASHIONABLES, itc. THE DUKF, OFWELLINGTON.-IT is not generally known that since his appointment to the office of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports his Grace has paid to the Treasury, for the public service, the whole amount of the proceeds of his office. A BROAD HIST TO THE WHIGS.—A meeting of Conservative members of the two Houses of Par- liament and other distinguished persons of the same ...

[No title]

... WOOL TRADE.—This article has obtained a verv high price, and,is now little abort of what it was at the highest period of the war. Coarse moor wool, such as is generally produced in the higher districts of Dumfrieshire, and in Galloway, is now selling in the Liverpool market at 16s. and 17s. per stone of 241bs-, which three years ago would have scarcely brought 55.; while the fine qualities of ...