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Advertisements & Notices

... A Y N 0 LHOU, J. Ij UCU~ S ?? 20110 151 ., s v repet f Iiilh ot. LII UR FRO LON) , with a nlost .S qjro1jqi of alulnttilicing,, ver ly respect*;ridiv, s lais latc '1M 1 RN F ROM vlt~rr~i Xt- iitr ~.ou eit cc a l sat utIt. it. It ii t at ~ ?? nontat.ttdt t - v y Novelt f rom tho e rlia mp extell it e :aw, ; valoithic l Stock ; r., thu : ellia6 esoin, Sesl~ietc~tin, gc Ii taln MVircLouses ;11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Festiniog Railway Carnarvon, March 20th, 1834. I have read with some degree of sorrow, though with little astonishment, the representations which Mr Archer has thought proper to make in the 'Carnarvon Herald' and in the 'North Wales Chronicle,' in reference to my connection with the Festiniog Railway. My regret is that he should have obtruded upon the public a wild and rambling ...

I,- IVyoney to Lend

... NY Saim frmmm X3,tItO. to 24, 000. Trust Mtalley. is ?? readly to be advanieed nil ap . ,vm I.;;td Serurity-IiteresL after the rate Ot. (ire letter pnst paid) to Mr. SAMUEL. *Xmmtl mey Street, -Mlaancimster. P. B. '[his 7iotllmey uay remain. TO E ILET, '011t Ycar to Year, or0 or a Y'cnn of Years, AVITH ItMMiEDIATE' P(ISSESSION, 1lWr. maiversally-ndmired MANSION of 13RYN. j IfY ltiON elmtmnilti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... di' )tIsUANT to a Decree if the High (Jnio it 1-1C11hascery,.onAtte in a Cause., PRICE agaiisto HERMtN, tile Creditors of Robert Price, late of i all tepant, iii the Parish of Llattraethly, lnuthe conrity tf Anvglesey, deceased, (Whol died (in or n aoithe l9th day 11f June 1832) are n tor before r te 2i~tl _Marc 1834, Lio conic in and pretei Idebts bel'ore ?? Hovooaunile lithert Lord IHenley, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ty; WA tp, I . I tICS. Respictahe YII' as an APPRENTi8CE Co- A t a~ Cemis adDuggist, in a floorishiog~ the paid) to J. BitoWN, North Wales Chronlicle.Officec.. tile WV. C. HARRIS,V* . ( Igh Wine and Spirit Merchant i hat BEAUM ARIS,J* itY, -bESPEcTFULL.Y intimates to his~ Friends DUS Iii and the Pubilic that he has succeedectio the C it' business carried on by his Grandfather, the late j,. my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiHE COMPANIONS of the Order of the W DRUIDS are desired to take Notice, that the ANNIVERSARY MEETING *rill be held at the WILLIAMS 13ULKELEY AnMs HOTEL, BEAuiAniis, onl TiHURsDAY, the 28th day of AuGUsT, 1834. JOHN JONES, Secretary. -Castle-street, Beaumaris, 14th August, 1884. N.B.-No Claims upon the Society for Rewards for Services rendered to Persons in Distress by Shipwreck, or. other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lo-NDON HOUSE' 'X Xg BANGOR. MERCER AND FURRIER To theil Royal 1iy/yincSscS t/he Duthess qf IKent andi Princess Victoria, ,i Opprtunity oll lnlfiti alailies in the Principality, that lie has just returnbd from Mvi, S f1K OF WIN Il'ER GOODS is now ready for inspection, consisting a s (hiresortiticit o, Freltcb and British Shawvls, 1eli noes, Silks, Damask Cloaks, Dresses, i~olS. ?? -ilsol 1ae ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAR LEG HUNT 11 t.hv place THIS DAY TuESIAY, the ?? Of SSCIMIEt IIS, O\le ?? tiller Sol- to be falvoured with thel con. ?? dite inbers an(l Fricnds of the Meeting. IE VIS TIIEI W7A LL, Esq. Comptroller. ?? ANWYL Eq. Deputy. Tj~c Qjl)iN1AsiL on TcRasosY, at Four o'clock. BIR1MINGHAM 13-U0iECAL FESTIVAL, ?? TIHE rENIEFIT OF Idiii CIs ?N-E RAL HOSPITAL, (rarI the 7di, Sil, 9th, and 10th, 1834, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice is hereby Given, rTHA'l' a GENERAL COrMl'MrIEE MEET. r ING of the ANGLESEY AUXILIARY jIBLE SOCIETY, will be held at LZLANERCIIY rsEno, on FRIDAY, the 1l1th day of FeoBRUARY, 1S34, at ii I'clock in thle forenoon, foir the purpose of evalninin all Aceounts ?? to tile So ciety; at which tleetinlg ?? difflerent r3unch So cieties are particularly requested to attend with their Books of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? f-I1 ill r, IS, Vjea S`,iri5 PMerchant, x, II t . lillS, I r ilinilates to his Friends lii I itlit lilkt hei bils succeeded io the iishis 61-Loriillittltie, thle late ' ;li i'i . ii oilies ih strict DIttentioin ; ; ci rI, f; 'et hiil i i st c t Inerit a, a -itt ishei if, siarq.-W. C. 11. 0 t~t;, I ,!,qc II lle las s luiterest whit. t a, ,s mC-ICCI'D l~iit ?? nile iii Castle-street, i Ir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C rthe Notice is Ahereby Given~ itf OSIrVEItAT the PARTNERSHIP lately suibsistinig OrIT,,,Abetween Is, the undersigned,,id~'tl1 toivan ol dcar fi onit in thle eour~ty of. Carnatrvolfl, as Grocers, Pall, rea Dealers, and Stayd'ruhalers, was this day Dis g. thle solved by mesuttal consent; and that the samne ?? he Business wrill be -carried onl by ithe 'hidaersigited MIARGAXRET PRICE, on'~ser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ng PWLL-aELI SAVINGS EBANJ. led GENERAL ANNUIAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT, for the Year ending 20th NovESBER, 1834. six CHARGE. . s. d DISC[HARGE. £. s. d. lie To BaIlance due on the 20th Nov. 1833, fi ?? Soms actually paid to Deposi- incloding Literest, as per last return 9704 16 5 i tors in Money, including Inte- led b 'To Sums received of Depositors, rest, within the Year ending . ~ elvithin thc ...